Friday, December 10, 2010

Essay on nature

I realized all of the post I had made lately were mostly pictures, so I wanted to share a piece I am working on. It is for my 411 Literary Magazine class and I was supposed to write an essay on nature. It is a work in progress, but here it is!

"Nature has been an artist’s inspiration for centuries. It is through nature that we get the truest sense of ourselves. The washed up froth of the raging seas to the virgin snow on a hidden peak—it stirs something inside all of us. Maybe this is because it is unavoidable; there is no escaping the wind or the sight of a fleeting blackbird. Or maybe it is because everything in nature is personal.

A snowy field on a crisp day is a father and child’s winter wonderland. It is Frosty the Snowman and snowball fights. It is hot cocoa and icy fingers. Bird watching from a lake’s shore is time spent between and mother and daughter. The way the bald eagle bobs in and out of the tops of evergreens is the even breath of a moment shared. The tender arch of the moon’s backside is the way her bare back looks beneath the sheets. A stunning morning glow highlights her golden curls.

It has been said that nature is all around us, and although that is no doubt true, it is even closer to our being. Nature is apart us. Instead of being the greedy consumers that we as humans fall victim to, the organic life that pristinely grows without poke or prod is our reminder that life is delicate. Taking the time to pause in admiration allows for this vital shift from superficial big picture to the smaller details. In this issue we are exploring this attention to detail through a series of pieces that all compliment one another, some in more obvious ways than others. Every author holds their own moments of understanding and admiration for the life that we have each been given—one that rests like a hummingbird on the lip of a petal, fragile and fleeting.

I was six when I realized there was more out there than Sesame Street and school recess. We took a field trip to an apple orchard, it was autumn and my family and I had just gone to pick out pumpkins days before. I didn’t know exactly what we would be doing there, our teacher kept calling it an apple squeeze but that just confused me more. Apples were too hard to squeeze, weren’t they? When we got there, an older man in overalls told us to circle up while he explained how they turned the fruit into apple juice. It was a crisp day; my nose was cold and pink from the wind. Huge trees lined the farm, their leaves looked like the bold colors from my Crayola box.

Some kids started out at the big juicer while others, like myself, were taken out deeper into the estate to learn more about apple trees. Up until this point I held onto the notion that fruit came from somewhere, of course, but the “somewhere” part hadn’t been completely worked out. We followed the man in overalls like a row of perfect ducklings, winding in and out of trees and scattered wheelbarrows.

The man led us to a small dirt clearing in the middle of all the trees. He took a seat in the dirt and motioned for us to do the same. The ground felt soft and damp under my palms. The man cleared his throat, ran his dirt-caked hand through his full head of graying hair, and began to tell us a story. Wide-eyed, we listened. I felt the wind stop—I don’t think it wanted any of his words to get lost. He spoke of a man named Johnny Appleseed and I was captivated. I remember the way he spoke, slow and methodically, with purpose.

It all made sense. The life in the dirt below my palms, the tiny seeds that held so much. The man finally gave me a reason to tolerate cloudy days—the seeds needed the rain to grow. So many things came together for me at that moment, on the floor of the apple orchard on a day nearing Halloween. I had this overwhelming appreciation for all the life I couldn’t see but knew was out there. Johnny Appleseed knew it, too. "

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Informal in Palm Springs!

Our informal was last night in Palm Springs! I wanted to share some pictures from all the festivities! It was such a fun night and I have the pictures to prove it :) My date is Matt, Hilary took Cameron, and the 4 of us had quite the night out!

Matt and I :)
My 3 favorites♥
Hilary and Cameron!
me with some of my babies!!
Emily and I :)
Chi Sig & Deltas!
Nat and I... love her!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Pictures!

From geeks to ballerinas to where's waldo to cowgirls.... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
En Fuego: 2010. Knock em' DEAD 9

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hello Fall!

