Yesterday was also note worthy-- I did my laundry, put my clothes away, wiped down the bathroom counters, made progress on getting cable (the most inconvenient/stressful chore I've ever had to do) Jackie brought me over the new John Mayer CD :) and I went to bed relatively early.
It has been down-pouring (and I don't use that word lightly) for three days now and I am here to tell whoever it is who is responsible for these tears that it is time to stop. Californians don't know how to drive in the rain, let alone trenchal ones, so please don't make them try. Their drainage systems are not prepared for these volumes of water-- lanes are turning into lakes. And over half our student body do not own rain coats, so really, you're just getting everyone sick.
SO, Mr. Sun... I miss you. Please come back, Mr. Stormy is oh-so-grumpy and my happiness is very fragile when it comes to all things weather related. I only have so much left in me... xoxo, Lauren
I was productive also today, having to stay home and care for the Hankster. I cleaned out 3 totally crazy bookshelves and am so glad to get that all done! Mom
Days I'm productive make me feel so good :)
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