Wednesday, October 8, 2008

sunny sunny day

Why do i love redlands so much? Because I can call my mom when she's driving and her car says 51 degrees and I can say I'm in a sundress and flip-flops aka. 85 degrees :) its so pretty today I can't get over it! Hil and I walked out of our dorm this morning on our way to breakfast and it felt like we were stepping into a bath... at 8:45am!
I'm all smiles lately for many reasons. One, because I know this weekend is going to be really fun. Two, its a Wednesday and it feels like a Monday which means I only really have two days of classes because I have no class Fridays. Three, because I finally finished my philosophy paper which was looming over my head. and finally, because my mom's birthday is on Saturday!Stress comes on quickly around here, but somehow I've escaped the crazy freaking out over mid-terms. Hopefully I can hang on to this good feeling until the weekend rolls around!
I miss everyone at home. Mom just sent me a picture text of a green-almost-red tree... I forget there are those things called seasons in other states ;)
x's and o's to mom for her birthday coming up, I'm working on a cute card =)

----a special shout out to my very best friend who loves techno and rocks the boot. you will forever have my heart...

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