It's that time of year again... where the air gets a little colder, pumpkins find their places out on front door stoops and costumes are the talk of the town. Halloween is just around the corner!! I was thinking Pochantus or Tinkerbell. Decisions, decisions!
Things have been quite a whirlwind since my last post 3 weeks ago. We welcoming 9 amazing girls into our sisterhood and I couldn't be more excited. The process is 6 weeks, which means we're half way done. It's been classes, Delta, writing, Delta, homework, and more Delta and I am loving every minute of it. Some days I find myself a little low on sleep but I just remember why I am doing this and the girls make everything seem worth while.
It was homecoming this past weekend and we CLEANED UP. Seriously. Football played Occidental and we ended up winning 51-7 or something ridiculous like that and soccer killed, 4-1. Talk about a reason to celebrate! Friday night we went to the bars with all the alumni in town (including my big sis, my pledge mom from HAWAII, and a miss jenna tempkin :) ) Ahhhhh. It was so much fun. They are not used to us being 21 and able to partake in such activities so it was a nice change of pace from campus frat parties.
Saturday morning we had an Alumni Brunch at the Delta house. It was a really nice social hour and we had mimosas and I introduced all the old and washed up graduates to my babies :) They were SO cute and not shy at all. Every fall our alums award a Delta Girl of the Year at the brunch and this year I was chosen. I was so surprised and flattered, it really meant a lot to me. They engraved my name on a plaque with the other recipients that hangs in the house, gave me a silver charm with my name on it, and a check for $200. It was WAY to nice and I am still in shock. Everyone votes on a senior, so the nomination came from my sisters.
This coming Friday we have our annual fundraiser party, En Fuego. Saturday is Greek Presents (and early halloween celebrations) and Sunday is Halloween!
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks; football games, sports functions, a random one night in VEGAS, and more.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oh the thrill of it all...

It feels like Christmas. I could barely sleep last night, getting to bed somewhere around 230am and waking up at 7. TODAY IS BID DAY!!!! And I am freaking out. In four hours we will be welcoming new babies into Delta. I am terrified, excited, nervous, elated, stoked, and all of the above. You have to be a sophomore or older to rush in the fall so the small fact that I won't be dealing with freshmen is pretty reassuring. Starting today, for the next 6 weeks my life is going to be full of purple. I will have many little ones looking up to me and calling me "mom." Maybe this responsibility is amazing birth control... after week 2 I am told I will just want to rip out all of my hair. BUT I feel like it will be different. I love every one of these girls and I am so excited to be calling them sisters soon.
We will find out who took our bids around noon today. In a half hour we all get to the house and start crafting. While they are waiting for their bids, we are waiting for them at the house. I think it's a cool tradition. 3:30pm they find us at an off campus house, they meet me for the first time, and the day begins!
On another note, I wanted to give a little shout out to my wonderful, amazing, incredible sister, who turned 19!!!!!! on Thursday. 19. God, that makes me feel old! Haha. But seriously, I am so lucky to have a sister as amazing as Megan... with each year you only turn more into the incredible woman I know you are.
Ok, I have to get out of bed and start embarking on the craziest most wonderful most exciting day of MY LIFE..... honestly, I am like school girl giddy. Oh my...
Mom & Dad: I hope you guys have a blast in NY visiting the birthday girl!!! I am there in spirit :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello heat!

It was a hot one this weekend, topping out at 108 degrees, WOAHH! Anything above 100 starts to feel the same but it was disgusting nonetheless. Blah! Thursday we had a football function, Friday was dedicated to getting ready for Formal Rush, Saturday was Formal rush, and yesterday was a homework day!
I am just getting so excited for Saturday I really cannot stand it. All these girls are so cute and I've fallen in love with so many of them... Saturday cannot come soon enough! This whole week will be dedicated to finishing up all the things I need to get ready for them. I have to print out pages for their new member books, finishing tying ribbon on the book sleeves, and get their Bid Day things together. So much to do and SO EXCITED for it to finally comeeee!!!!
Here is a picture of (most of) the seniors at formal rush:
And this is me and Natalie, the president. Come Saturday, we will be very busy girls these next 6 weeks!

