Tuesday, September 2, 2008

sophomore year!!

I officially completed my first day of classes :) and had a very busy/but good! day. Today I had ethics and social philosophy class (teacher VERY insightful, discussion based) visual cultural studies class (english prof w/ accent... love it!! haha.) reading and typed notes required but i think i'll learn a lot. And my third class was a fiction 1 workshop that I was on the waiting list for and got in! I only meets once a week (tuesdays) so it seems like we get a ton of assignments thrown at us but we have a week to do them. SO all in all it was a success. Tomorrow I only have one class, Images in Children's Lit (heard the prof for that is amazing) and the rest of the day off. yah!
What else.... today was the involvement fair, delta kappa psi had the "deadliest catch" fishy theme going on which was hilarious... hil headed it and i came late; from tennis lifting.. WHICH by the way was way more intense than I imagined... yeah it was an all inclusive basketball/tennis men/womens group and to say I was intimidated would be an understatement.
I absolutely LOVE hilary and my room!! its so cute, I'm obsessed... i'll put up pictures asap! (as soon as jackie helps me download pics from my new comp) :( but yes, living right next to jackie and lj is so convenient and they are the only ones with cable at the moment so gg and the hills was over in their rooommyy last night :)
I love the coziness of north (my dorm) and the fact that its so social but at the same time quiet at nights.
Everything is still new and exciting and I am more than ready to start this year off right!! :)

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