Well, its been a few days, and although I'm slightly colder here in snowy Idaho :) we are tucked away drinking hot cocoa and skiing through these blustery days! The holidays were amazing, good food, smiley faces, lots of family! From the stockings to Megan's homemade coconut cake... I loved it all! However, we did had quite the rocky drive over to our little winter wonderland... instead of making the trek in one day, we had to spend the night in Hines, OR at the lovely Best Western and ended up getting in to Sun Valley around 3pm on sunday. I think I speak for the entire family when I say it was a little too much car-time for us all. Austin and his brilliant commentary, Mom and her counting the mile trackers (convinced that we were headed for an icy ditch) Dad powering through the weather conditions, and Megan and I yelping at Austin's attempts to suffocate us with his fuzzy green blanket out of sheer boredom. Memorable. Yes.
Were leaving in about a 1/2 hour for dinner... Mom and Dad went to this local comedy show in town and were meeting up with them soon. We have the rest of this week to enjoy to lovely laziness and lack of homework that no classes brings!! I'm going to be sure to enjoy it while it lasts :) classes start a week from today!! ahhhh!!! Time flies way too fast...
More to come from our snowy niche!! I just can't seem to escape the snow this break...
OH and I'm on page 407 of breaking dawn and cannot put it down!!! i don't want it to end!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
christmas means ________________ to me
Snow, hot cocoa, pumpkin cake, christmas lights, and pink noses.
Light blue sparkles, movies, red nail polish, and Uggs.
Ice sickles, warm smelling candles, scarfs, and pajamas during the day.
Table settings, old photos, DVR, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Evergreens, fireplaces, children's Christmas stories, and special blankets.
♥merry christmas eve to all :)
Light blue sparkles, movies, red nail polish, and Uggs.
Ice sickles, warm smelling candles, scarfs, and pajamas during the day.
Table settings, old photos, DVR, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Evergreens, fireplaces, children's Christmas stories, and special blankets.
♥merry christmas eve to all :)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
snowed in!
We are officially snowed in!! Last nights weather reports proves true and I woke up this morning to close to a foot of snow! It feels like Sun Valley already its so snowy here! Parties were cancelled, people were told to stay off the roads last night due to ice and high winds and it truly does feel like Christmas time.
Yesterday we did manage to make it to the Tacoma Nutcracker to watch Nana preform. It was really fun! She was a party lady and danced a lot of the first act. Her dress was by far the prettiest out of all the lady's and Mom and I's seats were really close so we could pick her out prefectly!! :) :) My favorite were the littlest girls who came out of Lady Ginger's skirt and skipped around. ADORABLE. They couldn't have been older than 3, too cute.
Today I think is going to be a lazy day. With Eclipse finished, Mom went out and got me Breaking Dawn yesterday but I haven't started it yet. Do not take that to mean I don't want to start it. Its all I have been thinking about! BUT, we have a week in Sun Valley ahead of us and I want some good reading material when computers and cell phones are harder to come by. So I'm thinking I have enough will power to start after Christmas... I'm trying really hard! Oh, I almost forgot. Megan started Twilight two days ago and is almost done, she was boycotting the series for some strange reason but finally gave in and won't admit she loves it but I know she does. I find her reading everywhere, on the couch, in her room, early in the morning. Now I have someone to obsess about with!!
My bets are she'll be on Eclipse by the time Sun Valley rolls around... ;)
Austin is a few houses down at the Iverson's. He is so lucky his best friends live only a 30 second bike ride from us, he always has someone to goof around with.
I think I want to take a nice walk outside in the snow later today if its not too cold. Its so quiet and serene stepping out there I just love it. Something about how everything looks like its laying perfectly under some huge white blanket makes everything seem so gentle. I do love the Californian Sun, but if you ever asked me to choose, this home state would win every time.
Yesterday we did manage to make it to the Tacoma Nutcracker to watch Nana preform. It was really fun! She was a party lady and danced a lot of the first act. Her dress was by far the prettiest out of all the lady's and Mom and I's seats were really close so we could pick her out prefectly!! :) :) My favorite were the littlest girls who came out of Lady Ginger's skirt and skipped around. ADORABLE. They couldn't have been older than 3, too cute.
Today I think is going to be a lazy day. With Eclipse finished, Mom went out and got me Breaking Dawn yesterday but I haven't started it yet. Do not take that to mean I don't want to start it. Its all I have been thinking about! BUT, we have a week in Sun Valley ahead of us and I want some good reading material when computers and cell phones are harder to come by. So I'm thinking I have enough will power to start after Christmas... I'm trying really hard! Oh, I almost forgot. Megan started Twilight two days ago and is almost done, she was boycotting the series for some strange reason but finally gave in and won't admit she loves it but I know she does. I find her reading everywhere, on the couch, in her room, early in the morning. Now I have someone to obsess about with!!
My bets are she'll be on Eclipse by the time Sun Valley rolls around... ;)
Austin is a few houses down at the Iverson's. He is so lucky his best friends live only a 30 second bike ride from us, he always has someone to goof around with.
I think I want to take a nice walk outside in the snow later today if its not too cold. Its so quiet and serene stepping out there I just love it. Something about how everything looks like its laying perfectly under some huge white blanket makes everything seem so gentle. I do love the Californian Sun, but if you ever asked me to choose, this home state would win every time.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
the day mom and I were on candid camera
Today, mom and I were on candid camera. Well, at least it felt that way since everywhere we went it seemed as though some alternate force was multiplying the time it would usually take to complete such tasks by about seven thousand. Take, for instance, Michael's Craft store. Two simple returns, receipts included, our Linda (the registrar lady) needed to intercom manager Sandy to approve such a transaction, and then forgot to do both returns at the same time so of course, had to call her over again. Then she was "so silly!" and didn't know that you could in fact do one transaction for thing bought with different credit cards, so that tacked on about another 12 minutes to our ending time. I tried to distract myself with other things to look at so I wouldn't burst out laughing because, unlike mom, I was past being annoyed and now just fully entertained by the whole ordeal. The women at the fabric store moved just as quickly, as did the lady at Old Navy who saw mom's ID, looked at, did not ask for it when given the credit card, so mom put it away, and then she asks to see it. Oh mom, if looks could kill... Hahahhahaha. HILARIOUS. So, with all of these hold-ups, Costco was out of the picture, so hopefully we can fit it in on friday!
On a different note, last night my family drove to the family's apartment we're sponsoring for christmas lives at. We were their christmas, meaning that we got their xmas lists, sizes, etc. and bought them all special things. They were a family of four, single dad, three kids, 13, 12, and 9. It was emotional for me because entering their home that was so warm and empty really just broke my heart. I could not put into words how hard it was to see the Dad to be so incredibly thankful to us for providing his kids with a christmas. He seemed like a very driven and good man. He got laid off in Colorado (as a truck driver) and so came here and had to start from scratch. Their home was so small I couldn't see how its comfortable to live with four people in such a small space, but they make it work. I hope we do something like that every year. I know it is an over-used saying, but it really does feel so much better to give rather than receive. It's amazing how much they appreciate and the kids were just wide-eyed and so excited for all their colorfully wrapped presents. We really did make their holiday season Christmas, in every sense of the word, and for that I am thankful. It makes me appreciate all the things I take for granted in my own life, all the issues I think are important seemed so insignificant at that moment and it really just opens your eyes and allows you to see things differently. They literally had nothing, and were so happy to have us bring them something. Truly touching.
On a different note, last night my family drove to the family's apartment we're sponsoring for christmas lives at. We were their christmas, meaning that we got their xmas lists, sizes, etc. and bought them all special things. They were a family of four, single dad, three kids, 13, 12, and 9. It was emotional for me because entering their home that was so warm and empty really just broke my heart. I could not put into words how hard it was to see the Dad to be so incredibly thankful to us for providing his kids with a christmas. He seemed like a very driven and good man. He got laid off in Colorado (as a truck driver) and so came here and had to start from scratch. Their home was so small I couldn't see how its comfortable to live with four people in such a small space, but they make it work. I hope we do something like that every year. I know it is an over-used saying, but it really does feel so much better to give rather than receive. It's amazing how much they appreciate and the kids were just wide-eyed and so excited for all their colorfully wrapped presents. We really did make their holiday season Christmas, in every sense of the word, and for that I am thankful. It makes me appreciate all the things I take for granted in my own life, all the issues I think are important seemed so insignificant at that moment and it really just opens your eyes and allows you to see things differently. They literally had nothing, and were so happy to have us bring them something. Truly touching.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
a day in the life of MY FAMILY.
I wake up, open my eyes and see large sheets of butcher paper taped to the walls. Megan is in full-force studying for her AP US History final. The sheets of paper take up about half the window and a good portion of the wall space near her desk. They are color coded and organized in a 'time-line' fashion, listed by earliest president. The colors cross reference Vice Presidents and the main events that occurred during their varying times in office. So, needless to say every time I walk in the room I'm greeted by memories of a class that haunted my dreams. Neat. The crunch of the butcher paper leads me to believe she is already up and studying. i love us sharing a room.
Fast-forward about an hour and a half and I'm in the kitchen, done with my run, wondering why I don't hear Spongebob Square Pants or Fairly Odd Parents on the family room TV... its after 1030am. Hmm. I call Austin's name and locate him still in our parents bedroom, hasn't moved yet. I force him to come down so I can feed him, otherwise he'll wait till he can actually hear his stomach growling before understanding that he does in fact need food. One bowl of Frosted Flakes and a half a glass of apple juice later and he's migrated to the downstairs couch, and ahhh, yes. Fairly Odd Parents. Why couldn't I just stick to 14?
After washing the cereal bowl and emptying the dishwasher I field a call from the parents, en route home from a night shopping for xmas gifts in Seattle. Mom says that they'll be home around noon, and to make sure we're up and moving because A Christmas Carol is at 2pm. AKA--- I get to break the news to Austin that he has to accompany us (the family) to the play. Needless to say this doesn't go over well. We have an inch of snow on the ground and if he goes to the play his whole day will be ruined. I try and sympathize, but fail.
On our way to the play, I'm sitting in the back in a yellow and black skirt that hits my knees (and for me, spending the majority of my time in CA these days, I agree that this is appropriate for the occasion.) That and the fact that I did not a pack anything other than 3 pairs of jeans, rely on my sister and mom to provide for me outfits for the obvious, Christmas Eve and Day dinner, and maybe one other nice outing. However, for the Lakewood rendition of A Christmas Carol, a jacket, scarf, and sweater paired with my (yes, maybe spring skirt) would do. Mental note: I am now in fact in Washington. So, of course, I have not crossed the street to the building before a (at first glance, homeless?) lady comments on how cold I must be and laughs, 'ha ha' to her friend. I don't respond. Special. Megan gives me a malicious glance and Austin chuckles. Of course, this event is put on 'repeat' three more times, one lady told me I looked like her garden, I tried to take that as a compliment. The play itself went over pretty well. dodging the occasional Junior Mint from my wonderful brother in the pitch dark, I thought it was a rock. Good thing Megan was between us.
Out of the auditorium we walk, and of course, half way through the play it began dumping snow. Now, in other circumstances I would have been thrilled but I was still in my lovely garden-esk skirt and the fresh powder posed a small problem. Nana of course thought this was hilarious and had to take my picture. Snow in the hair, heels covered in flakes, I forced a smile. Mom was right there with me, she needing balance help as well, but laughing mainly because of me, bracing myself on her right, waiting for someone to bring over a wheelchair.
We had Christmas buffet dinner at the club planned for the five of us, plus Nana and Brittany and Sierra... but the girls couldn't get from Olympia because of our lovely snow drift so it was just the six of us. We had about an hour to kill post-play and pre-dinner so I got in some Eclipse :) :) definitely a highlight. However, I was fully entertained by my brother breaking out in dance, sans- clothes (well, boxers) doing a little jig. I think he was protesting the belt? That Mom required be apart of his dinner ensemble, and Austin + belts never go over well. After a few laughs and getting a chance to borrow a pair of Mom's black pants, we were onto the next event of the evening.
5:30 seating. AKA: only people in a ballroom of, meh, maybe close to 20 tables. Austin bolted to the buffet table before any other parties arrived, and we ate with about 8 waiters watching us. Dinner goes pretty smoothly until Megan breaks out the religion questions. So, um, Nana? Lately I've just been so curious... what is the difference between Catholicism, Protestants, and Calvinists? Oh and Evangelical's? really... really?? I almost chocked on my bite of cheesecake, Mom side-noted' that maybe they should have this chat in a library. My Dad found this a convenient time to exit and 'warm up the car' Ha. He plots these things five steps ahead of everyone else, I swear. Personal goal: to try and mimic his moves so I can stay ahead too, I bet the world would seem a whole lot more predictable. Hmm.. Anyways, leave it to my sis to open a can of worms post-dessert/coffee.
Safely in the car I thought the night was over when Austin informs us that he needs us to drive to Calvin's (his friend/ 10 houses down) to borrow a book for class tomorrow. Oh and ps: he has to read 60 pages. Ha. I'm sitting there LOVING this, reveling in the fact that I am now on the other side of things. Austin gets defensive and says he didn't leave it for the last minute, he wanted to read it all on Sunday. Really Austin? hmmm.
SO that's my day thus far. But I guess it is only 8pm so additions might be necessary. Even at college, when having the best time of my life, I truly never laugh harder/as often as I do here, with my family.
I just feel bad for the significant others that the three of us will someday be bringing into our close knit quirky group. I am truly scared, I don't know if they can keep up ;)

me and my garden-esk skirt... in the snowy parking lot

me and the sibs at dinner... 530 sharp!
Fast-forward about an hour and a half and I'm in the kitchen, done with my run, wondering why I don't hear Spongebob Square Pants or Fairly Odd Parents on the family room TV... its after 1030am. Hmm. I call Austin's name and locate him still in our parents bedroom, hasn't moved yet. I force him to come down so I can feed him, otherwise he'll wait till he can actually hear his stomach growling before understanding that he does in fact need food. One bowl of Frosted Flakes and a half a glass of apple juice later and he's migrated to the downstairs couch, and ahhh, yes. Fairly Odd Parents. Why couldn't I just stick to 14?
After washing the cereal bowl and emptying the dishwasher I field a call from the parents, en route home from a night shopping for xmas gifts in Seattle. Mom says that they'll be home around noon, and to make sure we're up and moving because A Christmas Carol is at 2pm. AKA--- I get to break the news to Austin that he has to accompany us (the family) to the play. Needless to say this doesn't go over well. We have an inch of snow on the ground and if he goes to the play his whole day will be ruined. I try and sympathize, but fail.
On our way to the play, I'm sitting in the back in a yellow and black skirt that hits my knees (and for me, spending the majority of my time in CA these days, I agree that this is appropriate for the occasion.) That and the fact that I did not a pack anything other than 3 pairs of jeans, rely on my sister and mom to provide for me outfits for the obvious, Christmas Eve and Day dinner, and maybe one other nice outing. However, for the Lakewood rendition of A Christmas Carol, a jacket, scarf, and sweater paired with my (yes, maybe spring skirt) would do. Mental note: I am now in fact in Washington. So, of course, I have not crossed the street to the building before a (at first glance, homeless?) lady comments on how cold I must be and laughs, 'ha ha' to her friend. I don't respond. Special. Megan gives me a malicious glance and Austin chuckles. Of course, this event is put on 'repeat' three more times, one lady told me I looked like her garden, I tried to take that as a compliment. The play itself went over pretty well. dodging the occasional Junior Mint from my wonderful brother in the pitch dark, I thought it was a rock. Good thing Megan was between us.
