I just got done taking the quizzes and they were actually kind of fun. They asked things like how well you work with others, do you say whats on your mind, if you see a picture will you learn better, are you more driven by your head or your heart, etc. I found the results fun to read through and see what my answers said about me.
According to the Multiple Intelligence Project (MIP) I am Linguistic (Word Smart), Interpersonal (People Smart), and Intrapersonal (Myself Smart). I am considered an extrovert in social situations and an introvert when it comes to learning and writing, I empathize with others, enjoy discussion, and am driven by my emotions. I was the lowest in Logical (Number Smart) and Musical (Music Smart). Me and math? Umm yeah, haha. No big surprises.
RUSH is this week!! We have our informal rush tomorrow night... long night... 6-midnight (approx) and formal rush on Saturday. There are over 150 girls rushing and I am so excited to meet them all!! Being gone for a semester has limited my abilities to get to know any freshman girls whatsoever SO rush is extra important for abroad girls to meet&greet. I am excited (and giddy and anxious and STOKED!!) to announce that I am taking a little this semester. I know I said that last spring and things didn't work out but I'm here two semesters later and getting a baby is a must!!
Because we are a smaller sorority compared to huge universities (75 girls max) the undertaking of choosing a little sis is a big deal. Financially, socially, EMOTIONALLY! I have had the most amazing big sis and truly the best experience anyone could ask for, I only want to foster the same relationship.
Why coffee mugs make me feel domestic--
Hilary and I had this conversation (or a version of it) the other day and I wanted to share:
Setting: grocery store
me: "ok I need eggs... and trash bags, hand soap... butter, oh and milk?"
hil: "I feel like we walk around this place 10 times before we get everything we need."
me: "milk, yes I think I need milk. And coffee? Oh a coffee mug! This is so weird, I feel so domestic..."
hil: "a coffee mug makes you feel domestic?"
me: "yeah, I don't know. There are all these things I forget I actually have to buy now. Like butter and trash bags. Those things used to just be at the house. I never have had to buy a coffee mug."
hil: "yes, butter doesn't just appear, you do have to buy it."
me: "I know that... ugh, I know I'm forgetting something..."
hil: "Oh my God. We're going to be in here for hours..."
**ok, this might have been a 'you had to be there' convo... but it makes my point. I am feeling more and more domestic with necessary apartment purchases and am maybe starting to actually feel somewhat like a grown up... *gasp*
A little re-cap of my very fun filled weekend!
-driving 15min to Yucaipa and playing in the SNOW!!
-getting cable! wooohooo for the Food Network, TLC and the ToDaY Show =)
-going to an on-campus concert Friday night!
-running and being able to simultaneously enjoy palm trees and snow capped mountains. Redlands, you are just gorgeous and spoil us so much!
-eating dinner at Jackie's... homemade spaghetti? yes please!
-hanging out with some of my SalZy girls!!!
-being out and social and officially back on campus!! Nothing better...
Mr. Sun heard my prayers and responded accordingly. Thank you!! On this lovely Monday morning, people are out, sunglasses are on, and smiles are back :)
I hope that all works out with the little! That's really so exciting and you are going to make a fabulous big sis.
I love taking those personality quizzes....they are pretty interesting :)
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