Monday, November 17, 2008

so much to do!

I have so much to do it's slightly overwhelming... scratch that... INCREDIBLY overwhelming. I don't know what I was thinking this weekend and where my head was to not knock some of this stuff out earlier. But, here I am, papers and presentations on things I don't even have a topic planned for all hoping to finish before I go home A WEEK FROM TOMORROW. I can't wait until I'm buckled in, on the plane, ready to see my family and eat lots and lots! (Lets just hope I survive this week)
This was my 3 minute break from reading so back I go, but I hope everyone is having good monday's and enjoying the autumn weather... I know I am... it was 88 today. =)

Shorts, a t-shirt, mid-November; when I remember that, I guess papers don't seem that bad...

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