Out of the auditorium we walk, and of course, half way through the play it began dumping snow. Now, in other circumstances I would have been thrilled but I was still in my lovely garden-esk skirt and the fresh powder posed a small problem. Nana of course thought this was hilarious and had to take my picture. Snow in the hair, heels covered in flakes, I forced a smile. Mom was right there with me, she needing balance help as well, but laughing mainly because of me, bracing myself on her right, waiting for someone to bring over a wheelchair.
We had Christmas buffet dinner at the club planned for the five of us, plus Nana and Brittany and Sierra... but the girls couldn't get from Olympia because of our lovely snow drift so it was just the six of us. We had about an hour to kill post-play and pre-dinner so I got in some Eclipse :) :) definitely a highlight. However, I was fully entertained by my brother breaking out in dance, sans- clothes (well, boxers) doing a little jig. I think he was protesting the belt? That Mom required be apart of his dinner ensemble, and Austin + belts never go over well. After a few laughs and getting a chance to borrow a pair of Mom's black pants, we were onto the next event of the evening.
5:30 seating. AKA: only people in a ballroom of, meh, maybe close to 20 tables. Austin bolted to the buffet table before any other parties arrived, and we ate with about 8 waiters watching us. Dinner goes pretty smoothly until Megan breaks out the religion questions. So, um, Nana? Lately I've just been so curious... what is the difference between Catholicism, Protestants, and Calvinists? Oh and Evangelical's? really... really?? I almost chocked on my bite of cheesecake, Mom side-noted' that maybe they should have this chat in a library. My Dad found this a convenient time to exit and 'warm up the car' Ha. He plots these things five steps ahead of everyone else, I swear. Personal goal: to try and mimic his moves so I can stay ahead too, I bet the world would seem a whole lot more predictable. Hmm.. Anyways, leave it to my sis to open a can of worms post-dessert/coffee.
Safely in the car I thought the night was over when Austin informs us that he needs us to drive to Calvin's (his friend/ 10 houses down) to borrow a book for class tomorrow. Oh and ps: he has to read 60 pages. Ha. I'm sitting there LOVING this, reveling in the fact that I am now on the other side of things. Austin gets defensive and says he didn't leave it for the last minute, he wanted to read it all on Sunday. Really Austin? hmmm.
SO that's my day thus far. But I guess it is only 8pm so additions might be necessary. Even at college, when having the best time of my life, I truly never laugh harder/as often as I do here, with my family.
I just feel bad for the significant others that the three of us will someday be bringing into our close knit quirky group. I am truly scared, I don't know if they can keep up ;)
me and my garden-esk skirt... in the snowy parking lot
me and the sibs at dinner... 530 sharp!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
home for the holidays!
It has almost been 24 hours since I've been back in cozy washington and am so happy to have 3 weeks stretched out in front of me with no classes to think about, no papers to write, and lots of family time on the horizon!
Austin and I spent the day together while the parents are up shopping in Seattle for xmas. We made sugar cookies and decorated them very festively and even brought some over to Megan while she babysat next door. We watched The Santa Clause and both fell asleep ;) and then ordered take-out from the club. Nana even stopped by to dropped off a plate she borrowed and we got to catch up! It is so nice to be in house that is so ready for the holidays. Christmas time just doesn't seem as christmas-y in california. I need the cold air, big red bows and gold ribbons, and a real 9-ft lit christmas tree to make it feel like my favorite time of year. Our house is full of wreaths, christmas lights, and santa sculptures and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Side note: I made Megan take me (I am without car for the break, my baby spending the holiday in redlands parking) to Barnes and Noble this morning to get Eclipse. On to book three!! I have been waiting to read it for two weeks because of finals and what not so I really could NOT wait another day without it. Mom and Megan are going to start on the vampire love saga as well and I know there going to understand my obsession when they experience it for themselves.
Tomorrow we're going to see The Christmas Carol and have a family dinner at the club, i'll most likely be half way through Eclipse by then (well no, but i'm emphasizing the obsession) It feels amazing to be home and I can't wait for all of our holiday traditions that are quickly approaching!!!♥
Austin and I spent the day together while the parents are up shopping in Seattle for xmas. We made sugar cookies and decorated them very festively and even brought some over to Megan while she babysat next door. We watched The Santa Clause and both fell asleep ;) and then ordered take-out from the club. Nana even stopped by to dropped off a plate she borrowed and we got to catch up! It is so nice to be in house that is so ready for the holidays. Christmas time just doesn't seem as christmas-y in california. I need the cold air, big red bows and gold ribbons, and a real 9-ft lit christmas tree to make it feel like my favorite time of year. Our house is full of wreaths, christmas lights, and santa sculptures and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Side note: I made Megan take me (I am without car for the break, my baby spending the holiday in redlands parking) to Barnes and Noble this morning to get Eclipse. On to book three!! I have been waiting to read it for two weeks because of finals and what not so I really could NOT wait another day without it. Mom and Megan are going to start on the vampire love saga as well and I know there going to understand my obsession when they experience it for themselves.
Tomorrow we're going to see The Christmas Carol and have a family dinner at the club, i'll most likely be half way through Eclipse by then (well no, but i'm emphasizing the obsession) It feels amazing to be home and I can't wait for all of our holiday traditions that are quickly approaching!!!♥
Monday, December 8, 2008
it's a delta holiday...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
...we're heading into our 20's?
Today my best friend in the whole wide world turns 20. Yes, 20. So, I'm only slightly okay with this, mainly because Lizzie turning 20 means that I'm up in less than 6 months. It seems like a big jump from the teenage years and the sheer number frightens me to death. 20 means a lot of things... being alive for 2 decades, I can legally order a drink in a year, I am no longer a teenager, it sounds older, and the difference between 19 and 20 sounds stranger, like there's a bigger gap (a gap that, I am certainly not ready to bridge.) There are many things I need to do before I turn 20 and am no where near close to completing my mental list. SO, I was thinking about it and if I'm not ready by the time april rolls around I think I'm just going to stick to 19. That sounds like a safer number and 20 just seems too old. I still like to do the same things I did when I was 16; gossip, paint my toes nails, text boys, and have americas next top model marathons... nothings really changed. And the other problem I have with the number is that I feel like responsibility will quickly follow. So I thought the whole shunning birthday's thing was going to wait until I hit my mid-30's but, here I am, not wanting to commit to this new chapter. Regardless of this internal battle, I am very excited that it's my bestie's birthday!! (And thank God it is NOT mine) ;) I am so thankful for her and everything she gives me, from impromptu care packages to staying on the phone with me while I vent for hours about trival boys issues. I love you her to death and hope she has an AMAZING day today =) wish I was there to celebrate with you! (and if it wasn't for reviews and finals I would be there!) XOXO
On another note, I finished Twilight and am now 150 pages into New Moon. Wow. Is all I have to say. Jackie went with me to see the movie last night and I'm officially stalking Edward. He is insanely gorgeous and I pretty much want to marry him. And that is a pretty bold statement considering I am extremely picky. But, yes. Well done, Edward Cullen. However, currently I am depressed at my point in New Moon, and I need Edward back in my life so I hope he comes back soon! I read whenever I get the chance, before class, walking to breakfast, before I go to bed, in the car, at delta meetings. Its a problem and my friends are constantly making me very aware of the fact that I'm always caring it around. Did you know the author, Stephanie Meyer is in the movie? In the second scene in the diner she's at the counter and they say something like here you go stephanie... anyways, interesting fact. And there are also these Team Jacob vs. Team Edward sides being taken. And I want to make it clear that I am definitely setting up camp on the Edward side, are we kidding?
Christmas time in Southern California doesn't quite strike the same chord as it does in Washington. There are no evergreens, no cold, bitter air, no houses fully decked out for the occasion. I came back from classes today in jean capri's and a t-shirt, tying a scarf around my neck just because I felt it was necessary. I just got back from my lovely rainy state and nevertheless miss it amazingly this time of year.
Another problem these Twilight books are posing; for some strange reason (and I never expected this) the books are creating a mental block for me and my own work. I sat down to write these past two nights, and nothing. I've never been the type to struggle with what to write, but when it comes to my own work, my mind is so pre-occupied with these books and their engrossing plots, I can't seem to stream line anything of my own. I am extremely annoyed that my brain does not have the creative capacity to process and produce both my own work and ♥edward cullen♥ This poses quite the problem because my final portfolio is due in Fiction next tuesday and if I don't finish New Moon by then, I'm going to burn it.
off for a run!
happy holidays!!! I'm playing christmas music starting tonight!! (Hils going to love me) haha :)
On another note, I finished Twilight and am now 150 pages into New Moon. Wow. Is all I have to say. Jackie went with me to see the movie last night and I'm officially stalking Edward. He is insanely gorgeous and I pretty much want to marry him. And that is a pretty bold statement considering I am extremely picky. But, yes. Well done, Edward Cullen. However, currently I am depressed at my point in New Moon, and I need Edward back in my life so I hope he comes back soon! I read whenever I get the chance, before class, walking to breakfast, before I go to bed, in the car, at delta meetings. Its a problem and my friends are constantly making me very aware of the fact that I'm always caring it around. Did you know the author, Stephanie Meyer is in the movie? In the second scene in the diner she's at the counter and they say something like here you go stephanie... anyways, interesting fact. And there are also these Team Jacob vs. Team Edward sides being taken. And I want to make it clear that I am definitely setting up camp on the Edward side, are we kidding?
Christmas time in Southern California doesn't quite strike the same chord as it does in Washington. There are no evergreens, no cold, bitter air, no houses fully decked out for the occasion. I came back from classes today in jean capri's and a t-shirt, tying a scarf around my neck just because I felt it was necessary. I just got back from my lovely rainy state and nevertheless miss it amazingly this time of year.
Another problem these Twilight books are posing; for some strange reason (and I never expected this) the books are creating a mental block for me and my own work. I sat down to write these past two nights, and nothing. I've never been the type to struggle with what to write, but when it comes to my own work, my mind is so pre-occupied with these books and their engrossing plots, I can't seem to stream line anything of my own. I am extremely annoyed that my brain does not have the creative capacity to process and produce both my own work and ♥edward cullen♥ This poses quite the problem because my final portfolio is due in Fiction next tuesday and if I don't finish New Moon by then, I'm going to burn it.
off for a run!
happy holidays!!! I'm playing christmas music starting tonight!! (Hils going to love me) haha :)
Friday, November 28, 2008
home in that evergreen state..
So I am home! Although it was quite the adventure, I did in fact make it, safe and sound. My flight was a disaster, delay after delay, ended up switching flights all together and then experienced the worst and most terrifying turbulence of my life! honestly, like "crying-on-the-airplane-in-public" bad. hmmm... so once I was safely ON the ground, I began to get excited for the time I had ahead of me :) Wednesday was mostly prepping for our large-ish dinner the next day (14 of us in all) Meg and I got lunch, went to Barnes&Noble (which was a mistake I'll talk about later) and sat around, helping cook etc. I got to take an extra-long bath, eat out of a refrigerator, and snuggle with my (now scarily close to the same height) little brother. We went to the newly renovated club for dinner and then Meg and I watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which I fell asleep half way through due to the fact that I didn't get into Seatac until 1145pm. neat.
Thanksgiving Day was really nice, we mostly sat around and dreamt about the amazing amounts of food we were about to consume. Dad and I went for a run around the lake, my lungs were about to die from the cold air that I am SO not used to. A pathetic excuse for a born and bred washingtonian, I know. Everyone came over around 4pm, we played scrabble, ate too much baked brie and watched The Family Stone and that other funny movie... National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation...?? Yes. Hilarious, always a favorite. Dinner came, then dessert. Mom did an amazing job on our table scape, candles, yellow and orange roses and all. Very pretty. Everything was delicious and I definitely did NOT have room for dessert but somehow ate it amyways..???? ummhmmm.... that's what thanksgiving's all about, right?
Oh, the mistake at Barnes&Noble.... well its pretty simple. I bought Twilight. Yep, bought it, told myself I wouldn't start at school because I wouldn't get my work done and GOOD THING I DIDN"T. That book has been atached to my hip ever since I got home and took a bath. I basically want to be the main character (Bella) or more importantly have Edward Cullen as my boyfriend. Oh my goodness. I'm embarrassingly obsessed and actually have a problem. 276 pages deep and its day two. I would be done if I hade more time to just sit and read it but I'm focusing on the, need to hang out with people part, not the part where while I'm spending time with people I'm thinking about whether Edward is going to tell Bella who he really is. Problem.
Meg is calling me to play scrabble. More later!
happyyyy holliidayyysssss ♥
Thanksgiving Day was really nice, we mostly sat around and dreamt about the amazing amounts of food we were about to consume. Dad and I went for a run around the lake, my lungs were about to die from the cold air that I am SO not used to. A pathetic excuse for a born and bred washingtonian, I know. Everyone came over around 4pm, we played scrabble, ate too much baked brie and watched The Family Stone and that other funny movie... National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation...?? Yes. Hilarious, always a favorite. Dinner came, then dessert. Mom did an amazing job on our table scape, candles, yellow and orange roses and all. Very pretty. Everything was delicious and I definitely did NOT have room for dessert but somehow ate it amyways..???? ummhmmm.... that's what thanksgiving's all about, right?
Oh, the mistake at Barnes&Noble.... well its pretty simple. I bought Twilight. Yep, bought it, told myself I wouldn't start at school because I wouldn't get my work done and GOOD THING I DIDN"T. That book has been atached to my hip ever since I got home and took a bath. I basically want to be the main character (Bella) or more importantly have Edward Cullen as my boyfriend. Oh my goodness. I'm embarrassingly obsessed and actually have a problem. 276 pages deep and its day two. I would be done if I hade more time to just sit and read it but I'm focusing on the, need to hang out with people part, not the part where while I'm spending time with people I'm thinking about whether Edward is going to tell Bella who he really is. Problem.
Meg is calling me to play scrabble. More later!
happyyyy holliidayyysssss ♥
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
informal tomorrow and home in 4 days!!
I see the finish line, and am home in 4 days!! The days really couldn't feel longer but just thinking about BEING HOME FOR DINNER on tuesday makes everything better, and makes me smile! Last night was our party for our new girls, now fully initiated and everything. I am no longer the baby of the sorority and I thought I would be sad but I kinda like it. I thought about taking a position on exec board for next semester but then voted against it just because I already know how busy I'm going to be with tennis and classes. (I'm taking Non-fiction writing 1, Poetry 1, Shakespeare after 1600, and American Politics) so I think I will be plenty occupied!
Tomorrow is our fall Informal, I'm so excited!!! Everyone's been taking about it since October and it's finally here. Check-in is at 4, dinner is on the couple, and then everyone is meeting up at 7 in the ballroom for dancing, dessert, and funnnn, yah! I'm taking my car over with Hilary and our dates, so we'll all get there together. We haven't figured dinner yet but there are a lot of options at the Morongo so Jenna (social chair) said we should be fine.
I also decided about a week ago that I am officially going to SALZBURG next fall semester. I couldn't be more excited/anxious/don't know what to expect/thrilled!!!! LJ and Abbie (two of my pledge sisters) are going too so we can all room together in the castle on a hill that we live in. Ah! we take trips everywhere, including a 10 day trip to Italy, 10 day trip to Greece, and lots of 3 day weekends to different countries. I have never been to europe period. so EVERYTHING will be new and very different.