I wanted to share a poem Nana sent me, it is pretty and simple and I loved it :)
Some Say
Some say you're lucky
If nothing shatters it.
But then you wouldn't
Understand poems or songs.
You'd never know
Beauty comes from loss.
It's deep inside every person:
A tear tinier
Than a pearl or thorn.
It's one of the places
Where the beloved is born.
for Lisa
Gregory Orr

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What a week!

Well, Rush has officially begun! Our informal was last night. Our theme was Superhero and our slogan: Have no fear, Delta is here! It was super cute and the girls got really into it! We have 111 rushees, needless to say it was overwhelming but in a good way :) Our formal rush is Saturday and then recruitment events are all next week. Wahoo!
On other topics, my looming senior portfolio is starting to freak me out, like really. A novel was not something I saw myself working on at 21 (ha) but, I'm jumping right in! It's a pretty daunting assignment. And strangely enough the biggest challenge is just blocking out a chunk of time for just me and my laptop. No phones. No facebook. My first 40 pages are due in 2 weeks. Eek! Updates to come...
Wanted to share some pictures.... just from random weekend fun :) Tonight we have a function with the football team, jersey themed, and tomorrow it's back to the library for me!
Oh PS: Week 2 of YOGGAA and I'm in love ♥ (and sore........) ;)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Senior Fall!

Some pictures from the last week or so, enjoy!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I have not abandoned my blog!

So I'm not going to say I didn't think about it. After a semester abroad I came to a point where since I was no longer able to write about my weekend trips to Italy and Switzerland, blogging seemed pretty boring. BUT I started this as a freshman in college and I want to finish it how I envisioned. A neat 4 year summary of all of my experiences, memories, pictures, and friendships.
I don't have any pictures to share quite yet, but I do have updates.
First and foremost, last week I said hello to my last year of college. I am a senior. What in the world? Honestly, I can so vividly remember my freshman year; moving in during a 110 degree heat wave, rushing, pledging, playing tennis, meeting best friends. It seems like the saying holds true, time flies when you're having fun. And oh has it flown.
As I said before, I am pledge mom this semester and I truly CANNOT WAIT. Rush starts next week and on October 2nd I will have little delta babies to call my own.
Class wise I am swamped with what every senior goes through. Their senior capstones, final workshops, senior portfolios, blah blah blah. I only have one assignment in my final fiction workshop and that is simply to write a novel. Write a novel, the professor said, as if she were telling us to color a picture. Write a what? I asked Amy, one of my fellow English majors sitting next to me. This was announced last week during our first class so I guess I've had a week to get used to the idea but not really. Ha.
I also decided to join the 2010-2011 staff of the Redlands Review. The RR is our university's literary magazine and it is a full year commitment. I'm really excited because this is the only taste of journalism I have gotten since I've been here and I love the process of literary journalism. Everything from copy editing to layout.
I also am embarking on a new chapter in my life... yoga! I am currently going through an emotionally draining and hard break up, so I thought it is as good a time as any to make a few changes and get happy again :)
Today was my first class, 9-10:30am and I loved it! I have never EVER sweat so much in my entire life. I mean it. I was dripping, my hands were slipping on my mat, and my vision would periodically become temporarily blurred by my salty toxins as I trying to relax. Relax? I felt like someone just threw me in the pool and then laid me on this mat ON LAND. The girl next to me was lightly dabbing her face with a cool towel while I, yoga-virgin and towel-less, sent limbs and sweat flying while I tried to remain cool, calm, and collected. Oh, and breathing.
That may seem like a headache of a class but minus the profuse sweating-no towel part, it was amazing! I feel rejuvenated and ready for the day.
So there's my little post. More to come, I promise! Stick with me as I conquer senior year and finish this whole college thing up the right way :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Gotta have faith

