Saturday, May 31, 2008

home & boats

I'm home and it feels wonderful. It has been almost a week and I am slowly starting to remember what I missed the most. Sometimes you don't really realize what you have until you well, don't have it anymore. For me, I realized I had such a great support system at home when I was removed from it. Put in a dorm with roommates, no cable, a hallway bathroom, and ant invasion problems. Hmmm. The wonders of freshman living.
Yesterday was my first ride on the boat this summer! It was amazing! It really was. It wasn't hot really but the sun was shining and everything was clear and blue. There's something about boating on the lake that is so soothing. I can't really pin point the feeling but everything just gets a little quieter. The trees looked almost luminescent as their big branches stretched over the waters edge, the green leaves flirting with the wind and making ripples in the water.
The water was cool and refreshing as I bent over the side up-side down to feel the wake. The wind was cold but I didn't mind. I hugged my knees and kept my eyes pealed for anything new I could absorb.
We cruised along the waterfront homes, taking in all of the idiosyncrasies of the individual houses.
The flags, paint colors, old boats and rickety docks, open doors, that new summer smell.
There weren't a lot of people out so it made everything I usually notice twice as intriguing without the loud noises of the honking boats and distractions of the lake.
This is why I love our house. The lake and the view and people who make it a memory.
Everything is so green and fresh :) I couldn't imagine anywhere I'd rather be.

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