Things I have successfully checked of my to-do list-->
*movie review paper
*fiction re-write
*washing my sheets
*getting a mystic w/ jenna
*organizing my desk
*painting my nails
*watching Boy's Don't Cry for philosophy
...and there's still more! i'll be sure to take lots of pictures tomorrow and put them up! :)
Tomorrow is our fall Informal, I'm so excited!!! Everyone's been taking about it since October and it's finally here. Check-in is at 4, dinner is on the couple, and then everyone is meeting up at 7 in the ballroom for dancing, dessert, and funnnn, yah! I'm taking my car over with Hilary and our dates, so we'll all get there together. We haven't figured dinner yet but there are a lot of options at the Morongo so Jenna (social chair) said we should be fine.
I also decided about a week ago that I am officially going to SALZBURG next fall semester. I couldn't be more excited/anxious/don't know what to expect/thrilled!!!! LJ and Abbie (two of my pledge sisters) are going too so we can all room together in the castle on a hill that we live in. Ah! we take trips everywhere, including a 10 day trip to Italy, 10 day trip to Greece, and lots of 3 day weekends to different countries. I have never been to europe period. so EVERYTHING will be new and very different.
Things I have successfully checked of my to-do list-->
*movie review paper
*fiction re-write
*washing my sheets
*getting a mystic w/ jenna
*organizing my desk
*painting my nails
*watching Boy's Don't Cry for philosophy
...and there's still more! i'll be sure to take lots of pictures tomorrow and put them up! :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
so much to do!
I have so much to do it's slightly overwhelming... scratch that... INCREDIBLY overwhelming. I don't know what I was thinking this weekend and where my head was to not knock some of this stuff out earlier. But, here I am, papers and presentations on things I don't even have a topic planned for all hoping to finish before I go home A WEEK FROM TOMORROW. I can't wait until I'm buckled in, on the plane, ready to see my family and eat lots and lots! (Lets just hope I survive this week)
This was my 3 minute break from reading so back I go, but I hope everyone is having good monday's and enjoying the autumn weather... I know I am... it was 88 today. =)
Shorts, a t-shirt, mid-November; when I remember that, I guess papers don't seem that bad...
This was my 3 minute break from reading so back I go, but I hope everyone is having good monday's and enjoying the autumn weather... I know I am... it was 88 today. =)
Shorts, a t-shirt, mid-November; when I remember that, I guess papers don't seem that bad...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
delta retreat
We got back from our semester annual Delta Retreat. It was in Cherry Valley this time, about 30-40 minutes away. Anyways, we were all told to make/bring collages to share with everyone in some sort of activity and in mine I wrote something to all of my beautiful, amazing sisters. And I'll share it with you---♥
To define a sister is something that is hard to do.
You can’t really say what kind of feeling you get,
When they walk into a room.
You can’t really say what it is that lets you know
It is just them that makes you, you.
I never knew that a sister could mean so much.
I feel like a part of me you carry;
Somewhere hidden and safe,
Somewhere secret and special.
Your part looks different than mine
And it may get mixed up with the others,
It may get mixed up with all our other sisters,
But somehow we never really run out of room.
I know I carry lots of pieces with me.
And sometimes it’s hard
And sometimes it’s too much
But then I look around and see all my sisters,
And I remember that,
There’s a part of me with you, too.
To define a sister is something that is hard to do.
You can’t really say what kind of feeling you get,
When they walk into a room.
You can’t really say what it is that lets you know
It is just them that makes you, you.
I never knew that a sister could mean so much.
I feel like a part of me you carry;
Somewhere hidden and safe,
Somewhere secret and special.
Your part looks different than mine
And it may get mixed up with the others,
It may get mixed up with all our other sisters,
But somehow we never really run out of room.
I know I carry lots of pieces with me.
And sometimes it’s hard
And sometimes it’s too much
But then I look around and see all my sisters,
And I remember that,
There’s a part of me with you, too.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
11 (ish) days till I'm home!
I always wake up before hilary. I doesn't matter if I go to bed after her, am sick, or we both crashed at the same time, she's always sleeping when I wake up. So here I am, been awake since 9:37 am, in the dark (kinda) typing away about the morning. Tonight we have our semester-annual delta retreat. It's a time where we all drive to an certain location, sleep over, talk, do bonding activities, and just have girl time. It's the first one I'm going to as an active so I don't really know what to expect, but it sounds fun! Our ten new babies are becoming fully initiated tomorrow too. They don't know when, where, or how, but it's going to be really special!
With thanksgiving in the near future things are starting to pile up. I have an analytical movie review, analytical book series review, and a final paper to do in my lit class. For art history I have a final presentation and take-home exam. Philosophy I have an argumentative paper and sit down final the Saturday before I leave for xmas, and Fiction is more or less handled. Woo! Thats a lot when put in a list form like that but it all seems to fit somewhere. Today I'm hoping to get some things out of the way, like my lit homework, philosophy (we have to watch As Good As it Gets... with Jack Nicholson) sp? and maybe some art history reading before we leave for the retreat!
On a brighter note, LJ and I went shopping at Victoria gardens yesterday! She had to get her ipod fixed and I needed an informal dress... and I found one! Its silver and grey with braided silver straps that form like a V in the front. It goes to about my knees and is flowy at the bottom. I got it for $50 too, on sale! Anyways, it's always hard to find something that isn't TOO formal but is still nice enough and I think we did! LJ is going to be in Hawaii for thanksgiving so she's missing out! But I also can't feel too bad for her since she will be sun tanning on the hawaiian beaches...
I don't know if I wrote about who my date is for this event, did I? Well his names Matt, he's a sophomore, soccer player, and I know him from last year kind of. Hil is taking a soccer guy too and since we're rooming together it will work out because they're friends. We always like to ask guys who know each other so it's not as awkward (since were sharing a room and driving an hour to get there) and so it's more fun! The only possible bump in the road would be the soccer team winning their game tomorrow. They play at 1pm against this team from Minnesota (they're in the SCIAC championships) and IF they win they might have to go to Iowa.... i know. So were crossing our fingers that they don't? I know that sounds awful but there will be five girls in Delta without dates if they leave to go to IOWA... geezzz. SO we'll see. They don't talk about it like they think it will be a problem so I'm trying not to worry about. Matt was explaining in full detail what he plans on wearing to match my dress (cute) etc. I'll keep you posted!!
With thanksgiving in the near future things are starting to pile up. I have an analytical movie review, analytical book series review, and a final paper to do in my lit class. For art history I have a final presentation and take-home exam. Philosophy I have an argumentative paper and sit down final the Saturday before I leave for xmas, and Fiction is more or less handled. Woo! Thats a lot when put in a list form like that but it all seems to fit somewhere. Today I'm hoping to get some things out of the way, like my lit homework, philosophy (we have to watch As Good As it Gets... with Jack Nicholson) sp? and maybe some art history reading before we leave for the retreat!
On a brighter note, LJ and I went shopping at Victoria gardens yesterday! She had to get her ipod fixed and I needed an informal dress... and I found one! Its silver and grey with braided silver straps that form like a V in the front. It goes to about my knees and is flowy at the bottom. I got it for $50 too, on sale! Anyways, it's always hard to find something that isn't TOO formal but is still nice enough and I think we did! LJ is going to be in Hawaii for thanksgiving so she's missing out! But I also can't feel too bad for her since she will be sun tanning on the hawaiian beaches...
I don't know if I wrote about who my date is for this event, did I? Well his names Matt, he's a sophomore, soccer player, and I know him from last year kind of. Hil is taking a soccer guy too and since we're rooming together it will work out because they're friends. We always like to ask guys who know each other so it's not as awkward (since were sharing a room and driving an hour to get there) and so it's more fun! The only possible bump in the road would be the soccer team winning their game tomorrow. They play at 1pm against this team from Minnesota (they're in the SCIAC championships) and IF they win they might have to go to Iowa.... i know. So were crossing our fingers that they don't? I know that sounds awful but there will be five girls in Delta without dates if they leave to go to IOWA... geezzz. SO we'll see. They don't talk about it like they think it will be a problem so I'm trying not to worry about. Matt was explaining in full detail what he plans on wearing to match my dress (cute) etc. I'll keep you posted!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Arizona Fiji Formal!
My update of the weekend is below, this but these are some pictures I took of our mini-trip cross state lines!! =)

the four of us. Jacob, me, Hilary, and JC

Jacob and I... 5th grade sweethearts and still going strong!! haha

I had a thing for his suspenders ;)

Hil and I outside the front of the resort... there was a fountain and everything, really pretty!!
the four of us. Jacob, me, Hilary, and JC
Jacob and I... 5th grade sweethearts and still going strong!! haha
I had a thing for his suspenders ;)
Hil and I outside the front of the resort... there was a fountain and everything, really pretty!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
my familyyy
I cannot believe thanksgiving is right around the corner. This semester has blown by and I have had such a good beginning to my sophomore year. Classes are nearing finals and I frequently get overwhelmed when I think about too many things I still have to do but it hasn't gotten too bad yet. I'm in the middle of my second creative piece and have to turn it in on tuesday, I really like this one actually, and kind of based it off what I think my immediately family will be like in the future. It's weird to think about and the characters themselves are totally fictionalized but I like the feel of it so far. So, we'll see!
This weekend was nothing but non-stop on the go. Hilary and I road-tripped it down to ARIZONA!! to visit our mutual friend Jacob (I went to elementary and middle school with him, hil went to high school with him) and I was his date for his frat's formal. It was a lot of fun! We were kinda intimidated because we really didn't really know anyone else... but everyone was really nice! I don't know, 5hr there and back, so a total of 10hr on the road was a little much. We're just exhausted, but it was a good night! We had a nice sit down dinner, took pictures, went on a party bus, and danced to a DJ. The night started early so we were pretty out by 1am and then on the road by 9am with mcdonalds and starbucks in our bellies!! (I'll put up pictures soon)
This week is going to be another busy one. Saturday day&night we have a delta retreat (camping) and it goes into sunday. The babies are finally becoming active!! This week I have a philosophy paper I need to be working on and art history notes that I need to get better at doing..ha.
Going abroad is also on my mind. Our pre-lim app's are due Nov.17th and I'm deciding between Salzburg, Austria and Barcelona, Spain. If I went to Salzburg I would be with lots of redlands students and travel a ton. In Spain I would live in an apart. with Lizzie!! and be near the beach and explore the country with her, which would be AMAZINGG.
So, they both have pro's and con's....I'm still deciding and I don't have to make any serious decisions yet, so I'm okay so far! :)
On the 22nd we have our annual fall semester informal and this year its in PALM SPRINGS at the Morongo Casino and Resort!!! I asked my date this weekend and am really excited about it. His name is Matt and he plays soccer, my year. Hil is also taking a guy from the team (they're friends) so the four of us will have a lot of fun rooming together!! I can't believe its in less than 2 weeks!!!
Jenna's bday is on thursday and she's 21!!!!!! I'm starting her present tomorrow and have a really good idea for it!! Very exciting :] her and her 21&older friends are all going to Vegas this coming weekend and I'm so jealous. She's going to have an amazing time.
Someone asked me today about my family, siblings, etc. and I was forced to say my sister was 17. 17? I instantly got a really weird feeling in my stomach like we are in some small way growing up. I think in my mind megan will always be 14 and a freshman, but maybe that's just an older sister thing. I can't believe that time goes by as quickly as it does. I'm almost out of my "teens" and even saying that freaks me out. I'm not ready to be 20, in any way. I mean, I guess I have six more months (thank god) but even so. It's not really working for me. All I really want is to wake up Saturday morning, having mom making swedish pancakes, lie around the house watching football and yelling at dad to change the channel, playing scrabble with a fire, all in robes and pj's. (Mom in her one she stole from that place on our way to Carmel, the quail one?) :) I miss it all. I miss it so much. Sometimes I get sad, other times I just lie in my bed and try and remember all those little details, the long lost pink blanket, austin eating on that long black bench seat in our old kitchen and mom yelling at him to sit up and eat... eat something. ha. Oh austin and his chicken and buttered noodles phase, wait, are we out of the phase yet? lol. Those days I love. And sometimes we still have them, our grownup version of them, mom and her egg and corn tortillas and austin on his ipod. oh and megan making signs for SAC. We are all the same, parts of us different or more mature, other parts not changed at all. But I miss it all.
15 days until thanksgiving and I'm back with you guys. Love yaa.
This weekend was nothing but non-stop on the go. Hilary and I road-tripped it down to ARIZONA!! to visit our mutual friend Jacob (I went to elementary and middle school with him, hil went to high school with him) and I was his date for his frat's formal. It was a lot of fun! We were kinda intimidated because we really didn't really know anyone else... but everyone was really nice! I don't know, 5hr there and back, so a total of 10hr on the road was a little much. We're just exhausted, but it was a good night! We had a nice sit down dinner, took pictures, went on a party bus, and danced to a DJ. The night started early so we were pretty out by 1am and then on the road by 9am with mcdonalds and starbucks in our bellies!! (I'll put up pictures soon)
This week is going to be another busy one. Saturday day&night we have a delta retreat (camping) and it goes into sunday. The babies are finally becoming active!! This week I have a philosophy paper I need to be working on and art history notes that I need to get better at doing..ha.
Going abroad is also on my mind. Our pre-lim app's are due Nov.17th and I'm deciding between Salzburg, Austria and Barcelona, Spain. If I went to Salzburg I would be with lots of redlands students and travel a ton. In Spain I would live in an apart. with Lizzie!! and be near the beach and explore the country with her, which would be AMAZINGG.
So, they both have pro's and con's....I'm still deciding and I don't have to make any serious decisions yet, so I'm okay so far! :)
On the 22nd we have our annual fall semester informal and this year its in PALM SPRINGS at the Morongo Casino and Resort!!! I asked my date this weekend and am really excited about it. His name is Matt and he plays soccer, my year. Hil is also taking a guy from the team (they're friends) so the four of us will have a lot of fun rooming together!! I can't believe its in less than 2 weeks!!!
Jenna's bday is on thursday and she's 21!!!!!! I'm starting her present tomorrow and have a really good idea for it!! Very exciting :] her and her 21&older friends are all going to Vegas this coming weekend and I'm so jealous. She's going to have an amazing time.
Someone asked me today about my family, siblings, etc. and I was forced to say my sister was 17. 17? I instantly got a really weird feeling in my stomach like we are in some small way growing up. I think in my mind megan will always be 14 and a freshman, but maybe that's just an older sister thing. I can't believe that time goes by as quickly as it does. I'm almost out of my "teens" and even saying that freaks me out. I'm not ready to be 20, in any way. I mean, I guess I have six more months (thank god) but even so. It's not really working for me. All I really want is to wake up Saturday morning, having mom making swedish pancakes, lie around the house watching football and yelling at dad to change the channel, playing scrabble with a fire, all in robes and pj's. (Mom in her one she stole from that place on our way to Carmel, the quail one?) :) I miss it all. I miss it so much. Sometimes I get sad, other times I just lie in my bed and try and remember all those little details, the long lost pink blanket, austin eating on that long black bench seat in our old kitchen and mom yelling at him to sit up and eat... eat something. ha. Oh austin and his chicken and buttered noodles phase, wait, are we out of the phase yet? lol. Those days I love. And sometimes we still have them, our grownup version of them, mom and her egg and corn tortillas and austin on his ipod. oh and megan making signs for SAC. We are all the same, parts of us different or more mature, other parts not changed at all. But I miss it all.