I haven't posted in what feels like ages. I guess, as of late, I've been reading more than writing. I'm in Bali right now, the third part of Gilbert's well known novel, Eat, Pray, Love. I think I talked about this book in a January post. My best guess is that the book and the progress that was made on it was abandoned once spring semester picked up. So here I am, a handful of months later, giving the story the time it deserves. With Julia Roberts starring in the film, I know it is one I won't be able to pass up. But I told myself I would not indulge in the movie until I have spent time with the book. And the movie comes out the 30th. Ready, set, go.
Of course anyone who is reading this and has read the book, you know what I'm going through. A path of self-existentialism? A re-thinking of the word, God? A craving growing so big and deep in my chest to just run off after college and pave my own path through the streets of Italy and the culture of the Balinese? Or all the above? I am not finished, so no book report yet. But what an incredible journey Gilbert has already painted. I can only hope some of her writing style is being mentally sticky-noted so my brain can effortlessly refer back to her voice when need be.
I have also read: The Girls from Ames (non-fiction) and True Colors, (novel).
My days are filled with working at a retirement community just across the bridge. A job that I could never have expected effecting me the way it has. I was going to blog through out the summer about my job and the hilarious stories/situations I find myself in daily, but between work and training for the race and reading/family time, blogging is usually near the bottom of my list.
But anyway, working with seniors is something I never in a million years saw myself doing. And never in a million years saw myself liking.
Bear with me, but before this summer I didn't especially care much for the 85+ crowd. I felt uncomfortable, out of my element. What do you even do with them anyway? Treat them like capable adults, only talk louder? Treat them like little kids, except they can tell me what to do? After all, they have 60+ on me. In my past experiences, I have also found that they smell like food, always look confused, make you repeat yourself like 30 times, and run over your heels with their walkers.
But against all odds, I fell into it. Into this small, smiley community. And have come out the other side with many more friends eligible for the early bird special. I take Dorothy grocery shopping and out the the seven things on her grocery list, we find five and it takes an hour. Barb usually comes to craft time, and at 88 is one of the busiest ladies I know. Chuck walks to the beat of his own drum, and never lets me clear his morning dishes. Leonard, at the ripe age of 95, still refuses to use his walker on a regular basis, and enjoys taking strolls outside and examining the trees, more specifically the leaves on the trees. Joan is suffering from dementia and her husband Tom is becoming increasingly agitated by her declining heath. At first you want to blame Tom, tell him he needs to be patient and supportive of Joan. But in Tom's eyes, it's not as much him getting angry at the small things just out of agitation, it's the frightening reality that he is slowly losing the one he loves. And scared that without her, there might not be a lot left for him to hold on to.
So yes, as you can see I am forming personal relationships with these people, and that is another reason why I didn't ever see myself entering this field. I am emotional. Whether it's PMS or any other random day of the month, I am a classic offender of the: care too much, worry too much, carry too much. Once I am emotionally invested in someone (which doesn't take long), I carry what they carry. Not because I want to, but because I truly feel like I am just the kind of person who is hardwired to. I carry another's loss for days, I sit with it and talk to it and try to understand it. Why does she have Multiple Myeloma? Why did he have to lose his wife? Why can't she remember?
Taking this into full circle, I feel like I could not be reading a more perfect book for what I am experiencing in my life right now. Faith.
As Gilbert puts it, "Faith is a belief in what you cannot see or prove or touch. Faith is walking full-speed and face-first into the dark. If we truly knew all the answers in advance as to the meaning of life and the nature of God and the destiny of our souls, our belief would not be a leap of faith and it would not be a courageous act of humanity; it would just be... a prudent insurance policy."
I guess you just gotta have faith.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Long time no post

