Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello heat!

It was a hot one this weekend, topping out at 108 degrees, WOAHH! Anything above 100 starts to feel the same but it was disgusting nonetheless. Blah! Thursday we had a football function, Friday was dedicated to getting ready for Formal Rush, Saturday was Formal rush, and yesterday was a homework day!
I am just getting so excited for Saturday I really cannot stand it. All these girls are so cute and I've fallen in love with so many of them... Saturday cannot come soon enough! This whole week will be dedicated to finishing up all the things I need to get ready for them. I have to print out pages for their new member books, finishing tying ribbon on the book sleeves, and get their Bid Day things together. So much to do and SO EXCITED for it to finally comeeee!!!!
Here is a picture of (most of) the seniors at formal rush:
And this is me and Natalie, the president. Come Saturday, we will be very busy girls these next 6 weeks!

I wanted to share a poem Nana sent me, it is pretty and simple and I loved it :)
Some Say
Some say you're lucky
If nothing shatters it.
But then you wouldn't
Understand poems or songs.
You'd never know
Beauty comes from loss.
It's deep inside every person:
A tear tinier
Than a pearl or thorn.
It's one of the places
Where the beloved is born.
for Lisa
Gregory Orr

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What a week!

Well, Rush has officially begun! Our informal was last night. Our theme was Superhero and our slogan: Have no fear, Delta is here! It was super cute and the girls got really into it! We have 111 rushees, needless to say it was overwhelming but in a good way :) Our formal rush is Saturday and then recruitment events are all next week. Wahoo!
On other topics, my looming senior portfolio is starting to freak me out, like really. A novel was not something I saw myself working on at 21 (ha) but, I'm jumping right in! It's a pretty daunting assignment. And strangely enough the biggest challenge is just blocking out a chunk of time for just me and my laptop. No phones. No facebook. My first 40 pages are due in 2 weeks. Eek! Updates to come...
Wanted to share some pictures.... just from random weekend fun :) Tonight we have a function with the football team, jersey themed, and tomorrow it's back to the library for me!
Oh PS: Week 2 of YOGGAA and I'm in love ♥ (and sore........) ;)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Senior Fall!

Some pictures from the last week or so, enjoy!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I have not abandoned my blog!

So I'm not going to say I didn't think about it. After a semester abroad I came to a point where since I was no longer able to write about my weekend trips to Italy and Switzerland, blogging seemed pretty boring. BUT I started this as a freshman in college and I want to finish it how I envisioned. A neat 4 year summary of all of my experiences, memories, pictures, and friendships.
I don't have any pictures to share quite yet, but I do have updates.
First and foremost, last week I said hello to my last year of college. I am a senior. What in the world? Honestly, I can so vividly remember my freshman year; moving in during a 110 degree heat wave, rushing, pledging, playing tennis, meeting best friends. It seems like the saying holds true, time flies when you're having fun. And oh has it flown.
As I said before, I am pledge mom this semester and I truly CANNOT WAIT. Rush starts next week and on October 2nd I will have little delta babies to call my own.
Class wise I am swamped with what every senior goes through. Their senior capstones, final workshops, senior portfolios, blah blah blah. I only have one assignment in my final fiction workshop and that is simply to write a novel. Write a novel, the professor said, as if she were telling us to color a picture. Write a what? I asked Amy, one of my fellow English majors sitting next to me. This was announced last week during our first class so I guess I've had a week to get used to the idea but not really. Ha.
I also decided to join the 2010-2011 staff of the Redlands Review. The RR is our university's literary magazine and it is a full year commitment. I'm really excited because this is the only taste of journalism I have gotten since I've been here and I love the process of literary journalism. Everything from copy editing to layout.
I also am embarking on a new chapter in my life... yoga! I am currently going through an emotionally draining and hard break up, so I thought it is as good a time as any to make a few changes and get happy again :)
Today was my first class, 9-10:30am and I loved it! I have never EVER sweat so much in my entire life. I mean it. I was dripping, my hands were slipping on my mat, and my vision would periodically become temporarily blurred by my salty toxins as I trying to relax. Relax? I felt like someone just threw me in the pool and then laid me on this mat ON LAND. The girl next to me was lightly dabbing her face with a cool towel while I, yoga-virgin and towel-less, sent limbs and sweat flying while I tried to remain cool, calm, and collected. Oh, and breathing.
That may seem like a headache of a class but minus the profuse sweating-no towel part, it was amazing! I feel rejuvenated and ready for the day.
So there's my little post. More to come, I promise! Stick with me as I conquer senior year and finish this whole college thing up the right way :)