15 days until thanksgiving and I'm back with you guys. Love yaa.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Some pictures from this Saturday, the new girls were officially "presented" to the greek community and we had so much fun celebrating with them! Its so weird not being the "babies" anymore but being active definitely has its perks!

The X Factor

jackie and I before greek dinner

our LARGE family... BT's for life

hil and I at presents park
The X Factor
jackie and I before greek dinner
our LARGE family... BT's for life
hil and I at presents park
a hippie and a bunny
Friday, October 31, 2008
WOW this week went by quickly! I cannot believe its the weekend again and halloween is here!!! yah!! Yesterday I finally went shopping for my costume, im going to be a hippie, woho! I went to Target and got a peace sign t-shirt, fun colored hoop earrings, and a head band/wrap thing, I'm set! Tonight we have a keg race with Pi Chi at 7pm, costumes required! I'm really excited! They are going to miss a couple big drinkers too bc football has a game tomorrow so they can't go out, so we actually have a fighting chance!! ahah.. we'll try our best ;)
Wednesday I had my first study abroad meeting and have become no closer to deciding where I want to go. I did however get lots of good information on different programs and places so I'm headed in the right direction... its extremely overwhelming though! Our preliminary applications are due by Nov. 17th, so I really only have a little over 2 weeks to at least pick a country....hmmm, should be interesting!
Yesterday I got my (hopefully) FINAL halloween package from my family, aka: delicious PUMPKIN shaped brownies from my sissyy =) Hil and I both agree that they are way too yummy and the container remains on my desk (problem, bc i keep staring at it) hahaha. and i got the best (and BIGGEST) card, fully colored :) as well, from Megan, so thank you.. I got very excited!
Today is actually overcast, I know, weird right? But its a nice break. Tomorrow is greek presents, our new girls get dressed up and we have this really special dinner for them, its a really fun filled girls night that I can't wait for! BUT I'm too excited to get all dressed up tonight to think about tomorrow.
I'll keep you posted on how it all turned out :)
Wednesday I had my first study abroad meeting and have become no closer to deciding where I want to go. I did however get lots of good information on different programs and places so I'm headed in the right direction... its extremely overwhelming though! Our preliminary applications are due by Nov. 17th, so I really only have a little over 2 weeks to at least pick a country....hmmm, should be interesting!
Yesterday I got my (hopefully) FINAL halloween package from my family, aka: delicious PUMPKIN shaped brownies from my sissyy =) Hil and I both agree that they are way too yummy and the container remains on my desk (problem, bc i keep staring at it) hahaha. and i got the best (and BIGGEST) card, fully colored :) as well, from Megan, so thank you.. I got very excited!
Today is actually overcast, I know, weird right? But its a nice break. Tomorrow is greek presents, our new girls get dressed up and we have this really special dinner for them, its a really fun filled girls night that I can't wait for! BUT I'm too excited to get all dressed up tonight to think about tomorrow.
I'll keep you posted on how it all turned out :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
almost HALLOWEEN!!! :]
Hello! Well I haven't written anything in a while! Okay, so last weekend was Homecoming and it was full of many activities. First off I wanted to share that Delta won the Homecoming float contest and won $500!!!! We are going to put our money towards our informal at the end of November and sending things to the abroad girls. Our theme was "Unmask your Vote: 2008" and we had two white trucks and really cool looking "picket" signs.
After that we went to the football game which we won by and landslide... so we left after the 3rd quarter. Then we met up at the Delta house and partied with all the returning alums who were in town, like our pledge mommy!!!! It was so good to see her and all the other returning senior who have been so missed.
Today is also an important day because I have my first official abroad meeting at 2:30pm...ahhh!!! I made the appt. last week and got some brochures and such to get a feel for some things before the meeting. I heard the lady is really nice and is amazing at fitting the right student to the right place.
Halloween is also right around the corner and I am officially the last of my friends to find a costume. I'm thinking maybe a hippie?? Not sure. Hil's going to be a bunny, LJ a bee, and Jackie a cat... so maybe I should be some sort of animal to fit the "theme" LOL.
I wanted to say thanks to my lovely family for the fun halloween packages. Mom: the life size tin of Popcorn Factory Popcorn will last the entire semester so never worry that I am going hungary over here!! And the cute glow sticks and chocolate was really cute/yummy! I hear that my wonderful sister baked me something as well (like i need anything else!) but nontheless excited :]
I should get ready for my class soon but I wanted to share some highlights. Hope everyones week is going as well as mine!!!
After that we went to the football game which we won by and landslide... so we left after the 3rd quarter. Then we met up at the Delta house and partied with all the returning alums who were in town, like our pledge mommy!!!! It was so good to see her and all the other returning senior who have been so missed.
Today is also an important day because I have my first official abroad meeting at 2:30pm...ahhh!!! I made the appt. last week and got some brochures and such to get a feel for some things before the meeting. I heard the lady is really nice and is amazing at fitting the right student to the right place.
Halloween is also right around the corner and I am officially the last of my friends to find a costume. I'm thinking maybe a hippie?? Not sure. Hil's going to be a bunny, LJ a bee, and Jackie a cat... so maybe I should be some sort of animal to fit the "theme" LOL.
I wanted to say thanks to my lovely family for the fun halloween packages. Mom: the life size tin of Popcorn Factory Popcorn will last the entire semester so never worry that I am going hungary over here!! And the cute glow sticks and chocolate was really cute/yummy! I hear that my wonderful sister baked me something as well (like i need anything else!) but nontheless excited :]
I should get ready for my class soon but I wanted to share some highlights. Hope everyones week is going as well as mine!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
a black&white friday
So tonight is my first Delta date night. I'm taking this junior, Ryan, who I know from last year and he's really nice. Plus, he knows a lot of Delta's so he'll be social and not someone I have to constantly watch to make sure he's having a good time. The outfit is all picked out and decided; Mom helped me shop for something when I was home last weekend (thats so weird to think I was home just a week ago!) Anyways, I got this really cute black dress from Nordstrom, dangly black and white pearly earrings, and these mostly black, tiny bit of white heels of mom's that I'm borrowing :) I'm really excited! And we're providing the wine, woo!
Last night about 20 other girls and I drove to LA to be apart of the audience for a new MTV pilot RockBand. For every girl we got $15 and the money goes to our informal in November, the weekend before Thanksgiving break. We were told to be there at 5pm, of course my car of 5 gets lost and ends up getting there around 530pm. We thought it would be a problem but NO... not a problem at all!! Why not?? you ask, well because the rehearsal going on for the show was running behind and we ended up standing outside on the sidewalk of LA until 830... in heels and "clubbing" attire. ?!?!? When we finally got in, we had to continue STANDING as part of the audience till (we were originally told 10pm) oh but no! 1230am. yep! We were all so miserable, tired, starving, feet KILLING us, and close to the point of tears. The guy told us at 11 that if we stayed till the end he'd double our money, so we took one for the team and stuck it out. Then we hit In N Out at 1am (literally our dinner... food has never tasted so good) and were in bed by 230am. Such a unexpected long night that was completely exhausting! But we made around $600 and that will really help us out with costs, etc.
On a better note, I just got back from a lunch date with Nicolette! Well kind of a breakfast/lunch thing since I didn't wake up till 11 today due to the events of the night. But it was lots of fun! We went to the Eating Room and I am so amazingly full!! I had a delicious turkey avocado melt, with sweet potato fries... AND a cookie from the bakery....omg I'm not eating for a week! It was really good to catch up with her, hear about her family and friends, and being a CA and everything. It's so nice to have someone I can talk to who is so different from me but I still feel close to and is someone I can confide in. She's an Chemistry major, not overtly social, and musical... i don't think we could be MORE different.
I am relieved because I am finally done with my phil midterm! ...as well as a art history quiz (even thou I have THAT midterm on tuesday) so its nice to have today to get some work done, enjoy the sun, and look forward to what i hope to be a really fun night!
Have fun at homecoming (with Johnny♥) today and tomorrow megan!! I want to see pictures but I know you will look gorgeous in that dress of mine ;) XOXO
Last night about 20 other girls and I drove to LA to be apart of the audience for a new MTV pilot RockBand. For every girl we got $15 and the money goes to our informal in November, the weekend before Thanksgiving break. We were told to be there at 5pm, of course my car of 5 gets lost and ends up getting there around 530pm. We thought it would be a problem but NO... not a problem at all!! Why not?? you ask, well because the rehearsal going on for the show was running behind and we ended up standing outside on the sidewalk of LA until 830... in heels and "clubbing" attire. ?!?!? When we finally got in, we had to continue STANDING as part of the audience till (we were originally told 10pm) oh but no! 1230am. yep! We were all so miserable, tired, starving, feet KILLING us, and close to the point of tears. The guy told us at 11 that if we stayed till the end he'd double our money, so we took one for the team and stuck it out. Then we hit In N Out at 1am (literally our dinner... food has never tasted so good) and were in bed by 230am. Such a unexpected long night that was completely exhausting! But we made around $600 and that will really help us out with costs, etc.
On a better note, I just got back from a lunch date with Nicolette! Well kind of a breakfast/lunch thing since I didn't wake up till 11 today due to the events of the night. But it was lots of fun! We went to the Eating Room and I am so amazingly full!! I had a delicious turkey avocado melt, with sweet potato fries... AND a cookie from the bakery....omg I'm not eating for a week! It was really good to catch up with her, hear about her family and friends, and being a CA and everything. It's so nice to have someone I can talk to who is so different from me but I still feel close to and is someone I can confide in. She's an Chemistry major, not overtly social, and musical... i don't think we could be MORE different.
I am relieved because I am finally done with my phil midterm! ...as well as a art history quiz (even thou I have THAT midterm on tuesday) so its nice to have today to get some work done, enjoy the sun, and look forward to what i hope to be a really fun night!
Have fun at homecoming (with Johnny♥) today and tomorrow megan!! I want to see pictures but I know you will look gorgeous in that dress of mine ;) XOXO
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
So we pulled it off. The family and I successfully fulfilled our covert operation and SURPRISED MOM FOR HER BIRTHDAYY!!!!!
It was planned mid-September, I thought it would be a fun surprise for her birthday, Dad made the reservations and without even the slightest slip up from Amazing-Secret-Keeper-Austin mom could NOT have been more shocked.
My plane got in thursday night, there was a driver there to pick me up and take me to dinner in seattle. I arrived a little later than planned (traffic, etc.) and got there after the rest of the fam had sat down. I came in the door facing mom's back, so I kinda sneaked around the table and then just stood there. She just looked at me at first, then the water works began. YAHHH!!!! I was so happy to see her and everyone, yes, even you austin ;)
We had a delicious dinner at Shuckers, a amazingly tall birthday cake with a candle, stayed in Seattle for the night at the Sheraton, and did breakfast and some shopping Friday. Friday night we hung out, all of us minus Megan went out to dinner in Tacoma and then rented Guess Who with Bernie Mac and stayed in. It was SO nice to be in my own home, feeling fall, appreciating halloween decorations (the holiday i MISSED last year) and sleeping in my own bed. Mom was just glad to have me around, we ran errands, she helped me get an outfit for my Black&White date night this friday, we hit Emerald City twice =) , and had an epic adventure to the UPS store with a very emotional store clerk talking to us about her recently deceased sister... umm yeah.
Saturday night Megan and I prepared an amazing dinner and delicious pumpkin cake (that I ate too much of) then we went to see The Dutchess at the Grand Theatre. I really liked it! I mean, Kiera Knightly consistently plays those regal, Elizabethan roles, but it was good. Brownie points go to Dad for sitting through it... at times I thought it was going to fall asleep/leave/throw something at the screen.... but he was a good sport (kinda) and just had a few minor eye rolls and heavy sighs.
Sunday Megan, Mom, and I went to the NEW Nordstrom.... very nice!!! Really impressed, felt like seattle!! I got two pairs of cute shoes and a black dress for friday. We ate at the Bistro, had a really good chicken caesar salad, and we hit the e-bar before we left as well. Megan's Mexican Mocha might have been a little adventurous for me, but hey? it was a good day : ) My flight left that night at 715pm, so it was nice to have the whole day!!
Now I'm back at school, middle of mid-terms week, and wishing I could have stayed longer : (
Tomorrow I have a Philosophy midterm and Art History quiz (midterm on tuesday) and just got back that paper on the affirmative action and got a 87%!! Thanks for the editing mom!!
Tomorrow night we are going to LA for a fundraiser to make money for our informal in November. We're going to an MTV show taping?? Never done one but I'm excited to go!!! We fill the audience, they pay $15 a person and i think we have about 30 deltas going so about $450 ?? I'll let you know how it goes!!
I'm so happy I got to be home last weekend!! It made my month and made me that much more excited for thanksgiving! Missing my family and shower-less shoes and delicious food, but I manage okay down here.
All my love,
It was planned mid-September, I thought it would be a fun surprise for her birthday, Dad made the reservations and without even the slightest slip up from Amazing-Secret-Keeper-Austin mom could NOT have been more shocked.
My plane got in thursday night, there was a driver there to pick me up and take me to dinner in seattle. I arrived a little later than planned (traffic, etc.) and got there after the rest of the fam had sat down. I came in the door facing mom's back, so I kinda sneaked around the table and then just stood there. She just looked at me at first, then the water works began. YAHHH!!!! I was so happy to see her and everyone, yes, even you austin ;)
We had a delicious dinner at Shuckers, a amazingly tall birthday cake with a candle, stayed in Seattle for the night at the Sheraton, and did breakfast and some shopping Friday. Friday night we hung out, all of us minus Megan went out to dinner in Tacoma and then rented Guess Who with Bernie Mac and stayed in. It was SO nice to be in my own home, feeling fall, appreciating halloween decorations (the holiday i MISSED last year) and sleeping in my own bed. Mom was just glad to have me around, we ran errands, she helped me get an outfit for my Black&White date night this friday, we hit Emerald City twice =) , and had an epic adventure to the UPS store with a very emotional store clerk talking to us about her recently deceased sister... umm yeah.
Saturday night Megan and I prepared an amazing dinner and delicious pumpkin cake (that I ate too much of) then we went to see The Dutchess at the Grand Theatre. I really liked it! I mean, Kiera Knightly consistently plays those regal, Elizabethan roles, but it was good. Brownie points go to Dad for sitting through it... at times I thought it was going to fall asleep/leave/throw something at the screen.... but he was a good sport (kinda) and just had a few minor eye rolls and heavy sighs.
Sunday Megan, Mom, and I went to the NEW Nordstrom.... very nice!!! Really impressed, felt like seattle!! I got two pairs of cute shoes and a black dress for friday. We ate at the Bistro, had a really good chicken caesar salad, and we hit the e-bar before we left as well. Megan's Mexican Mocha might have been a little adventurous for me, but hey? it was a good day : ) My flight left that night at 715pm, so it was nice to have the whole day!!
Now I'm back at school, middle of mid-terms week, and wishing I could have stayed longer : (
Tomorrow I have a Philosophy midterm and Art History quiz (midterm on tuesday) and just got back that paper on the affirmative action and got a 87%!! Thanks for the editing mom!!
Tomorrow night we are going to LA for a fundraiser to make money for our informal in November. We're going to an MTV show taping?? Never done one but I'm excited to go!!! We fill the audience, they pay $15 a person and i think we have about 30 deltas going so about $450 ?? I'll let you know how it goes!!
