Tuesday, February 1, 2011

F is for February Freakout

It's already February?? Well usually I'd be embracing the closeness of spring and all things related, but in senior terms, new month means less time. Less time to figure all this crazy stuff out. And even before the dreaded "G" word, senior portfolio is staring me in the face like the meanest looking shark that ever lived (I say shark only because I find them to be the scariest animal in the world) So that should help to illustrate my feelings about the whole thing.

I feel like I am Judy Bloom in a sea of peers who write fantasy, or sci-fi, or mystery. To say I feel like the black sheep would be an understatement, but after a few good pep talks I am here to talk about how I am embracing it and not how I am hating it. I cut my manuscript down from 106 pages to 96... (they want around 60...) but that's progress! Plus, it will most likely move in a different direction after I meet with my advisors countless times before my March deadline.

This weekend marks the end of my last RUSH! This is my sixth semester and I think I am okay with saying farewell. It is exciting and weird all at the same time but it's definitely a good time. Frat parties don't sound as fun, my weekend tolerance has subsided, and I get exhausted quicker. Man, 21 has opened a whole new can of worms, haha. BUT I'm hanging in there ;) You know you're old when the freshman girls we are looking at are 18... I will be 22 soon.... NOT OKAY.

I threw on the wheel in ceramics yesterday, and after two failed attempts I made a bowl that was decent enough to keep. YAY! I don't know how it will stack up when I compare it to things I am making in April (hopefully!) but for now it is my pride and joy :) I am trimming it tomorrow and will tell you how it goes!

To end, had yoga tonight sans spiders, thank goodness they took the hint and avoided my mat at all costs. I left feeling relaxed and bug-free.

A shout out to my little sister who is battling yet another east coast storm. Hang in there Meg! Good thing Mom and Dad stocked you up on good winter clothes for christmas.... I won't tell you that I wore a sundress to class today.... whoops ;)

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