Well I haven't posted in a while probably because I haven't found much that screamed blog-worthy. I am working/interning 5 days a week in Gig Harbor (Not working today because it's the 5th and I got the day off... waking up at 9am felt soooo good!) Two weeks ago Dad and I decided to embark on something new: running a 1/2 marathon: The Tacoma Narrows in August. August 7th to be exact. So we've been training for that.
Liz is here for the summmaaa so that has made me a happy girl :) She spent all weekend with me, we met up with some old friends at a bar on Saturday night, and went up to Seattle and did a cooking class Saturday morning. ONE SET BACK: We had tickets to go see Rihanna on Friday night, something we had been looking forward to for MONTHS! and it got cancelled. What a bummer! We have no quite forgiven her, it'll take a few more weeks I'm sure. ;)
Our French exchange student is coming in a week for two weeks. We planned a long weekend to Whistler, Canada as something fun to do. Zip lining, hiking, and shopping are some of the things on the agenda.
I am also getting the ball rolling on my abroad scrapbook. I went out and bought everything craft-wise for it with mom the other weekend and today I am planning on getting my pictures developed. Woooo, I am SO excited :)
Well, thats all for now. If I take some blog-worthy pictures I'll be sure to put them up!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I ♥ grey days

It wouldn't be home without the grey days of June. With a cup of coffee, the TODAY show and a antsy puppy that sits longing for that rainy morning walk, I am so happy to be home for the summer. Next week I start work, so this week is full of doctors apts and other odds and ends to get done before my schedule gets crazier. LIZZIE IS HERE! Finally. And I get her all summer! Which is fantastic. I'm already itching to get out to good ol' Vashon :)
Monday night some high school friends and I met up at the Tides Tavern in Gig Harbor. We were definitely the youngest people at the bar but it was really fun. Pitchers of beer and hilarious conversation... I think I'm adjusting to this whole 21 thing very nicely.
On the calendar:
Putt-putt date, doctor apt, coffee with Megan!, planning a trip to Forks, WA. Hello, Twilight. Engine-house karaoke, banana scrabble, baking with sissy, much needed hair apt., and the scrapbooking begins!

ps: If anyone is looking for a good book, I'm reading True Colors by Kristin Hannah right now and it is fantastic! I would also recommend Eat, Pray, Love (the movie is coming out soon!) and The Girls from Ames by Jeffery Zaslow (non-fiction, wonderful... mom: read!)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer's here... well almost

Well, Friday had to come. After an amazing few days, Jordan left yesterday (and I already miss him!) We went to Pike's Place, took Hank for walks, booze cruised on our boat, hot tubed (and jumped in the still freezing cold lake...) watched movies and just spent time together. I was so nice having him here and being able to show him around home, good ol' Lakewood, even if the weather didn't really pull through for us. But it was sunny on Tuesday and that's the day we picked to wander Pike's Place and boat so it worked :) It was perfect. It has been one day and I miss him.
But even with Jordan gone, it's still a madhouse over here. Megan had Baccalaureate last night which mom and dad went to and they had a great time. Austin still had a final this morning so Hank and I stayed in and I quizzed him on vocab. And tomorrow is the Big Day... my little sister is finally graduating high school. Wow. I thought she was going to be a freshman forever but surprise surprise! She is in fact growing up and headed off to New York in August. I am so excited for her to start this new chapter. If she even has close to the college experience I have been lucky to have she is going to love college and the friends she makes there just as much as everything she is leaving behind.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm back!