I'm so happy I got to be home last weekend!! It made my month and made me that much more excited for thanksgiving! Missing my family and shower-less shoes and delicious food, but I manage okay down here.
All my love,
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
sunny sunny day
Why do i love redlands so much? Because I can call my mom when she's driving and her car says 51 degrees and I can say I'm in a sundress and flip-flops aka. 85 degrees :) its so pretty today I can't get over it! Hil and I walked out of our dorm this morning on our way to breakfast and it felt like we were stepping into a bath... at 8:45am!
I'm all smiles lately for many reasons. One, because I know this weekend is going to be really fun. Two, its a Wednesday and it feels like a Monday which means I only really have two days of classes because I have no class Fridays. Three, because I finally finished my philosophy paper which was looming over my head. and finally, because my mom's birthday is on Saturday!Stress comes on quickly around here, but somehow I've escaped the crazy freaking out over mid-terms. Hopefully I can hang on to this good feeling until the weekend rolls around!
I miss everyone at home. Mom just sent me a picture text of a green-almost-red tree... I forget there are those things called seasons in other states ;)
x's and o's to mom for her birthday coming up, I'm working on a cute card =)
----a special shout out to my very best friend who loves techno and rocks the boot. you will forever have my heart...
I'm all smiles lately for many reasons. One, because I know this weekend is going to be really fun. Two, its a Wednesday and it feels like a Monday which means I only really have two days of classes because I have no class Fridays. Three, because I finally finished my philosophy paper which was looming over my head. and finally, because my mom's birthday is on Saturday!Stress comes on quickly around here, but somehow I've escaped the crazy freaking out over mid-terms. Hopefully I can hang on to this good feeling until the weekend rolls around!
I miss everyone at home. Mom just sent me a picture text of a green-almost-red tree... I forget there are those things called seasons in other states ;)
x's and o's to mom for her birthday coming up, I'm working on a cute card =)
----a special shout out to my very best friend who loves techno and rocks the boot. you will forever have my heart...
oh pictures from bid day!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
my relaxing fall break---
Our fall break is basically an amazing 4 day weekend (mon&tues off) that comes the first weekend every october and even thought i didn't have any major plans this year, it has been so relaxing!
Friday I went to Claremont for our tennis ITA tournament where all of us played really well, it was mid-80's, no complaints. Then Friday night Lj and I went and saw Night at Rotanthe with Richard Gere and Diane Lane, and it was SO sad/depressing/sent a hopeless life message. Ah! I totally thought by the previews too that it was going to be so romantic and "happily ever after" but that was definitely not the case. Good thing we had popcorn to distract me or I would have been a weeping mess. Saturday I SLEPT IN, went to the gym, mailed some letters to sisters abroad, and went out to dinner for my friend Emily's birthday. Dinner was lots of fun but 18 college aged people/The Outback/ noise control was a bit of an issue. I have sympathy for waiters now so I gave him a big tip :)
Saturday night we went out to the water polo house, football apartments, and Jenna's apartment. Super fun! We were out late and sunday was kinda a wash but everyone was out and I had a blast!
Yesterday Jackie and I hit the library for some intense quiet work hours. I had a argument paper for my ethics and social philosophy class on affirmative action in colleges and universities in the US, woo! am I glad I'm done with that! Jackie had to leave early for soccer practice and I stayed at the library longer and 5:30pm it was mostly complete.
Last night I stayed in, did laundry, edited my paper, and watched 2 episodes of FRIENDS season 3. Went to bed around 11, then woke up at 4am with one of my top-five WORST headaches to date. awful, horrible, head pounding, couldn't function. Watched a Sex&the city episode at 4:30am to try and get my mind off it but that didn't work. Musical beds, (I ended up in LJ's, 4 advil, and a 15 minute conversation with Jackie about our plans for the morning later, and I fell back asleep)
Thank goodness I didn't wake up this morning in the same condition! ugh. Anyways, this morning I woke up around 9, watched a little of the TODAY show, went for a jog, and got brunch with the girls.
I just got back from laying out on the quad, its 93 degrees here! Hott... so soaking up some sunshine while reading for my lit class sounded good :)
I'm just about to do some more reading. We're reading Peter Pan and Wendy right now and I'm loving every second of it. I find myself imagining the Disney versions in my head while I'm reading but the novel is somewhat different so its really interesting to compare the two.
I'm having such a good start to the week, hopefully it will just get better! :)
There's a birthday in the family coming up.... whose?? my mommy's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yah.
Friday I went to Claremont for our tennis ITA tournament where all of us played really well, it was mid-80's, no complaints. Then Friday night Lj and I went and saw Night at Rotanthe with Richard Gere and Diane Lane, and it was SO sad/depressing/sent a hopeless life message. Ah! I totally thought by the previews too that it was going to be so romantic and "happily ever after" but that was definitely not the case. Good thing we had popcorn to distract me or I would have been a weeping mess. Saturday I SLEPT IN, went to the gym, mailed some letters to sisters abroad, and went out to dinner for my friend Emily's birthday. Dinner was lots of fun but 18 college aged people/The Outback/ noise control was a bit of an issue. I have sympathy for waiters now so I gave him a big tip :)
Saturday night we went out to the water polo house, football apartments, and Jenna's apartment. Super fun! We were out late and sunday was kinda a wash but everyone was out and I had a blast!
Yesterday Jackie and I hit the library for some intense quiet work hours. I had a argument paper for my ethics and social philosophy class on affirmative action in colleges and universities in the US, woo! am I glad I'm done with that! Jackie had to leave early for soccer practice and I stayed at the library longer and 5:30pm it was mostly complete.
Last night I stayed in, did laundry, edited my paper, and watched 2 episodes of FRIENDS season 3. Went to bed around 11, then woke up at 4am with one of my top-five WORST headaches to date. awful, horrible, head pounding, couldn't function. Watched a Sex&the city episode at 4:30am to try and get my mind off it but that didn't work. Musical beds, (I ended up in LJ's, 4 advil, and a 15 minute conversation with Jackie about our plans for the morning later, and I fell back asleep)
Thank goodness I didn't wake up this morning in the same condition! ugh. Anyways, this morning I woke up around 9, watched a little of the TODAY show, went for a jog, and got brunch with the girls.
I just got back from laying out on the quad, its 93 degrees here! Hott... so soaking up some sunshine while reading for my lit class sounded good :)
I'm just about to do some more reading. We're reading Peter Pan and Wendy right now and I'm loving every second of it. I find myself imagining the Disney versions in my head while I'm reading but the novel is somewhat different so its really interesting to compare the two.
I'm having such a good start to the week, hopefully it will just get better! :)
There's a birthday in the family coming up.... whose?? my mommy's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yah.
Friday, October 3, 2008
officially october!! hello fall :)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
when the world gets quieter
and you're alone with your thoughts
inner emotions suddenly surface.
emotions that seem real enough to grab;
real enough that you feel almost certain that if you really wanted to,
you could remove them altogether.
but at the same time
you have no control when they will surface,
when they will grab you,
when they will consume you altogether.
and when they do consume you,
its hard to ever really think about anything else.
and you're alone with your thoughts
inner emotions suddenly surface.
emotions that seem real enough to grab;
real enough that you feel almost certain that if you really wanted to,
you could remove them altogether.
but at the same time
you have no control when they will surface,
when they will grab you,
when they will consume you altogether.
and when they do consume you,
its hard to ever really think about anything else.
Monday, September 22, 2008
really quick
things on my mind:
* finishing my art history paper due tomorrow
* reading for fiction workshop tomorrow
* gossip girl tonight! (then the HILLS)
* thinking about my sisters... virginia you are in my thoughts
* anxious about the bid meeting friday
* played well in tennis, hopefully i can keep my mental game up
* lip sync (were Olympics in Bejing themed) wednesday
* missing the abroad girls
* almost megan's birthday!! =)
* liz starts rush tomorrow, good luck! busy busy girl
thats about all----
"all people want is someone to listen" h.elliott
* finishing my art history paper due tomorrow
* reading for fiction workshop tomorrow
* gossip girl tonight! (then the HILLS)
* thinking about my sisters... virginia you are in my thoughts
* anxious about the bid meeting friday
* played well in tennis, hopefully i can keep my mental game up
* lip sync (were Olympics in Bejing themed) wednesday
* missing the abroad girls
* almost megan's birthday!! =)
* liz starts rush tomorrow, good luck! busy busy girl
thats about all----
"all people want is someone to listen" h.elliott
Friday, September 19, 2008
the kind of fridays that make monday-thursday not seem so bad
Although my schedule is a very busy one, not having classes on friday's is already one of my favorite things about this new semester. Tennis practice from 8am-10 though early, was really nice to have so the rest of my day was free! I completed a fiction piece, half my reading for the class, a half hour nap, lunch with the girls, greek lip sync practice from 2-3:30 and a good gym sesh! plus amazing sushi we just got home from!
Tonight I'm staying in with Jackie and Mary and we're going to see 'The Women' at 9:50pm. Liz gave it good reviews!
So that was my day in a nutshell. Tomorrow is our formal rush. We have to be there at 11am, rush is from 2:40-4pm. A full delta day that I get to spend with my sisters :) nothing better.
A week from tonight I will be getting ready for Fall Bid Day. That's when we discuss, bash, and duke it out for the girls we like and the ones we don't. It will be my first one and I'm kind of nervous, I hear there really dramatic/intense/emotion. ah!
But I'm SO excited for a new 'new member class' and to no longer be considered 'the babies' teehehehe ;)
I'm starting to really miss the girls who are abroad. I know that will be me a year from now and it's kinda scary. Scary but good. Maybe a tad bit more scary simply because I don't know where I want to go yet!!! But I am determined to figure it out this semester and then things will hopefully become more structured and I will in turn become less anxious. Italy and London are the front runners as of now.... so we'll see!!
What else? Not a lot. Good luck to megan and austin in their tennis tourney this weekend! I heard austin dominated today... yyeeaahhhh!!!! =) thinking of you two always!!!
and a thank you to mom who sent me twinkly lights today, and some nail polish, super cute card, && gum :) :) thanks mom! you made me smile :)
SAFE TRIP WISHES to lizzz who leaves today for UCLA RUSHHH. so excited to share greek life with you! and even more excited to have us back in the same state :] PLUS you now have a car to come see meee. yah!!!
Tonight I'm staying in with Jackie and Mary and we're going to see 'The Women' at 9:50pm. Liz gave it good reviews!
So that was my day in a nutshell. Tomorrow is our formal rush. We have to be there at 11am, rush is from 2:40-4pm. A full delta day that I get to spend with my sisters :) nothing better.
A week from tonight I will be getting ready for Fall Bid Day. That's when we discuss, bash, and duke it out for the girls we like and the ones we don't. It will be my first one and I'm kind of nervous, I hear there really dramatic/intense/emotion. ah!
But I'm SO excited for a new 'new member class' and to no longer be considered 'the babies' teehehehe ;)
I'm starting to really miss the girls who are abroad. I know that will be me a year from now and it's kinda scary. Scary but good. Maybe a tad bit more scary simply because I don't know where I want to go yet!!! But I am determined to figure it out this semester and then things will hopefully become more structured and I will in turn become less anxious. Italy and London are the front runners as of now.... so we'll see!!
What else? Not a lot. Good luck to megan and austin in their tennis tourney this weekend! I heard austin dominated today... yyeeaahhhh!!!! =) thinking of you two always!!!
and a thank you to mom who sent me twinkly lights today, and some nail polish, super cute card, && gum :) :) thanks mom! you made me smile :)
SAFE TRIP WISHES to lizzz who leaves today for UCLA RUSHHH. so excited to share greek life with you! and even more excited to have us back in the same state :] PLUS you now have a car to come see meee. yah!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
So the pictures following are HUGE but jackie and i are having challenges making them smaller for some reason? so they're just going to be enormous I guess. Last night was our En Fuego Dance/ Fundraiser and it went VERY well!! Well decorated all day saturday and had little to no drama. Our goal was $1500 and we have a meeting tonight so I guess we'll see soon!
Even though it was a success, we are all very tired. Working set-up from 1-5pm and then working the event from 9-2am was draining and a lot of time to be on your feet thats for sure! But it was all worth it.
Just doing laundry, finished my lit homework for tomorrow, have more reading to do for lit, and am almost done with my first creative piece for my fiction workshop. LJ and I have to go pick up Lost in Translation and watch it for our philosophy class with a write-up due thursday... wheew!! a lot to do/done. and still going!!
Delta meeting tonight at 7 and once my reading is out of the way it's off to bed for me. Long weekend but definitely fun!!

jenna and i!!

8/10 of our pledge class!! I♥the token ten!!!

a little deltakappapsi and pichi =) brother sister; greek love :)
don't think thats all of us... but we did get a lot of us in!!
Even though it was a success, we are all very tired. Working set-up from 1-5pm and then working the event from 9-2am was draining and a lot of time to be on your feet thats for sure! But it was all worth it.
Just doing laundry, finished my lit homework for tomorrow, have more reading to do for lit, and am almost done with my first creative piece for my fiction workshop. LJ and I have to go pick up Lost in Translation and watch it for our philosophy class with a write-up due thursday... wheew!! a lot to do/done. and still going!!
Delta meeting tonight at 7 and once my reading is out of the way it's off to bed for me. Long weekend but definitely fun!!
jenna and i!!
8/10 of our pledge class!! I♥the token ten!!!
a little deltakappapsi and pichi =) brother sister; greek love :)
don't think thats all of us... but we did get a lot of us in!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
the good and the bad
This week has been quite the rollercoaster. From an impromptu tennis schedule switch and cable issue to RUSH activities and receiving delicious cookies today ☺ ‘good and bad’ seemed to be fitting for the time being.
Cable guy came Wednesday, only to hook up our cable and then have it not work the next day… SO I called and the guy is coming back tomorrow and credited our account $20. Woo! Off court practice times went from Tuesday and Friday’s to Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and on-court practices start next week, Mon, Wed, and Fri. I’m looking forward to it but going to be a busy girl!
RUSH is starting next week… which means were going to be getting more girls!! Delta night is Wednesday and I’m super excited!! Staying on topic, I just wrote and mailed the formal rush invites to all the patronesses and chapter presidents and sent them off today! Along with my big’s gift (Alyssa) in Salzburg, Austria!
Getting in the groove of things is somewhat of a challenge for me this year (so much fun! but difficult at the same time.) But hopefully after this coming week things will settle down and I’ll form some kind of a schedule.
THANK YOU TO megan and mom for the delicious carmelitas!! Very delicious and much needed! And I already downloaded the CD you made me, megan! My favorite is shake it.. haha xoxo
Delta’s EN FUEGOO is Saturday… our biggest fund raiser of the year, goal is $1500!!
We are setting up for it all day tomorrow starting at 1… woohoo!
That’s all for now…
♥ to my family who I miss very much ☹
Cable guy came Wednesday, only to hook up our cable and then have it not work the next day… SO I called and the guy is coming back tomorrow and credited our account $20. Woo! Off court practice times went from Tuesday and Friday’s to Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and on-court practices start next week, Mon, Wed, and Fri. I’m looking forward to it but going to be a busy girl!
RUSH is starting next week… which means were going to be getting more girls!! Delta night is Wednesday and I’m super excited!! Staying on topic, I just wrote and mailed the formal rush invites to all the patronesses and chapter presidents and sent them off today! Along with my big’s gift (Alyssa) in Salzburg, Austria!
Getting in the groove of things is somewhat of a challenge for me this year (so much fun! but difficult at the same time.) But hopefully after this coming week things will settle down and I’ll form some kind of a schedule.
