Wednesday, April 30, 2008

May term!!

my days are filled with community service at the Y, tennis, and fun. Loving the sun :)
It was 100 degrees on Monday, way too hot.. but the 80's are coming.
Saturday we have regional's at Pomona and are probably playing UC Santa Cruz at 3pm.
Saturday night we have a GO GREEN party at the delta house and I'm sober host, woohoo!!
Hopefully I'll start getting some of my stuff together and shipping things home, the end is near!
Enjoying my last month in cali but looking forward to a summer home :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

my amazing birthday weekend..!

so i had an absolutely AMAZING 19th birthday and am so sad it is all over. Megan flew in thursday night and before our trip to disneyland began. I was so excited to see her!! She made me a great CD for the car that we put in on our way to LA to pick up Lizzie. Thursday night we ate dinner at Grandma Mary and Grandpa Dave's, played Scrabble, went to Ben&Jerry's for some ice cream, and watched Grey's Anatomy. I was recovering from streap throat that I got Wednesday and went to urgent care for. I cannot describe how painful streap throat is. When I was younger and would get sick I would be get tested for streap throat thinking I had it but never did. NOW i KNOW the difference between a cold and the real thing. I couldn't even swallow water without cringing. It was awful. I couldn't sleep, I felt like I was up every hour, and kept getting hot-sweats.
ANYWAYS, friday came and hilary, megan, and i trucked it up to UCLA to pick up Liz. After some navigation issues, Starbucks stop, and two CD's we picked up Liz and headed for the "happiest place on earth" =)
By 1245 all four of us were entered in Disneyland ready for the rides!!
For my birthday dinner we went to dinner at Downtown town disney and I had a yummy pizza. My throat was still feeling if'y so I opted for something soft. Then we went back and I opened presents from the girls and they had a mini birthday cupcake delivered to our hotel room so I could blow a candle out! It was SO cute. After presents we went to a Disney parade on a lake and enjoyed the festivities.
Saturday we did California Adventure by the end of the day we were very tired and had our fill of disney fun! When we were done for the day Hil and Meg headed back to the hotel while Liz and I did shopping! I got a very cute dress/shirt that might have been over priced but it was my birthday splurge ;)
Saturday night we went to dinner at Calente (?) and then went to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was hilarious!!!! Omgoodness it was very funny. Liz had already seen it but liked it soo much she made us see it too.
We stayed at the Grand Californian and it was amazing! We entered right into the park and I loved it, it was so nice.
Everyone in the parks are always so nice, it truly is the happiest place on earth =) yah!!

Favorite Ride: Soarin' over California or Space Mountain
Biggest Disapointment: It's a small world was under construction!! until holiday season 08 :(
Favorite Part: Getting to spend the whole long weekend with 3 of my favorite people ever!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

my birthday!! =)

so its my birthday and im in DISNEYLAND and I just wanted to post really quick because i felt really guilty for not keeping up! I get back to the land of red on sunday and will have prepared a full update before I begin may-term!!
yah for being 19 =)

and I LOVE some of my favorite girls EVER who came with me. Megan, Lizzie, and Hil!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

finaalllss.. and some SunShINe :)

So I haven't updated in a while. Finals this week!! Ahh...
I'm in the library right now working on a religion paper that is due on Thursday.
This weekend was just ok, last night was Jackie's last Saturday night out and about in Redlands since she isn't staying for mayterm so her and I went out to a delicious sushi dinner at Niko Niko's.. it was delicious!! Then I had a tennis party with the guys team because we all had our last league matches yesterday. WE BEAT CLAREMONT :) and boy's lost.... but we were all very excited that we won on THEIR courts plus the big rivalry, etc.
I woke up at noon today, longest I've slept in since I've been here. It was probably because both Yaiza and Nicolette weren't in the room for the night so I had the whole room to myself, queit and dark. Went to bed late but not to the point where I would usaully sleep till 12 so I think the weekend definately wore me out!
I should get back to my paper soon. Tonight we have a delta meeting at 6 and then after I'm hoping to come here again so I can finsh this before this crazy week of tests begins.
I have two finals on Wednesday and one on Friday and then one final paper due.
SCIACS regional tournament is on Friday and Saturday of this week. woohoooo.
Were going out to dinner with a few girlfriends on Friday night as a farewell to Jackie.. shes getting her tonsils out and will be missed!!
love from the sun (95 out today!!) =) xoxo

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

2 more weeks of classes!!

2 more weeks of classes and things are starting to build up.. ahhh! 3 finals, one final paper. CSAC contract due on April 9th for May term community service class Hil and I are taking.
Just got back from palm springs with the fam!! =) so SO much fun.
Sunday was Dad's b-day so we went to grandpa dave and grandma mary's with the Milgard's for dinner. It was nice to see them and chitchat with Meg and Linds!!
Monday was a day in the sun, Keedy's breakfast, yummy dinner at Flemming's and good family time. After dinner we got some ice cream at BJ's and ohhed-and-ahh'ed at a family with 4 girls... omgoodness. Dad's response: "I'd cry." hahahahahahah
We all sat around and watched Wedding Crashers after dinner, mom (to her defense) did NOT fall asleep, Megan also avoided giving Dad a foot rub, and austin was abnormally calm. I of course was watching intently.
Back at school but planning on driving over again tomorrow after math and staying until Thursday morning. How can I resist not seeing them all when there only a hour away? =)

OHANA"S.. bbl