Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I ♥ grey days

It wouldn't be home without the grey days of June. With a cup of coffee, the TODAY show and a antsy puppy that sits longing for that rainy morning walk, I am so happy to be home for the summer. Next week I start work, so this week is full of doctors apts and other odds and ends to get done before my schedule gets crazier. LIZZIE IS HERE! Finally. And I get her all summer! Which is fantastic. I'm already itching to get out to good ol' Vashon :)
Monday night some high school friends and I met up at the Tides Tavern in Gig Harbor. We were definitely the youngest people at the bar but it was really fun. Pitchers of beer and hilarious conversation... I think I'm adjusting to this whole 21 thing very nicely.
On the calendar:
Putt-putt date, doctor apt, coffee with Megan!, planning a trip to Forks, WA. Hello, Twilight. Engine-house karaoke, banana scrabble, baking with sissy, much needed hair apt., and the scrapbooking begins!

ps: If anyone is looking for a good book, I'm reading True Colors by Kristin Hannah right now and it is fantastic! I would also recommend Eat, Pray, Love (the movie is coming out soon!) and The Girls from Ames by Jeffery Zaslow (non-fiction, wonderful... mom: read!)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer's here... well almost

Well, Friday had to come. After an amazing few days, Jordan left yesterday (and I already miss him!) We went to Pike's Place, took Hank for walks, booze cruised on our boat, hot tubed (and jumped in the still freezing cold lake...) watched movies and just spent time together. I was so nice having him here and being able to show him around home, good ol' Lakewood, even if the weather didn't really pull through for us. But it was sunny on Tuesday and that's the day we picked to wander Pike's Place and boat so it worked :) It was perfect. It has been one day and I miss him.
But even with Jordan gone, it's still a madhouse over here. Megan had Baccalaureate last night which mom and dad went to and they had a great time. Austin still had a final this morning so Hank and I stayed in and I quizzed him on vocab. And tomorrow is the Big Day... my little sister is finally graduating high school. Wow. I thought she was going to be a freshman forever but surprise surprise! She is in fact growing up and headed off to New York in August. I am so excited for her to start this new chapter. If she even has close to the college experience I have been lucky to have she is going to love college and the friends she makes there just as much as everything she is leaving behind.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm back!

To say I owed a post would be an understatement. Since my last update, I have moved out of my apartment and said goodbye to Junior year, loaded my car and made the 19hr trek back home, spent a week in Maui, and helped celebrate my little sisters near graduation with a wonderful open house! Woooh!
And now I am sitting here, coffee in hand, home for the WHOLE summer, getting ready to tackle the obscene amount of luggage and clothing waiting for me in the laundry room. I am forcing myself to make today a productive one because tonight JORDAN IS VISITING!!! :) He is taking the train from Portland and getting in a little after 8pm and staying until Friday. I am so excited to see him and show him around my neck of the woods. And the sun is supposed to make an appearance tomorrow so I'm thinking that might be the perfect day to explore Pike's Place. :) yay
My friend Bret came over last night after Megan's open house and it was very nice to see him. We sat out on the dock and drank beer and talked. My first official night of summer, and however yucky it was outside, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way :)
My mom took this picture of the trees across our lake and it was too pretty not to post. I missed this incredible sunset when I was in Hawaii, but I guess I can't complain ;)