Friday, December 18, 2009

French Food Anyone?

I would come back here for the food. Hands down, OMG!
Aidan and I spent the day wandering the snowy streets--
looked through the biggest department stores,
window shopped,
went to Angelina's for the best hot chocolate in Paris, (aka melted chocolate)
walked through the gardens,
went to the Christmas market
and rode the ferris wheel :)
For dinner? We had steak that would make any vegetarian break down. The restaurant, LeRelais de l'Entre'cote (LIZ I think this is where you guys went too??!!) doesn't have a menu, they just come to your table and ask you how you would like your meat prepared. I took this as a good sign. They bring out a small salad and then, not too long after, serve you steak perfectly prepared with a pile of french fries. Oh and wait. Once you finish they serve you again--more steak and fries. We split a bottle of wine and sat and ate and talked and enjoyed being warm and happy.
I mean, come onnnnnn.....

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