Wednesday, November 28, 2007

hello hello

It has almost been a week since Ive update which can kind of give you an idea of how busy Ive been. Im definately not looking forward to my next 2+ weeks of prep for finals/finals however getting through it all will only put me back home for holiday break :) which im SO LOOKING FORWARD TO. There are many things piling up and frequent breakdowns are bound to surface... its inevitable.
Reguardless, Im trucking through it all and hoping my hard work will pay off when semester grades are finalized.

Things Im (not) looking forward to:

Psyc Test: next thrusday
Bio 45min Presentation: next tuesday
6-8 page paper in english on Shakespeare... 2 of them.
Spanish skit: 5min memorized in front of the class
ahhhhh... oh and mom and i's new 'no sugar' kick for the holidays.. wooohooooo.......

downloaded some new xmas songs onto the ipod.. HOLIDAY SPIRIT!!!!♥

Thursday, November 22, 2007

happy thanksgiving! (i'm home!!!)

Happy Thanksgiving to all my family and friends :)
I got home tuesday night after a full day of cleaning, packing, driving, and two flights. It is so amazing to be home, I absolutely love it. 34 degrees and feeling good! Yesterday I went driving with Megan and got to ride in her new car, yah! We ran some errands and got lunch with Anjelica and Liz at the French Hen, yum yum. Then I went for a run with dad and had a nice home cooked dinner!

♥Things I have missed:

Not having to wear shoes in the shower
Opening a refridgerator
Lying on a couch
Using a stove
Carmel cookies :)
My dog, miss abbey
My bed (it looks so much lower! weird i know..)
Colorful leaves, bare trees
Lakewood :) familiar streets, places, etc.
Wearing jackets and scarfs
Running outside
Bubble baths
Changing in a room without a towel wrapped around me
Uggs & boots

**the list could go on forever, so to sum it up I miss home and am so happy to be back here. I hope everyone has an aamazing thanksgiving. I am thankful for my family and friends and the time we get to share together.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

2 days!

2 days until I'm back in lovely Washington! :) It almost surreal feeling, as if I've been at camp or something and have almost forgotten what home looks like. The only thing I have to get through is my spanish test tommorrow... thats all. Once I make it through that ill be well on my way to celebrating the holiday and enjoying a relaxing much needed break.
Thank you mom&meg for the red nail polish! I've so festive I put it on my toes and liked it so much it is now on my fingers. yah! im addicted.
See everyone soon! Very, very soon!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

all registered

I am offically registered and ready for spring semester classes.
They are as follows:

MWF: Spanish 202 (9:30am)
MWF: Math 102 (11:00am)
TTH: Intro to World Literature (9:30am)
TTH: Women, Sex & Western Religion (11:30am)

May Term: Community Service... havent quite decided on what kind yet! :)

Registering... stressful, chaotic, exciting, releaving!
allllll donnneeeee! check it off my list :D

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

one week!

I'm home in a week! Honestly... the best feeling in the world.

Things to Do before I leave:

- study for spanish test
- do load of laundry
- pack essentials
- mapquest Palm Springs airport
- wash my car
- paint toe nails
- write draft for english paper
- register for next semester classes
- organize desk
- turn in add/drop slip
- tan! haha
- work on my "re-shaping"


when things get too deep
too quickly
sometimes you are just blinded by the instant good feeling
you choose not to see
that what you are doing does not fix your hurt
but acts only as a band-aid for that wound that just won't heal.

i always seem to find those feel good band-aids
and never seem to worry about the scar they leave.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I ♥ sunday's

it was another amazing lazy day... i do in fact love my sundays, there basically what I live for. In the span of 9 hours I watched 3 distracted episodes of FRIENDS, Ratalouliee, 1/2 a season of Americas Next Top Model, and Desperate housewives :)
I dont feel too bad about my unproductive-ness becuase Lo and I had a super productive saturday. I FINALLY got my camera fixed :) when to taget, trader joes, this cute shoe store, gas station, and washed my sheets. Afterwards, we worked out and had a healthy dinner at the plaza. It the best feeling in the world when laundry is done, bed is made, room is clean, and fridge is stocked. Geezz I feel like such an adult lately. Well except for the 9 hour tv/movie marathon :D
This week is the home stretch... 10 days until im home! Im getting so excited.
Register for classes on WEDNESDAY AT 4:30pm... hopefully i get into the ones I want. I'm kind of nervous about avalibility of my writing workshop I want to take. It's mainly a sophomore class so the spaces could fill up quickly, but theres always the waiting list and add/drop slips.
Otherwise, all is well and good. Weeks have flown by, it feels like only last week Mom and Megan were here to see me in early october.. and now its nearing mid-november.
As much as I love it here I miss home sooo much. Seeing everyone is going to be amazing. Not having to put a seatcover before using the bathroom, wearing shoes in the shower, taking student cards to meals, doing my own laundry..... the perks of college life, huh? ;)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

weekend is looking soo amazing.. one stressfull week id like to forget about

My psych text is over FINALLLYY! omgoodnesss..
The weekend is here Delta party tonight... ahhhh everything feeeellsss sooo much bettteerrrr.
what a life what a life.

:D wouldn't want to change a thing.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


blah. I have so much to do. The only thing keeping me going is holiday break coming up in exactly 2 weeks. I miss home and WA and the little lakewood :) I have a psyc test tomorrow that ive been studying for, and should be right now. After my test everything will slow down a little. It's been 2 1/2 months since I've been home, in my house, in my bed and I miss it! ahhh days are still warm here, nights are getting colder. Im so excited for Thanksgiving i think I have a problem, lol. Mom just texted me and said were doing el guacho on saturday night, yah! :D never been and so excited for some yummy food! ahhhhh.
I'm tired and grumpy and the Williams showers are doing something weird again where we only get hot water sometimes. Could someone please tell me when sometimes is so I know when to hop in? great, thanks.
Delta party tomorrow night. Excited. Really Excited. But cannot think about it until after 1220 tomorrow (when test is over) its not even a HUGE test im just stressing over it because theres so much information to know and its hard to process it all.
Pushing through...

Movies Ive seen: American Gangster, Bee Movie.
American G- good, informative, kinda violent (had to close my eyes for some parts!) but overall good.
Bee Movie- very cute! kinda like finding nemo type. cute cute :D

CONGRATULATIONS TO MISS TIFFANY AND KORY NEWGARD ON THEIR NEW BABY GIRL. Avery Jeanne Newgard. Pictures have been circulating and shes adorable!!!