Fast-forward about an hour and a half and I'm in the kitchen, done with my run, wondering why I don't hear Spongebob Square Pants or Fairly Odd Parents on the family room TV... its after 1030am. Hmm. I call Austin's name and locate him still in our parents bedroom, hasn't moved yet. I force him to come down so I can feed him, otherwise he'll wait till he can actually hear his stomach growling before understanding that he does in fact need food. One bowl of Frosted Flakes and a half a glass of apple juice later and he's migrated to the downstairs couch, and ahhh, yes. Fairly Odd Parents. Why couldn't I just stick to 14?
After washing the cereal bowl and emptying the dishwasher I field a call from the parents, en route home from a night shopping for xmas gifts in Seattle. Mom says that they'll be home around noon, and to make sure we're up and moving because A Christmas Carol is at 2pm. AKA--- I get to break the news to Austin that he has to accompany us (the family) to the play. Needless to say this doesn't go over well. We have an inch of snow on the ground and if he goes to the play his whole day will be ruined. I try and sympathize, but fail.
On our way to the play, I'm sitting in the back in a yellow and black skirt that hits my knees (and for me, spending the majority of my time in CA these days, I agree that this is appropriate for the occasion.) That and the fact that I did not a pack anything other than 3 pairs of jeans, rely on my sister and mom to provide for me outfits for the obvious, Christmas Eve and Day dinner, and maybe one other nice outing. However, for the Lakewood rendition of A Christmas Carol, a jacket, scarf, and sweater paired with my (yes, maybe spring skirt) would do. Mental note: I am now in fact in Washington. So, of course, I have not crossed the street to the building before a (at first glance, homeless?) lady comments on how cold I must be and laughs, 'ha ha' to her friend. I don't respond. Special. Megan gives me a malicious glance and Austin chuckles. Of course, this event is put on 'repeat' three more times, one lady told me I looked like her garden, I tried to take that as a compliment. The play itself went over pretty well. dodging the occasional Junior Mint from my wonderful brother in the pitch dark, I thought it was a rock. Good thing Megan was between us.
Out of the auditorium we walk, and of course, half way through the play it began dumping snow. Now, in other circumstances I would have been thrilled but I was still in my lovely garden-esk skirt and the fresh powder posed a small problem. Nana of course thought this was hilarious and had to take my picture. Snow in the hair, heels covered in flakes, I forced a smile. Mom was right there with me, she needing balance help as well, but laughing mainly because of me, bracing myself on her right, waiting for someone to bring over a wheelchair.
We had Christmas buffet dinner at the club planned for the five of us, plus Nana and Brittany and Sierra... but the girls couldn't get from Olympia because of our lovely snow drift so it was just the six of us. We had about an hour to kill post-play and pre-dinner so I got in some Eclipse :) :) definitely a highlight. However, I was fully entertained by my brother breaking out in dance, sans- clothes (well, boxers) doing a little jig. I think he was protesting the belt? That Mom required be apart of his dinner ensemble, and Austin + belts never go over well. After a few laughs and getting a chance to borrow a pair of Mom's black pants, we were onto the next event of the evening.
5:30 seating. AKA: only people in a ballroom of, meh, maybe close to 20 tables. Austin bolted to the buffet table before any other parties arrived, and we ate with about 8 waiters watching us. Dinner goes pretty smoothly until Megan breaks out the religion questions. So, um, Nana? Lately I've just been so curious... what is the difference between Catholicism, Protestants, and Calvinists? Oh and Evangelical's? really... really?? I almost chocked on my bite of cheesecake, Mom side-noted' that maybe they should have this chat in a library. My Dad found this a convenient time to exit and 'warm up the car' Ha. He plots these things five steps ahead of everyone else, I swear. Personal goal: to try and mimic his moves so I can stay ahead too, I bet the world would seem a whole lot more predictable. Hmm.. Anyways, leave it to my sis to open a can of worms post-dessert/coffee.
Safely in the car I thought the night was over when Austin informs us that he needs us to drive to Calvin's (his friend/ 10 houses down) to borrow a book for class tomorrow. Oh and ps: he has to read 60 pages. Ha. I'm sitting there LOVING this, reveling in the fact that I am now on the other side of things. Austin gets defensive and says he didn't leave it for the last minute, he wanted to read it all on Sunday. Really Austin? hmmm.
SO that's my day thus far. But I guess it is only 8pm so additions might be necessary. Even at college, when having the best time of my life, I truly never laugh harder/as often as I do here, with my family.
I just feel bad for the significant others that the three of us will someday be bringing into our close knit quirky group. I am truly scared, I don't know if they can keep up ;)
me and my garden-esk skirt... in the snowy parking lot
me and the sibs at dinner... 530 sharp!
This post definitely hit the nail on the head for us 'eldest' siblings! oh my gosh, I laughed out loud the whole time I read it. And, I agree. I like your dad's take on things...5 steps ahead of everyone else!
Merry Christmas!
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