THANK YOU TO megan and mom for the delicious carmelitas!! Very delicious and much needed! And I already downloaded the CD you made me, megan! My favorite is shake it.. haha xoxo
Delta’s EN FUEGOO is Saturday… our biggest fund raiser of the year, goal is $1500!!
We are setting up for it all day tomorrow starting at 1… woohoo!
That’s all for now…
♥ to my family who I miss very much ☹
Sunday, September 7, 2008
its a delta jungle!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
sophomore year!!
I officially completed my first day of classes :) and had a very busy/but good! day. Today I had ethics and social philosophy class (teacher VERY insightful, discussion based) visual cultural studies class (english prof w/ accent... love it!! haha.) reading and typed notes required but i think i'll learn a lot. And my third class was a fiction 1 workshop that I was on the waiting list for and got in! I only meets once a week (tuesdays) so it seems like we get a ton of assignments thrown at us but we have a week to do them. SO all in all it was a success. Tomorrow I only have one class, Images in Children's Lit (heard the prof for that is amazing) and the rest of the day off. yah!
What else.... today was the involvement fair, delta kappa psi had the "deadliest catch" fishy theme going on which was hilarious... hil headed it and i came late; from tennis lifting.. WHICH by the way was way more intense than I imagined... yeah it was an all inclusive basketball/tennis men/womens group and to say I was intimidated would be an understatement.
I absolutely LOVE hilary and my room!! its so cute, I'm obsessed... i'll put up pictures asap! (as soon as jackie helps me download pics from my new comp) :( but yes, living right next to jackie and lj is so convenient and they are the only ones with cable at the moment so gg and the hills was over in their rooommyy last night :)
I love the coziness of north (my dorm) and the fact that its so social but at the same time quiet at nights.
Everything is still new and exciting and I am more than ready to start this year off right!! :)
What else.... today was the involvement fair, delta kappa psi had the "deadliest catch" fishy theme going on which was hilarious... hil headed it and i came late; from tennis lifting.. WHICH by the way was way more intense than I imagined... yeah it was an all inclusive basketball/tennis men/womens group and to say I was intimidated would be an understatement.
I absolutely LOVE hilary and my room!! its so cute, I'm obsessed... i'll put up pictures asap! (as soon as jackie helps me download pics from my new comp) :( but yes, living right next to jackie and lj is so convenient and they are the only ones with cable at the moment so gg and the hills was over in their rooommyy last night :)
I love the coziness of north (my dorm) and the fact that its so social but at the same time quiet at nights.
Everything is still new and exciting and I am more than ready to start this year off right!! :)
Friday, August 29, 2008
heelllooooo CALIFORNIA!!
Hil and I are officially in the lovely sunny state of California!!! and are 10hrs into our road trip. Though a long day, we passed the time by listening to some amazing CD's and gossip, woho! Tomorrow we will meet up with Megan and mom and stay with them for a night before moving into our room on SUNDAY!!!!
I am currently vegging in the Red Lion hotel about to pass out from waking up at 530am this morning, blah! We are both exhausted. But I wanted to update since I took a break over the summer and needed to update :)
My thoughts on being a sophomore:
- so happy to be living somewhere other than a freshman dorm
- get a sink in my room!
- living with HILARY and there are a ton of amazing girls on our floor!
- excited to actually know ppl and not have to start brand new
- RUSH fall 08'!!! jungle theme!
- not being pledge anymore ;)
- (hopefully) taking my first writing workshop... on the waiting list as of now
- nervous about having to decide where to go abroad... planning on it for next fall but have no idea where!!
All in all, I am so so excited to be back on campus and see everyone again!
♥ to...
Megan for making varsity!!
Austin for making squad captain!!!
My family- another year ahead of me... i always miss you guys!! ;)
I am currently vegging in the Red Lion hotel about to pass out from waking up at 530am this morning, blah! We are both exhausted. But I wanted to update since I took a break over the summer and needed to update :)
My thoughts on being a sophomore:
- so happy to be living somewhere other than a freshman dorm
- get a sink in my room!
- living with HILARY and there are a ton of amazing girls on our floor!
- excited to actually know ppl and not have to start brand new
- RUSH fall 08'!!! jungle theme!
- not being pledge anymore ;)
- (hopefully) taking my first writing workshop... on the waiting list as of now
- nervous about having to decide where to go abroad... planning on it for next fall but have no idea where!!
All in all, I am so so excited to be back on campus and see everyone again!
♥ to...
Megan for making varsity!!
Austin for making squad captain!!!
My family- another year ahead of me... i always miss you guys!! ;)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
seahawks game!
One more weekend to go before I head off to school... wow has the summer flown by! On Sunday Liz, Hil, Dani and I all supported our green and blue boys in uniform and went to the first home pre-season game, it was so much fun! Dani was by far the most knowledgeable about the sport however the others of us did our best to follow ;) we also ran into a few other friends and Aunt Romy and Uncle Joe spotted us from across the field with some pretty amazing binoculars i have to say! Traffic was awful but the car ride was anything but, haha. Mix my navigational skills and sarcasm with Lizzie's left/right disability and neat choice of music and it was meant to be epic.
Here's a pic of the gang all in our green&blue (except for hil) Sophomore year is almost here!!!
Here's a pic of the gang all in our green&blue (except for hil) Sophomore year is almost here!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
first picture ever!!!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
my life in nutshell
my current life in a nutshell:
*just finished a week of vacation bible school... with matching shirts and all!
*san diego with the parents on wednesday! and get to see jenna
*aunt courtney's wedding in a little more than a week!
*leaving for school in about one month!
*hilary's birthday on the 28th yay!
*getting a care package ready for my big =) before she goes abroad
*megan and austin both leave for cvtc on sunday
*hosting a party at my house tomorrow night, kinda nervous!! but excited to play host
oh summer fun!
*just finished a week of vacation bible school... with matching shirts and all!
*san diego with the parents on wednesday! and get to see jenna
*aunt courtney's wedding in a little more than a week!
*leaving for school in about one month!
*hilary's birthday on the 28th yay!
*getting a care package ready for my big =) before she goes abroad
*megan and austin both leave for cvtc on sunday
*hosting a party at my house tomorrow night, kinda nervous!! but excited to play host
oh summer fun!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
my ABC's
from tiffany's blog :)
A- Attached or single: single and loving it :)
B- Best friend: Liz
C- Cake or pie: cake/carrot... pie/apple yum yum!!
D-Day of the Week: Sunday aka lazy, catch up days, d-brunch ;)
E- Essential item: mascara and gum
F- Favorite color: green
G-Gummi bears or worms: bears
H- Hometown: Lakewood,WA
I-Indulgences: mom's carmelitas or lakewood vanilla sprinkle donut
J- January or July: july on the lake
K- Kids: i want 4!!!!
L- Life is incomplete without: my amazing family and friends. & dkp
M- Marriage date: i have a few years to go ;)
N- Number of siblings: 2.. megan 16! and austin 13! so old!
O-Oranges or apples: apples for sure... every way
P- Phobia or fears: getting eaten by a shark or abducted in a dark parking lot walking to my car late at night
Q- Quote: "imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
R- Reason to smile: its summer and i am enjoying being home with my family!
S- Season: spring (my birthday) or peppermint mochas when its cold
T- Tag three: hil, jackie, pagita!
U- Unknown fact about me: I cannot go a day with bare nails... i go crazzy. color addict=me.
V- Vegetarian or oppressor to animals: oppressor i guess? :(
W- Worst habit: snacking or wanting what i cant have
X- Xray or ultrasound: umm ultrasound? x-rays sound boring
Y- Your favorite food: mom's summer salad with nectarines, well any kind of fruit, popcorn!!! (movie theater, kettle, carmel) cookie dough and banana bread batter
Z- Zodiac sign: taurus.. leader, holds friends close, not easily trusting
A- Attached or single: single and loving it :)
B- Best friend: Liz
C- Cake or pie: cake/carrot... pie/apple yum yum!!
D-Day of the Week: Sunday aka lazy, catch up days, d-brunch ;)
E- Essential item: mascara and gum
F- Favorite color: green
G-Gummi bears or worms: bears
H- Hometown: Lakewood,WA
I-Indulgences: mom's carmelitas or lakewood vanilla sprinkle donut
J- January or July: july on the lake
K- Kids: i want 4!!!!
L- Life is incomplete without: my amazing family and friends. & dkp
M- Marriage date: i have a few years to go ;)
N- Number of siblings: 2.. megan 16! and austin 13! so old!
O-Oranges or apples: apples for sure... every way
P- Phobia or fears: getting eaten by a shark or abducted in a dark parking lot walking to my car late at night
Q- Quote: "imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
R- Reason to smile: its summer and i am enjoying being home with my family!
S- Season: spring (my birthday) or peppermint mochas when its cold
T- Tag three: hil, jackie, pagita!
U- Unknown fact about me: I cannot go a day with bare nails... i go crazzy. color addict=me.
V- Vegetarian or oppressor to animals: oppressor i guess? :(
W- Worst habit: snacking or wanting what i cant have
X- Xray or ultrasound: umm ultrasound? x-rays sound boring
Y- Your favorite food: mom's summer salad with nectarines, well any kind of fruit, popcorn!!! (movie theater, kettle, carmel) cookie dough and banana bread batter
Z- Zodiac sign: taurus.. leader, holds friends close, not easily trusting
Saturday, July 5, 2008
home.. hello july!
just got home a day ago and already miss the beaches of hawaii :) i had such an amazing time and it was so good to get to see paige!!!! we've already decided on me visiting in october for my fall break. i can't believe we seriously met at tennis camp and have stayed so amazingly close still. i consider her one of my closest friends and realizing that we have really only spent a total of 8 of so weeks together is crazy. oh the bonds CVTC can make :)
its good to be home though, back in the swing in things. HAPPY BELATED 4TH. Liz came over and we enjoyed a low key night and american lake's fireworks. Dad and austin went to the indian reservation to get fireworks (some legal and some illegal) and were very excited to play with fire etc. haha
things happening in my life as of now--
* nannying, brought the kids back little souvenirs :)
* bachelorette finale on monday with liz!
* meg and i have a doubles tournament next weekend
* doing an overnight for the Clarks on the 12th... 24hrs of mommying, utoh
* need the sun to start shining!!
* Hilary's bday at the end of this month (28th)
* going to start hitting again... from more than a month off
* aunt courtney and mikeys wedding on the 2nd :) need to find a dress!!
* going to kinko's to print out second semester pics for my scrapbook
* trip to the Del Cornado w/ the parents for a long weekend to see Megan play in a tournament yay!
summer summer summer... it always goes by too fast
its good to be home though, back in the swing in things. HAPPY BELATED 4TH. Liz came over and we enjoyed a low key night and american lake's fireworks. Dad and austin went to the indian reservation to get fireworks (some legal and some illegal) and were very excited to play with fire etc. haha
things happening in my life as of now--
* nannying, brought the kids back little souvenirs :)
* bachelorette finale on monday with liz!
* meg and i have a doubles tournament next weekend
* doing an overnight for the Clarks on the 12th... 24hrs of mommying, utoh
* need the sun to start shining!!
* Hilary's bday at the end of this month (28th)
* going to start hitting again... from more than a month off
* aunt courtney and mikeys wedding on the 2nd :) need to find a dress!!
* going to kinko's to print out second semester pics for my scrapbook
* trip to the Del Cornado w/ the parents for a long weekend to see Megan play in a tournament yay!
summer summer summer... it always goes by too fast
Saturday, June 21, 2008
off to the beautiful hawaiian islands!!!
My family +3 officially departs for maui in the morning. I am so very excited!!!! Megan is bringing Lindsay, Austin is bringing Beau and Paige is meeting us there from Chicago!!! Ahhh its been over a year since I have since her lovely face and I miss her so much!!! The last time I saw her was a complete surprise when I found her sitting on my bed for my 18th birthday. It was AMAZING. I still cannot believe mom pulled it off but she did and I was so excited to get to bring her on our family getaway =)
So the next time I blog it will probably be after the trip. I will (hopefully) be all tanned, relaxed, and very happy to have all of july and august ahead of me. I already cannot believe it is the mid-to-end of june!!
Were renting a house since there are in fact 8 of us. yes.. chaos is a given. but i've never looked more forward to two 13-year-old boys, and four sassy older girls sharing a roof for close to 2 weeks. plus mom and dad.. that makes 8!!! here we go...
Being home has been amazing. Although mother nature and I are in a fight, it has been great to spend time with my friends and just lounge around the house and have plenty of lazy days ;)
so ALOHAA =) and look forward to a long post about my adventures on the beaches of gorgeous Hawaiiiii.. !!!
side note: a few days ago I came to the realization that I am in fact 19. and even though to lots that doesn't sound very old, I'm already having problems accepting the fact that this truly is my last year as a teenager. I KNOW completely random and very odd.. but it's been on my mind and I wanted to document it. This year better be and good one where I sudden find like the meaning to life or meet my husband or something truly great because I can't turn 20 next year not feeling any wiser.
So the next time I blog it will probably be after the trip. I will (hopefully) be all tanned, relaxed, and very happy to have all of july and august ahead of me. I already cannot believe it is the mid-to-end of june!!
Were renting a house since there are in fact 8 of us. yes.. chaos is a given. but i've never looked more forward to two 13-year-old boys, and four sassy older girls sharing a roof for close to 2 weeks. plus mom and dad.. that makes 8!!! here we go...
Being home has been amazing. Although mother nature and I are in a fight, it has been great to spend time with my friends and just lounge around the house and have plenty of lazy days ;)
so ALOHAA =) and look forward to a long post about my adventures on the beaches of gorgeous Hawaiiiii.. !!!
side note: a few days ago I came to the realization that I am in fact 19. and even though to lots that doesn't sound very old, I'm already having problems accepting the fact that this truly is my last year as a teenager. I KNOW completely random and very odd.. but it's been on my mind and I wanted to document it. This year better be and good one where I sudden find like the meaning to life or meet my husband or something truly great because I can't turn 20 next year not feeling any wiser.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
lots to say..
this is a list of running current events. my thoughts are scattered, please bear with me♥
- family vacation in Hawaii in 4 days :) THAT means I get to see paige so so soon... it has been over a year!
- nannying is going well... i can tell the summer will be full of stories, ha
- trying to keep a positive attitude with my new diet/allergies/way of life
- went to Kate's graduation tonight, congrats kate!!
- get to see megan p for lunch tomorrow =) major catching up to do!
- trying to get in some tanning appt.'s in before hawaii so i have some sort of base
- so nice being home to see familiar faces!
- mom had a successful surgery on her hand to remove her sits
- my car is fixed...! all of those bumps and bruises that a year at college can do to it, ha
- the 1st semester of my scrapbook is complete! one more semester to go! (its looking really good ;) )
rip abbey ♥ you had such a wonderful life and I will miss you sleeping on my bed. I love you and you will forever be remembered.
- family vacation in Hawaii in 4 days :) THAT means I get to see paige so so soon... it has been over a year!
- nannying is going well... i can tell the summer will be full of stories, ha
- trying to keep a positive attitude with my new diet/allergies/way of life
- went to Kate's graduation tonight, congrats kate!!
- get to see megan p for lunch tomorrow =) major catching up to do!
- trying to get in some tanning appt.'s in before hawaii so i have some sort of base
- so nice being home to see familiar faces!
