Monday, January 5, 2009

new semester, new classes, new season, new year!

I'm finally back at school and it feels so good! Classes and tennis start tomorrow, which is nice because i can spend today organizing, unpacking, and getting settled. It was definitely weird to get in yesterday and see blue skies and the sun!!! That has been missed for some weeks!! I wanted to write something but I'm bouncing around so much with a hundred things going on in my head that it is hard for me to stick with one train of thought, haha!
Things I am currently looking forward to---
*starting TENNIS!!
*my first day of classes :) and figuring out where in the world they are..
*the sun... and getting some good vitamin D
*RUSH in just a few short weeks!!
*first D meeting on Wednesday
*my night class? (I've never taken one before, and I don't know if I'm going to like it...)
*keeping up my resolutions!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

SO glad YOU are having sun! We are POURING, POURING rain---going to have floods all over the place. Last night my umbrella blew inside out BEFORE I even got all the way out of my car---and my brand new cell phone fell in a huge puddle and broke (NO insurance of course---I told the guy, "I've NEVER dropped my phone!). Tennis, sunshine, DRY streets and yards----my DREAM! Sounds as if you'll be busy as ever, and having lots of was SO great to see you over break. Take care & lots of love, Nana