Wednesday, January 28, 2009

so sleepy!

It is officially not quite 8:30 pm and I am one tired girl! I looked at the clock at an hour ago and could have sworn it would have read around 9 pm but nooo, it was 7. I don't know what is wrong with me! I'm all caught up on my reading for tomorrows classes, and could read further but don't want to. My eyelids are getting heavy and I know once my head hits the pillow I will be OUT. However, hil is still up reading (like a normal person at 8:30 on a wednesday night) so I thought I'd blog about my frustrations rather than re-play them over in my head. So, to try and pass the time I just re-painted my nails. They weren't by any means in need of a desperate touch up, but three were chipped so now I have on "The Lifeguard Makes me Blush" ohhlala.
We just got back from a surprise dinner for Jill (our delta prez last semester) Today is her birthday... the big 22!!! Ahh she's so old!! I was making fun of her all night ;)
I just went next door and borrowed The Sex and the City movie to watch on my laptop once my nails dry. Hopefully I'll make it past 9pm but I don't know how well thats going to truly is the weirdest thing! I went to bed no later than 12:30am last night, and woke up a 8:45am.... a good 8 hours. Ok, good chunk of sleeping time, check. Then I got breakfast and the commons and brought it back here and ate it in Jackie and LJ's room. Grant was also in the room (LJ's new heart throb) but is a deep sleeper. Around 1030 I went for a run... I've realized that if I don't in some way, shape, or form expend energy during the day and I have WAY TOO MUCH at night and never want to go to bed: problem. SO I make sure to dedicate some time to energy-expenditure... then I had class from 1-4pm (SO LONG... ted's monotone voice just wasn't helping the groggy state) after class I came back to the room, watched Top Chef, took a shower, Jill's dinner, now back. I CANNOT FIGURE IT OUT. And really the only reason I'm not asleep right not is because my nails are wet. Sheesh.
Tomorrow I have two classes (till 1) and then LJ and I are probably going to have a scenic run outside. Friday is Delta Open House, where the rushee's can come between 5-7pm to hang out and then we have out bid meeting following. (The last bid meeting took 4+ hours....) so there goes MY friday night....
Saturday is BID DAYYYYY.... when I will (hopefully) officially become a BIG SIS. wow!! so so excited, we craft things for the girls all saturday and then have a celebration/ceremony for them that night. Neil is also coming in town this weekend (graduated last year, works in NorCal) So yay! I'll be excited if I get to see him. :)
Ok, I think they're dry...

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