- mom had a successful surgery on her hand to remove her sits
- my car is fixed...! all of those bumps and bruises that a year at college can do to it, ha
- the 1st semester of my scrapbook is complete! one more semester to go! (its looking really good ;) )
rip abbey ♥ you had such a wonderful life and I will miss you sleeping on my bed. I love you and you will forever be remembered.
Friday, June 13, 2008
just call me nanny
just got back from nannying noon-five. wooh! Quite a job! Anyone who believes being a nanny is easy should try it sometime.
So, realizing that this is probably going to be the bulk of my summer weekdays I thought it would be fun to keep a side story going of my day to day nanny "journaling."
hopefully some of my experiences will be entertaining :)
So, realizing that this is probably going to be the bulk of my summer weekdays I thought it would be fun to keep a side story going of my day to day nanny "journaling."
hopefully some of my experiences will be entertaining :)
june 13th, 53 degrees and raining
Okay I officially fed up with Washington and this ridiculous June we are having. I have seen the sun maybe 3 times since I have been home? and the grey looming clouds are all in all depressing. I think I have written in previous entries about having a weather dependent personality. That said, countless days of rain are taking a toll on my emotions.
On a happier note, I got a NANNY JOB!!!!! and have a summer of watching two adorable kids! Abigail is 9 going on 10 at the end of july and Wyatt is 7 and going into 2nd grade next year. They are so cute and I'm so excited to get closer to both this summer.
So nanning is about 4 days a week (~5 hours at a time) and I'm also working at St. Mary's every Sunday and Thursday.
Putting aside the bad weather, I have lots to keep me busy until the end of August!
Off to see my precious two-some! =)
On a happier note, I got a NANNY JOB!!!!! and have a summer of watching two adorable kids! Abigail is 9 going on 10 at the end of july and Wyatt is 7 and going into 2nd grade next year. They are so cute and I'm so excited to get closer to both this summer.
So nanning is about 4 days a week (~5 hours at a time) and I'm also working at St. Mary's every Sunday and Thursday.
Putting aside the bad weather, I have lots to keep me busy until the end of August!
Off to see my precious two-some! =)
Monday, June 9, 2008
you never know your limits until they're broken.
after that happens, you learn to pick up the pieces, see where you went wrong, and understand that nothing will ever feel quite the same.
after you accept those terms, you spend the rest of your life trying to find peace with your past; those limits that were tested and pushed.
i admire the man who said something along the lines of.. it is not the obstacles that you encounter in life that are the hard part, it's the living your life part that proves to be the toughest challenge.
i have just begun the search, and am thoroughly terrified.
after that happens, you learn to pick up the pieces, see where you went wrong, and understand that nothing will ever feel quite the same.
after you accept those terms, you spend the rest of your life trying to find peace with your past; those limits that were tested and pushed.
i admire the man who said something along the lines of.. it is not the obstacles that you encounter in life that are the hard part, it's the living your life part that proves to be the toughest challenge.
i have just begun the search, and am thoroughly terrified.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I should be sleeping but of course the computer seems so much more appealing to me at the moment. Sometimes I find peace when everyone else is asleep and the house is completely quite. No one is talking, yelling, or on the phone. TV's are off, kitchen is dark, hall lamps are dimmed. The only noise that keeps me comforted is the clock which rings every quarter hour; something that no matter the hour of the day it keeps things on track, maintaining order of our ever changing time.
Solitude is a funny word when looked at carefully.
>>the state of being or living alone; seclusion.
Then I wonder, seclusion from what? I would have to argue that this definition is only as deep as the sentence fragments it is made of. I do not believe in total seclusion, how can there be such thing?
You are never completely void of your thoughts..
feelings that cannot be logically defined but only emotionally understood.
Solitude is a funny word when looked at carefully.
>>the state of being or living alone; seclusion.
Then I wonder, seclusion from what? I would have to argue that this definition is only as deep as the sentence fragments it is made of. I do not believe in total seclusion, how can there be such thing?
You are never completely void of your thoughts..
feelings that cannot be logically defined but only emotionally understood.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
so good to see familiar faces!
Now with my first year under my belt it is so nice to take advantage of the fact that I know so many more people.
Just last night Jackie and I drove up to Seattle, had a nice dinner on the waterfront and went to Jessen's grad open house. Four or five delta's were there.. it was so good to be home but at the same time feel like those who you spent all year getting to know are not too far away. Shaina is up from Bend, OR visiting her boyfriend and so they were there, Aimee who lives in Seattle and actually went to high school with Ali was there, and Danielle who is another sorority sister was there too!
Friday hil and I went to have lunch with Shaina and then she ended up spending the whole day with me. We picked up cakes for Hil's Dad's birthday, she got to shower in a safe (non-awkward) house and we went out on the boat :) it was so good to see her!
Her and Liza are definitely coming up to visit this summer because I don't think I can wait until next semester when they come for a weekend. They are both transferring to U of O : / ...so visits are so special to me!
I got a package in the mail yesterday and Liza sent me The Traveler's Wife, a novel aka according to both the most AMAZING LOVE STORY OF ALL TIME. SO will THAT rave review it's going to have to be one of my summer reads. yah!
all for now---
oh ps! finally figured out how to upload a pic on to this blog thing... it only took me a year to figure out! AND I have officially started scrap booking... 4 pages in! ♥
and pss: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JESSUPP. one more year and you can (legally) hit the bars! ;)
Just last night Jackie and I drove up to Seattle, had a nice dinner on the waterfront and went to Jessen's grad open house. Four or five delta's were there.. it was so good to be home but at the same time feel like those who you spent all year getting to know are not too far away. Shaina is up from Bend, OR visiting her boyfriend and so they were there, Aimee who lives in Seattle and actually went to high school with Ali was there, and Danielle who is another sorority sister was there too!
Friday hil and I went to have lunch with Shaina and then she ended up spending the whole day with me. We picked up cakes for Hil's Dad's birthday, she got to shower in a safe (non-awkward) house and we went out on the boat :) it was so good to see her!
Her and Liza are definitely coming up to visit this summer because I don't think I can wait until next semester when they come for a weekend. They are both transferring to U of O : / ...so visits are so special to me!
I got a package in the mail yesterday and Liza sent me The Traveler's Wife, a novel aka according to both the most AMAZING LOVE STORY OF ALL TIME. SO will THAT rave review it's going to have to be one of my summer reads. yah!
all for now---
oh ps! finally figured out how to upload a pic on to this blog thing... it only took me a year to figure out! AND I have officially started scrap booking... 4 pages in! ♥
and pss: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JESSUPP. one more year and you can (legally) hit the bars! ;)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
home & boats
I'm home and it feels wonderful. It has been almost a week and I am slowly starting to remember what I missed the most. Sometimes you don't really realize what you have until you well, don't have it anymore. For me, I realized I had such a great support system at home when I was removed from it. Put in a dorm with roommates, no cable, a hallway bathroom, and ant invasion problems. Hmmm. The wonders of freshman living.
Yesterday was my first ride on the boat this summer! It was amazing! It really was. It wasn't hot really but the sun was shining and everything was clear and blue. There's something about boating on the lake that is so soothing. I can't really pin point the feeling but everything just gets a little quieter. The trees looked almost luminescent as their big branches stretched over the waters edge, the green leaves flirting with the wind and making ripples in the water.
The water was cool and refreshing as I bent over the side up-side down to feel the wake. The wind was cold but I didn't mind. I hugged my knees and kept my eyes pealed for anything new I could absorb.
We cruised along the waterfront homes, taking in all of the idiosyncrasies of the individual houses.
The flags, paint colors, old boats and rickety docks, open doors, that new summer smell.
There weren't a lot of people out so it made everything I usually notice twice as intriguing without the loud noises of the honking boats and distractions of the lake.
This is why I love our house. The lake and the view and people who make it a memory.
Everything is so green and fresh :) I couldn't imagine anywhere I'd rather be.
Yesterday was my first ride on the boat this summer! It was amazing! It really was. It wasn't hot really but the sun was shining and everything was clear and blue. There's something about boating on the lake that is so soothing. I can't really pin point the feeling but everything just gets a little quieter. The trees looked almost luminescent as their big branches stretched over the waters edge, the green leaves flirting with the wind and making ripples in the water.
The water was cool and refreshing as I bent over the side up-side down to feel the wake. The wind was cold but I didn't mind. I hugged my knees and kept my eyes pealed for anything new I could absorb.
We cruised along the waterfront homes, taking in all of the idiosyncrasies of the individual houses.
The flags, paint colors, old boats and rickety docks, open doors, that new summer smell.
There weren't a lot of people out so it made everything I usually notice twice as intriguing without the loud noises of the honking boats and distractions of the lake.
This is why I love our house. The lake and the view and people who make it a memory.
Everything is so green and fresh :) I couldn't imagine anywhere I'd rather be.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
and i'm no longer a freshman...
I cannot believe the year went by as quickly as it did. It's even weirder that for some reason everyone I talked to who has gone through their freshmen year has warned me of just this, but of course I always thought things would be different my time around.
It is so weird for me to think about my first night in redlands, knowing no one besides my fellow high-schoolers whose destination was the same as mine, with two new roommates I met 6 hours ago, and a campus I did not understand at all. I pretty much just wanted to laugh because I knew I was in for quite the ride, but at the same time terrified of where everything would lead me.
One thing I'm happy about.. keeping this up! Even if sometimes I didn't 'feel like it' or thought I was too tired to write I somehow got myself to post consistent entries and now have a whole years worth of thoughts, feelings, and memories that I know I will never forget.
From classes to boys to going greek to girlfriends to beer to late night papers to pledging to sunshine to unexpected amazing nights I WOULDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING FOR THE WORLD.
I learned so much from
the people I met,
the parties that sucked,
the community showers that required shoes,
and the boys who made it fun..
I am starting to see why people call it the best four years of their life.
I mean, who wouldn't like someone paying for "school" aka 24 hr social calendar, no curfew or job necessary. yeah, that sounds pretty good to me.
NOTE: However I am most likely getting a job at the redlands YMCA next fall semester :) so don't write me off as a complete slacker.
quotes that ive grown to love over this past year----
"there comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will. so don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason they didn't make it to your future."
"imperfection is boring, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous then absolutely boring." m. monroe
"with friendship it doesn't matter how long you've known each other or how many fights you got into. what matters is who said 'i'll be here for you' and proved it"
"i'm the type of girl who will burst out laughing in dead silence at something that happened yesterday."
"what's meant to be... will always find its way ♥"
It is so weird for me to think about my first night in redlands, knowing no one besides my fellow high-schoolers whose destination was the same as mine, with two new roommates I met 6 hours ago, and a campus I did not understand at all. I pretty much just wanted to laugh because I knew I was in for quite the ride, but at the same time terrified of where everything would lead me.
One thing I'm happy about.. keeping this up! Even if sometimes I didn't 'feel like it' or thought I was too tired to write I somehow got myself to post consistent entries and now have a whole years worth of thoughts, feelings, and memories that I know I will never forget.
From classes to boys to going greek to girlfriends to beer to late night papers to pledging to sunshine to unexpected amazing nights I WOULDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING FOR THE WORLD.
I learned so much from
the people I met,
the parties that sucked,
the community showers that required shoes,
and the boys who made it fun..
I am starting to see why people call it the best four years of their life.
I mean, who wouldn't like someone paying for "school" aka 24 hr social calendar, no curfew or job necessary. yeah, that sounds pretty good to me.
NOTE: However I am most likely getting a job at the redlands YMCA next fall semester :) so don't write me off as a complete slacker.
quotes that ive grown to love over this past year----
"there comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will. so don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason they didn't make it to your future."
"imperfection is boring, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous then absolutely boring." m. monroe
"with friendship it doesn't matter how long you've known each other or how many fights you got into. what matters is who said 'i'll be here for you' and proved it"
"i'm the type of girl who will burst out laughing in dead silence at something that happened yesterday."
"what's meant to be... will always find its way ♥"
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
the end of may term wrap-up
A personal goal I had during may term was to try and connect with kids on a personal level. The first week this was hard. Names came slowly and sometimes we would not get the same kids back each day. But as time went on I began to remember kids, the movie we watched yesterday, or what their brother or sister’s name was. Remembering these things and having something to say to relate to the child who probably doesn’t remember my name was neat to learn. I found that after asking them a question directly relating to them instantly made them more comfortable and easier to interact with.
More than 'what I took away from volunteering,' I found working here to be simply fun. All of the kids were amazing and came from really good families. The parent’s who came in seemed like they really cared about the child care program and had invested interest in their children’s safety. It was also neat for me to see parents confident in our abilities to take care of twenty lively children at one given time. Their confidence in me made me more confident and hopefully I taught them something new in the little amount of time we get with them.
All in all I had a great experience at the YMCA. Even with having a long background with kids, I learned so much and appreciate the job of a mother greatly. I actually had such a good experience I am looking into working their next semester part-time in the same Kid’s Place. They are optimistic about the job so I am looking forward to maybe getting to be an actual employee!
More than 'what I took away from volunteering,' I found working here to be simply fun. All of the kids were amazing and came from really good families. The parent’s who came in seemed like they really cared about the child care program and had invested interest in their children’s safety. It was also neat for me to see parents confident in our abilities to take care of twenty lively children at one given time. Their confidence in me made me more confident and hopefully I taught them something new in the little amount of time we get with them.
All in all I had a great experience at the YMCA. Even with having a long background with kids, I learned so much and appreciate the job of a mother greatly. I actually had such a good experience I am looking into working their next semester part-time in the same Kid’s Place. They are optimistic about the job so I am looking forward to maybe getting to be an actual employee!
Friday, May 16, 2008
YMCA life
I have always been a very kids oriented person. I have two younger siblings, a history of babysitting, and an obsession for the little ones who look at you like you’re everything. That said, I thought that volunteering somewhere where I could solely interact with kids sounded great.
Although it is more structured than day care, the atmosphere at Kid’s Place is very laid back. While some of the staff are good about giving the kids attention, some of the older women usually take their spot in a rocking chair and stay seated until a child cries or the little ones start eating the crayons. It was weird for me to realize that even though kids interest me, for some it is simply a 9-5 job with hourly pay and a free Y membership.
One of my favorites is a little boy named Ryan. He’s 3, will climb into your lap to listen to a story, and has the prettiest eyelashes in the world. He’s adorable. Having now been volunteering for over a week he has started remembering me and just today came in and hurled himself into my arms. He’s actually really bright. We were reading this animal book today that matched the animals to colors and when I pointed to one he would make the sound like “moo” for cow. It was so cute to see his eyes get bigger when he knew the animal and would look to me for recognition.
Today we didn’t have a very busy day. With not a lot of kid traffic it allowed me to spend one-on-one time with individual kids instead of constantly picking up the crying ones and balancing them on my hip while I play a movie for several others and find coloring sheets for the other 5.
Jack was the little 8 month old I got to follow around today. He is not walking yet but still very mobile. I’ve found it’s almost harder when their not walking because that means their trying to walk and climbing on everything! So, trying to engage the curious one, I got out our little plastic colored pianos and started pushing buttons, thinking the sounds would spark some interest and they did! For five to ten minutes… then he was off climbing on chair legs and counter railings!
Although it is more structured than day care, the atmosphere at Kid’s Place is very laid back. While some of the staff are good about giving the kids attention, some of the older women usually take their spot in a rocking chair and stay seated until a child cries or the little ones start eating the crayons. It was weird for me to realize that even though kids interest me, for some it is simply a 9-5 job with hourly pay and a free Y membership.
