Friday, December 28, 2007

a quiet morning

It has been over a week since I've written last, the holidays consuming most of my free time, so I wanted to write about the various current happenings. Maddie spent the night last night and she and Megan are still sleeping. We had a girls night last night (mom included) and went to see 'ps: i love you,' which I had higher expectations for. Then we came back and Maddie opened her present from us and we played scrabble. Before our girls night started Aidan stopped by to say hi. I hadn't seen him since June, so it was a nice surprise. He was abroad for a semester and spent the summer away as well so having him home feels good :)
We leave for Sun Valley tomorrow morning. A week of family time and skiing! I'm not bringing my cell phone and completely cutting myself off from all social connections, friends, and drama. I think it will be really good for me to have some time to myself before next semester starts and my life turns into strictly school, tennis, and sorority stuff (possibility).
Being home for longer than a few days has started to set in and I'm loving waking up in the morning and being able to open a refrigerator. PLUS I do not have to get somewhat dressed and put on shoes to get breakfast. That will be truly missed.
Even so, I am getting excited to see my girls again. It has been about 2 weeks and I miss them dearly. But hopefully this last week doesn't go by too fast!

Hope everyone's holidays were as special as mine. ♥

ps: it snowed on christmas! even though it didn't stick, it was so pretty!! :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

lots of rain

How much do I miss home? Enough to be absolutely enjoying these cold, wet, cloudy days. That's just HOW much :D

Everything seems darker as the day progresses and nothing seems to change much. The grass outside is cold and damp; just enough to soak the bottoms of my jeans. Brown birds huddle in groups around the puddles that are scattered on sidewalks like sprinkles on a cake. I breathe in deeply, the cold air cutting into my throat as if someone was slowly squeezing the life out.
The oaks stand still and strong, too massive to be affected by any of natures annoyances. Wind rolls in and out but their bare branches remain motionless. I watch through the cracks of the wooden blinds, staring at the winter day. The rain drops remind me of tears; messy and disorganized, hitting the ground in odd sizes and at different times. People pull out their umbrellas to shield themselves from the emotion.

I believe all you need is a raindrop to make you appreciate the little things in life.

Friday, December 14, 2007

almost home...

Tomorrow morning is my last final and then I'm offically on christmas break :) I am so excited to be done and VERY ready for new classes next semester. Even though it kinda feels like christmas time, being here with 70 degree days and palm trees feels weird to me over the holidays. I miss our big green trees and cold air and snow days. But I'll be home with 10 days before the day hits so hopefully i will get my fill. Mom decorated the christmas tree a few nights ago. Megan contributed one ornament and Austin decided to pick one of mom's favorites and LAY it on a branch. nice work guys.
I'm also almost over my cold, which we are thinking I got from mom. Still have a sore throat but I'd take that over a fever.
Things I'm looking forward too:
being home, holiday with the family, sun valley; skiing! :) no homework. a break from dorm life, and presents!!! (oh and shopping with megan) yah!

My advent caledar is over half way opened! makes me kinda sad....

Sunday, December 9, 2007

one more week!

This week is finals, woohooo! I have 3 exams and 3 papers due. Two of the papers have been successfully completed and I'm about to write the thrid. AND there all for one class, which sounds ridiculous I know.
I think I might finally be getting over my cold. Now all I'm left with is a cough. Friday night we stayed in, drank tea, and watched christmas movies (The Grinch and Rudolph) I tried to go to bed early however the guys on our floor prohibited me to do so. We ended up with duck-tape taped over our peep hole and tennis balls thrown at our door. fun, yep!
Last night I night I had a little more energy so we went to a holiday party at a house off campus. It was very fun and so good to see everyone on my last weekend here before break :)
On my list of things to do--- get secret santa gift, bake xmas cookies downstairs!, study psyc, edit papers, get jackie a bday present! (Dec.16th) and begin tidying up/ packing for home!!!

I hope everyone is making it through the busy christmas season! ♥

ps: get better lizzie!! 3 times to the ER in one week... yes some kind of record :(

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ahhh this is so late!

It has been over a week, I know! I'm just going to make this a lot easier and describe my recent happening in a list format! enjoy!

- happy holidays! 8th day on my yummy advent calendar! I go home in offically one week!
- finals are next week, and I only have one more class on monday! spanish... booo
- im slowly getting over my sickness, icky! lets pick a more convient time, huh? its turning into just a bad cough now, but last night was miserable!
- my friends and i are doing SECRET SANTA :) and I have... Ha! Im not telling!
- my no sugar before the holidays in still in effect... getting a tiny bit easier! (but advent caledar chocolates dont count, teeheehe :)
- jackie made me the most amazing "finals prep CD" i absolutely love her for it
- last night was christmas movies night! rudolph the red nose reinider and the GRINCH!
- making holiday cookies either today or tomorrow
- Honey-lemon cough drops are my new best friend!
- i have to write 2 english papers this weekend! blah!

Christmas: 17 days to go!
I hope the holidays are stress free and tons of smiles :)