Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On the horizon...

Summer goals/happenings/things coming up:

-had an amazing fourth of july :) which included lake day, tanning, megan p coming over for dinner, familiar faces, 21 cup & lots of fireworks
-liz gets back from boston in a little less than a month!
-LJ's arrival... 3 weeks and counting!!
-babysitting with meg for the Newgard kiddos very soon...SO excited :)
-nannying makes me find the little things (pb&j sandwiches, lost right shoes, melting ice cream cones, & cannon balls) oddly satisfying
-seeing THE PROPOSAL tonight!!
-onto my next book, Along for the Ride, just came out!
-oh something exciting...I made the Dean's List for the 09' Spring Semester! :) First time!
-dad reminds me, I'd say about every other week, about how in two years I'm getting cut off. I'm assuming this means financially and I can't help but get the mental image of me with no job or place to live, wandering the streets of Tacoma out of my head.
-goal #1 organize my closet, goal #2 sift through clothes I NEVER WEAR and make a goodwill pile
-goal #2 get organized for austria since...
-approx. 8 WEEKS UNTIL I LEAVE FOR EUROPE!!! ahhhhhh
-Hank aka Hunter aka Angel (mom's nickname..NOT true) has been quite the pup these past weeks. He actually slept well (10-7am) last night but yesterday he had countless accidents. He doesn't understand the concept of the leash (still) and if you pull your leg away quickly when he tries to bite he instantly thinks you're starting a game aka the chasing begins

more to write but have to take Hank to the vet for his booster shots!

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