One of my favorites is a little boy named Ryan. He’s 3, will climb into your lap to listen to a story, and has the prettiest eyelashes in the world. He’s adorable. Having now been volunteering for over a week he has started remembering me and just today came in and hurled himself into my arms. He’s actually really bright. We were reading this animal book today that matched the animals to colors and when I pointed to one he would make the sound like “moo” for cow. It was so cute to see his eyes get bigger when he knew the animal and would look to me for recognition.
Today we didn’t have a very busy day. With not a lot of kid traffic it allowed me to spend one-on-one time with individual kids instead of constantly picking up the crying ones and balancing them on my hip while I play a movie for several others and find coloring sheets for the other 5.
Jack was the little 8 month old I got to follow around today. He is not walking yet but still very mobile. I’ve found it’s almost harder when their not walking because that means their trying to walk and climbing on everything! So, trying to engage the curious one, I got out our little plastic colored pianos and started pushing buttons, thinking the sounds would spark some interest and they did! For five to ten minutes… then he was off climbing on chair legs and counter railings!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Birthdays all around!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Christian whose 9!!!! and Ali whose 20!!!!!
I wish I could spend your birthdays with both of you but I'm sending all of my love! =)
I hope you two had an amazing day and I'm so excited to be home and see you soon!!
I wish I could spend your birthdays with both of you but I'm sending all of my love! =)
I hope you two had an amazing day and I'm so excited to be home and see you soon!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mothers Day!
I'm alive! (Not kidnapped, raped, taken and thrown in the forest, or lost)
I gave my mother quite a scare this morning when I did not call early enough. It's okay, she only called my phone 12 times, texted my friends, contacted campus security, and alerted my floor CA.
When I called her she was glad (maybe the understatement of the century)
SO LONG STORY SHORT.. I love my mommy!!! and would never disappear ever ever =)
I love my mom because she:
- makes the best food
- always gives the best advice
- calms me down when I have freak outs
- sends me cute cards at college
- makes my bed (when I'm home)
- goes tanning with me :)
- takes walks with me
- sends me baked goods (along with megan)
and so many more reason!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
I'm alive! (Not kidnapped, raped, taken and thrown in the forest, or lost)
I gave my mother quite a scare this morning when I did not call early enough. It's okay, she only called my phone 12 times, texted my friends, contacted campus security, and alerted my floor CA.
When I called her she was glad (maybe the understatement of the century)
SO LONG STORY SHORT.. I love my mommy!!! and would never disappear ever ever =)
I love my mom because she:
- makes the best food
- always gives the best advice
- calms me down when I have freak outs
- sends me cute cards at college
- makes my bed (when I'm home)
- goes tanning with me :)
- takes walks with me
- sends me baked goods (along with megan)
and so many more reason!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
the journey
Sometimes it's just the right song that makes you suddenly realize something that seemed so completely obvious. Sometimes it's the right person saying something that maybe doesn't mean much to them but finds refuge somewhere inside you.
For me, it was a commercial during our amazing ANTM marathons that made me take a second to think. It was this cheesy thing that had like a dog running through a sunny park and then a couple strolling not far behind, happy and smiling. It was for one of those American Express ad's for "money can't buy happiness" and although I've seen like a million of these for some reason I took this one in.
I think it was because a lot of my friends have been talking about majors lately and what classes they have to take for what major and what majors will lead you to a certain career. It's interesting for me to listen to some of my friends complain about the classes they have next semester or the requirements they have to fulfill. College is a place for you to take classes that interest you, to specialize in certain areas that you enjoy and have a passion for. I couldn't imagine dreading my next three years here only hanging on to the hope of a career that 'sounds good.'
I don't know exactly where majoring in English will lead me, but I know that I will enjoy the classes along the way.
And I have learned that more times than not, it is the journey not the destination that matters most.
For me, it was a commercial during our amazing ANTM marathons that made me take a second to think. It was this cheesy thing that had like a dog running through a sunny park and then a couple strolling not far behind, happy and smiling. It was for one of those American Express ad's for "money can't buy happiness" and although I've seen like a million of these for some reason I took this one in.
I think it was because a lot of my friends have been talking about majors lately and what classes they have to take for what major and what majors will lead you to a certain career. It's interesting for me to listen to some of my friends complain about the classes they have next semester or the requirements they have to fulfill. College is a place for you to take classes that interest you, to specialize in certain areas that you enjoy and have a passion for. I couldn't imagine dreading my next three years here only hanging on to the hope of a career that 'sounds good.'
I don't know exactly where majoring in English will lead me, but I know that I will enjoy the classes along the way.
And I have learned that more times than not, it is the journey not the destination that matters most.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
for my mom,
... who said she wanted less "diary" entries.
A Moment
As I wait for the clouds to clear
and that ever present sun to shine
I sit.
My nails are bitten
that tan line from that one ring
I lost last Saturday.
And I start laughing.
No one said anything,
my roommate turned around
assuming I am probably just crazy.
Why was I laughing?
because of that one one thing you said
on Saturday...
that one thing that made us hit the floor,
crying to the point of no return.
the exact moment I realized,
"truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget." G. Randolf
A Moment
As I wait for the clouds to clear
and that ever present sun to shine
I sit.
My nails are bitten
that tan line from that one ring
I lost last Saturday.
And I start laughing.
No one said anything,
my roommate turned around
assuming I am probably just crazy.
Why was I laughing?
because of that one one thing you said
on Saturday...
that one thing that made us hit the floor,
crying to the point of no return.
the exact moment I realized,
"truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget." G. Randolf
the simple things in life
Well, my freshman year of college is nearing the end and now with may term I have had a chance to reflect on my past year here at Redlands. I have learned my fair share of truths, be it through friends, experiences, school work, or simply adapting to a new way of life. I know that this year has not only made me more aware of myself but the things I need to do to live a happy and fulfilling life.
I started this blog so that I would never forget the feelings I felt those first few months of college or the friends that had got lost in the mix.
What I have learned about myself:
* I hate beer
* I cannot sit in a class for more than an hour and a half without getting distracted
* I love the sun
* I have a passion for tennis and love having it be apart of my college life
* Weather affects my moods
* Family is paramount in my life
* Shoes in the shower suck
* I missed the green trees
* I love wearing flip flops everyday no matter the season
* I can't have nothing to do. I go crazy
* I love the pre-cut fruit bar in the commons.. and get angry when I go home and am deprived
* I love being in a sorority
* Writing is my outlet
* I am learning to accept people for their flaws and admire them for their efforts
* I almost died during pledging.. but not quite~!
* I am thankful for the relationships in life and do not take them for granted
I have also learned how hard it is to maintain friendships. Not saying that in the taxing sense, but more so that it just takes effort. You have to call, leave a message, send an email or you'll end up losing ones that you didn't realize you actually needed to hang on to.
So I guess to sum things up, I have learned how to keep old friends and at the same time make new ones. New ones that I hope will turn out to be the kinds of friends that without constantly being around them, I will want call, leave messages, or email.
I started this blog so that I would never forget the feelings I felt those first few months of college or the friends that had got lost in the mix.
What I have learned about myself:
* I hate beer
* I cannot sit in a class for more than an hour and a half without getting distracted
* I love the sun
* I have a passion for tennis and love having it be apart of my college life
* Weather affects my moods
* Family is paramount in my life
* Shoes in the shower suck
* I missed the green trees
* I love wearing flip flops everyday no matter the season
* I can't have nothing to do. I go crazy
* I love the pre-cut fruit bar in the commons.. and get angry when I go home and am deprived
* I love being in a sorority
* Writing is my outlet
* I am learning to accept people for their flaws and admire them for their efforts
* I almost died during pledging.. but not quite~!
* I am thankful for the relationships in life and do not take them for granted
I have also learned how hard it is to maintain friendships. Not saying that in the taxing sense, but more so that it just takes effort. You have to call, leave a message, send an email or you'll end up losing ones that you didn't realize you actually needed to hang on to.
So I guess to sum things up, I have learned how to keep old friends and at the same time make new ones. New ones that I hope will turn out to be the kinds of friends that without constantly being around them, I will want call, leave messages, or email.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
May term!!
my days are filled with community service at the Y, tennis, and fun. Loving the sun :)
It was 100 degrees on Monday, way too hot.. but the 80's are coming.
Saturday we have regional's at Pomona and are probably playing UC Santa Cruz at 3pm.
Saturday night we have a GO GREEN party at the delta house and I'm sober host, woohoo!!
Hopefully I'll start getting some of my stuff together and shipping things home, the end is near!
Enjoying my last month in cali but looking forward to a summer home :)
my days are filled with community service at the Y, tennis, and fun. Loving the sun :)
It was 100 degrees on Monday, way too hot.. but the 80's are coming.
Saturday we have regional's at Pomona and are probably playing UC Santa Cruz at 3pm.
Saturday night we have a GO GREEN party at the delta house and I'm sober host, woohoo!!
Hopefully I'll start getting some of my stuff together and shipping things home, the end is near!
Enjoying my last month in cali but looking forward to a summer home :)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
my amazing birthday weekend..!
so i had an absolutely AMAZING 19th birthday and am so sad it is all over. Megan flew in thursday night and before our trip to disneyland began. I was so excited to see her!! She made me a great CD for the car that we put in on our way to LA to pick up Lizzie. Thursday night we ate dinner at Grandma Mary and Grandpa Dave's, played Scrabble, went to Ben&Jerry's for some ice cream, and watched Grey's Anatomy. I was recovering from streap throat that I got Wednesday and went to urgent care for. I cannot describe how painful streap throat is. When I was younger and would get sick I would be get tested for streap throat thinking I had it but never did. NOW i KNOW the difference between a cold and the real thing. I couldn't even swallow water without cringing. It was awful. I couldn't sleep, I felt like I was up every hour, and kept getting hot-sweats.
ANYWAYS, friday came and hilary, megan, and i trucked it up to UCLA to pick up Liz. After some navigation issues, Starbucks stop, and two CD's we picked up Liz and headed for the "happiest place on earth" =)
By 1245 all four of us were entered in Disneyland ready for the rides!!
For my birthday dinner we went to dinner at Downtown town disney and I had a yummy pizza. My throat was still feeling if'y so I opted for something soft. Then we went back and I opened presents from the girls and they had a mini birthday cupcake delivered to our hotel room so I could blow a candle out! It was SO cute. After presents we went to a Disney parade on a lake and enjoyed the festivities.
Saturday we did California Adventure by the end of the day we were very tired and had our fill of disney fun! When we were done for the day Hil and Meg headed back to the hotel while Liz and I did shopping! I got a very cute dress/shirt that might have been over priced but it was my birthday splurge ;)
Saturday night we went to dinner at Calente (?) and then went to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was hilarious!!!! Omgoodness it was very funny. Liz had already seen it but liked it soo much she made us see it too.
We stayed at the Grand Californian and it was amazing! We entered right into the park and I loved it, it was so nice.
Everyone in the parks are always so nice, it truly is the happiest place on earth =) yah!!
Favorite Ride: Soarin' over California or Space Mountain
Biggest Disapointment: It's a small world was under construction!! until holiday season 08 :(
Favorite Part: Getting to spend the whole long weekend with 3 of my favorite people ever!!!
ANYWAYS, friday came and hilary, megan, and i trucked it up to UCLA to pick up Liz. After some navigation issues, Starbucks stop, and two CD's we picked up Liz and headed for the "happiest place on earth" =)
By 1245 all four of us were entered in Disneyland ready for the rides!!
For my birthday dinner we went to dinner at Downtown town disney and I had a yummy pizza. My throat was still feeling if'y so I opted for something soft. Then we went back and I opened presents from the girls and they had a mini birthday cupcake delivered to our hotel room so I could blow a candle out! It was SO cute. After presents we went to a Disney parade on a lake and enjoyed the festivities.
Saturday we did California Adventure by the end of the day we were very tired and had our fill of disney fun! When we were done for the day Hil and Meg headed back to the hotel while Liz and I did shopping! I got a very cute dress/shirt that might have been over priced but it was my birthday splurge ;)
Saturday night we went to dinner at Calente (?) and then went to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was hilarious!!!! Omgoodness it was very funny. Liz had already seen it but liked it soo much she made us see it too.
We stayed at the Grand Californian and it was amazing! We entered right into the park and I loved it, it was so nice.
Everyone in the parks are always so nice, it truly is the happiest place on earth =) yah!!
Favorite Ride: Soarin' over California or Space Mountain
Biggest Disapointment: It's a small world was under construction!! until holiday season 08 :(
Favorite Part: Getting to spend the whole long weekend with 3 of my favorite people ever!!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
my birthday!! =)
so its my birthday and im in DISNEYLAND and I just wanted to post really quick because i felt really guilty for not keeping up! I get back to the land of red on sunday and will have prepared a full update before I begin may-term!!
yah for being 19 =)
and I LOVE some of my favorite girls EVER who came with me. Megan, Lizzie, and Hil!!
yah for being 19 =)
and I LOVE some of my favorite girls EVER who came with me. Megan, Lizzie, and Hil!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
finaalllss.. and some SunShINe :)
So I haven't updated in a while. Finals this week!! Ahh...
I'm in the library right now working on a religion paper that is due on Thursday.
This weekend was just ok, last night was Jackie's last Saturday night out and about in Redlands since she isn't staying for mayterm so her and I went out to a delicious sushi dinner at Niko Niko's.. it was delicious!! Then I had a tennis party with the guys team because we all had our last league matches yesterday. WE BEAT CLAREMONT :) and boy's lost.... but we were all very excited that we won on THEIR courts plus the big rivalry, etc.
I woke up at noon today, longest I've slept in since I've been here. It was probably because both Yaiza and Nicolette weren't in the room for the night so I had the whole room to myself, queit and dark. Went to bed late but not to the point where I would usaully sleep till 12 so I think the weekend definately wore me out!
I should get back to my paper soon. Tonight we have a delta meeting at 6 and then after I'm hoping to come here again so I can finsh this before this crazy week of tests begins.
I have two finals on Wednesday and one on Friday and then one final paper due.
SCIACS regional tournament is on Friday and Saturday of this week. woohoooo.
Were going out to dinner with a few girlfriends on Friday night as a farewell to Jackie.. shes getting her tonsils out and will be missed!!
love from the sun (95 out today!!) =) xoxo
I'm in the library right now working on a religion paper that is due on Thursday.
This weekend was just ok, last night was Jackie's last Saturday night out and about in Redlands since she isn't staying for mayterm so her and I went out to a delicious sushi dinner at Niko Niko's.. it was delicious!! Then I had a tennis party with the guys team because we all had our last league matches yesterday. WE BEAT CLAREMONT :) and boy's lost.... but we were all very excited that we won on THEIR courts plus the big rivalry, etc.
I woke up at noon today, longest I've slept in since I've been here. It was probably because both Yaiza and Nicolette weren't in the room for the night so I had the whole room to myself, queit and dark. Went to bed late but not to the point where I would usaully sleep till 12 so I think the weekend definately wore me out!
I should get back to my paper soon. Tonight we have a delta meeting at 6 and then after I'm hoping to come here again so I can finsh this before this crazy week of tests begins.
I have two finals on Wednesday and one on Friday and then one final paper due.
SCIACS regional tournament is on Friday and Saturday of this week. woohoooo.
Were going out to dinner with a few girlfriends on Friday night as a farewell to Jackie.. shes getting her tonsils out and will be missed!!
love from the sun (95 out today!!) =) xoxo
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