To say I owed a post would be an understatement. Since my last update, I have moved out of my apartment and said goodbye to Junior year, loaded my car and made the 19hr trek back home, spent a week in Maui, and helped celebrate my little sisters near graduation with a wonderful open house! Woooh!
And now I am sitting here, coffee in hand, home for the WHOLE summer, getting ready to tackle the obscene amount of luggage and clothing waiting for me in the laundry room. I am forcing myself to make today a productive one because tonight JORDAN IS VISITING!!! :) He is taking the train from Portland and getting in a little after 8pm and staying until Friday. I am so excited to see him and show him around my neck of the woods. And the sun is supposed to make an appearance tomorrow so I'm thinking that might be the perfect day to explore Pike's Place. :) yay
My friend Bret came over last night after Megan's open house and it was very nice to see him. We sat out on the dock and drank beer and talked. My first official night of summer, and however yucky it was outside, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way :)
My mom took this picture of the trees across our lake and it was too pretty not to post. I missed this incredible sunset when I was in Hawaii, but I guess I can't complain ;)

Friday, May 21, 2010

1 week?!

Well, I just woke up and realized a week from today Hilary and I will be partaking on epic car ride #4. I can't believe we've made the journey three other times. It feels like just yesterday we were driving down for the beginning of sophomore year. Wow. And just one last week of junior year remains. Hmmm, where has the time gone?
This weekend we have our annual Delta Lingerie Party (don't worry, its more like cute short lacy dresses than parading around in bras and underwear...) AND Lucky Lager (a beer scavenger hunt with the soccer team) and then one more week of classes and we're DONE.
My class has been such a positive experience for me. I look forward to every day of class and want to soak up everything our teacher, Fran, has to say. My journal that I have been keeping, I feel like in ways has temporarily replaced my blog. Since we are supposed to write in it everyday, I find myself spilling my daily feelings on the the pages instead of my usual routine of writing here. Don't worry, the class only has one more week and then I'll be back to writing about my PMS or exciting highlights, haa.
We have already made a dent in packing/the storage unit/all the above. I have nightmares about how stressful it has been in years past so getting a head start has made a world of difference. That's all for now. Its been in the 80's all this week, I was at the pool yesterday and burned my back :( BUT I can't complain in the slightest...
A week from tomorrow I will be back in lovely WASHINGTON, (only for one night) and then off to HAWAII for a week with Hilary, Jackie, and her parents. Woooohooooooo. No complaints :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Animal Planet

It's 11pm on a Saturday and I'm in for the night. Weird, huh? First Saturday in a while and it feels SO nice! The girls and I went to Mexican and then saw Robin Hood (which I would recommend to anyone! Russell Crowe, mmmmmm) and now bed sounds pretty nice.
Today was a pool day. It was 85 out and the perfect "nothing" day to spend sunning. I woke up pretty late from a very late night last night. Jordan and I went to go see Ben Folds in Anaheim at the House of Blues. It was a blast. Ben is a pianist who also sings and is overall just awesome. We listened to a lot of his stuff when we were abroad so it was really neat that we could see him together. Regina Specktor opened for him, she is this really cute Australian girl and this guy on a guitar and they were absolutely hilarious. She sang a song about getting a Facebook friend request from a man who had done her wrong, you may have had to be there, but she was great. The concert went until midnight, and Anaheim is a little over an hour away, so taking into account the In-N-Out drive thru detour, we were in bed laaaaate.
BUT I seemed to have a semi-productive day. Did some reading for class. Journaled. Tanned. Showered. Packed a few more things up so we can make our first trip to the storage unit tomorrow (grudgingly taking Mom's advice and spacing out the enormous task of packing and spreading it out over a couple weeks...) I hope everyone had as good a weekend as I did. FRIENDS and it's goodnight for me :)
OH WELL I feel I should amend that statement by saying I'm going to attempt to fall asleep. The apartment above ours (4 cross country girls) NEVER have people over, we really never even hear them. Yes, we know we are lucky with how many guys basketball and football apartments there are here. But of course, the one night I choose to stay in, they choose to throw the bash of the year! I think it's themed "Mix'n'match" ? Because every once in a while someone stumbles down the stairs in boxers, some God-awful hat, a t-shirt, and a tie. So, music blaring, little screeching cross-country girls, and stomping feet... it's really like Animal Planet invaded 224.
The animals and I are going to try and get some rest. Sleep tight.

Thursday, May 13, 2010