We are also expecting a house guest for the next few days. My friend is experiencing hard times and what are friends for if not to extend a roof in a time of need? We have a cute guest apartment above the garage which barely gets used, so now at least it will feel full for a little while!
Last night I hung out with my friend Aidan who is leaving for France on Tuesday. He just graduated college and is off to new adventures! We are working on me coming out to see him when I am over there this coming semester, how amazing would that be?? We made dinner and drank wine on his porch on such a pretty summer night, sailboats on the water and a setting sun... North Tacoma really does have a breath taking view.
I am hosting a party this coming friday! The theme is I'm on a Boat so nautical-ish. I rarely host things, not because I don't like to but because of how much planning/working goes into it. But I am really looking forward to it. I don't know exactly what I'm wearing yet but I have a few options I need to explore. I picked next friday because LJ will be here and get to meet all my friends!! :)
A little Hank update: To the cutest little pup, I love him so much. I nicknamed him Wiggle Butt because when any of us come home and he first sees us he gets super excited, his tail starts wagging and he wiggles his butt back and forth like crazy. It is adorable. He is still working on not having accidents in the house, and the leash is still a struggle at times, but he is growing like a weed and I can't get over how much he is learning! We're having a doggy trainer come in 2 weeks to teach us some tips on nipping and discipline tactics. (Mom sometime struggles with the biting but we just tell her its his way of showing that he loves her...)
I am cat & rabbit sitting for the Clark's until Sunday and uhhggg... wet cat food is FOUL. Austin went with me last night and the smell is nauseating. I am definitely NOT a cat person and I don't think I will ever grow out of this. Their beady little eyes and the way they jump and frisk around freaks me out I am unnerved when I know they're wandering around and hiding under couches. I will never get a cat when I'm older, so I hope the guy I marry isn't a cat lover, because it might permanently be on my list of deal breakers...
I miss us... and all that we are together. 5 DAYS AND COUNTING!
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