"I get by with a little help from my friends." -John Lennon
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The day is finally here!!!
I pick LJ up at the airport at 9am this morning and am so excited to see her smiling face!
A Happy Birthday is also in order... Hilary! ♥
We met the first day of freshman year orientation and you never could really get rid of me since. You have been my roommate, my confidant, my study buddy, my partner in crime, my pledge sister, & so much more. College really would have been a very different place without you. I can't believe we've only really known each other for two years, I feel like its been forever! (but I guess thats what living with someone for a year can do) Welcome to your 20's... (they are really not as scary as I thought...) ;) Love you tons and tons!!!!

I pick LJ up at the airport at 9am this morning and am so excited to see her smiling face!
A Happy Birthday is also in order... Hilary! ♥
We met the first day of freshman year orientation and you never could really get rid of me since. You have been my roommate, my confidant, my study buddy, my partner in crime, my pledge sister, & so much more. College really would have been a very different place without you. I can't believe we've only really known each other for two years, I feel like its been forever! (but I guess thats what living with someone for a year can do) Welcome to your 20's... (they are really not as scary as I thought...) ;) Love you tons and tons!!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Scrapbook sneak peak...
Friday, July 24, 2009
Those "ahh" days
I woke up and thought it was going to be an extremely lazy day but it has turned out to be an amazingly productive one! I woke up and spent some quality puppy time with Mr. Hank. Two cups of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal later and I was out the door to pick up Kaylee to walk Chambers Bay. It's a very scenic walk with lots of hills and a gorgeous view of the water :) This morning it was kind of breezy as well so it was very refreshing!
After our morning walk I scrapbooked for about an hour (nearing the end!) Its starting to really come together, it think its going to be a good one:) I made myself some lunch and watched the finale of 16 & Pregnant... Life After Labor. So intense! Omg I love that show and have been following each individual story so it was neat to see how the couples are doing post-birth. Some peoples concerns were that the show would glamorize teenage pregnancy but I think it does a really good job of doing the exact opposite. It shows the reality of being pregnant/having a baby at such a young age and everything the women have to give up. If anything I think it acts as birth control (or at least allowed kids to see how getting pregnant can change everything you once thought to be true) for teenagers today. At least that's my take on it.. I found it highly entertaining!
I cleaned up my room and tidied up my blog, trying a new layout but not sure about it yet? Might be too pink.. we'll see. LJ gets here so soon and I'm trying to plan the days out so that we kind of have an idea about what we're going to do/where we are going to take her when she gets here! Already on the to-do list: Lake, boat, U Village, Gig Harbor, Lakewood, BOAT party, Space needle?
Last night we had a delicious dinner at the Michaelson's! We brought Hank along and Jackie's dog, Sammy, played together. So cute! Hank settled down after a while and they were playing with each other. We had salmon, (so good!) and yummy treats from a bakery and shared interesting and hilarious stories. I cannot believe Jackie leaves in close to 3 weeks for school and early soccer practices! Time sure does fly!
After our morning walk I scrapbooked for about an hour (nearing the end!) Its starting to really come together, it think its going to be a good one:) I made myself some lunch and watched the finale of 16 & Pregnant... Life After Labor. So intense! Omg I love that show and have been following each individual story so it was neat to see how the couples are doing post-birth. Some peoples concerns were that the show would glamorize teenage pregnancy but I think it does a really good job of doing the exact opposite. It shows the reality of being pregnant/having a baby at such a young age and everything the women have to give up. If anything I think it acts as birth control (or at least allowed kids to see how getting pregnant can change everything you once thought to be true) for teenagers today. At least that's my take on it.. I found it highly entertaining!
I cleaned up my room and tidied up my blog, trying a new layout but not sure about it yet? Might be too pink.. we'll see. LJ gets here so soon and I'm trying to plan the days out so that we kind of have an idea about what we're going to do/where we are going to take her when she gets here! Already on the to-do list: Lake, boat, U Village, Gig Harbor, Lakewood, BOAT party, Space needle?
Last night we had a delicious dinner at the Michaelson's! We brought Hank along and Jackie's dog, Sammy, played together. So cute! Hank settled down after a while and they were playing with each other. We had salmon, (so good!) and yummy treats from a bakery and shared interesting and hilarious stories. I cannot believe Jackie leaves in close to 3 weeks for school and early soccer practices! Time sure does fly!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Dinner dates, cat food, & boat party
Wow. What a busy next few days! Tonight we are going to have dinner at the Michaelson's (bringing the pup along!) and apparently Jayne is getting dessert from a local bakery... mmmmmm. Saturday Megan and I are babysitting for the Newgard's while they go to a wedding.. such cuties :) Sunday the Kantor's are coming over for a lake day and BBQ. Monday the Murray's are coming over for dinner and TUESDAY LJ ARRIVES!!! I remember when LJ was thinking about buying a ticket to visit over the summer and July 28th seemed like so far off... now it is just around the corner!
We are also expecting a house guest for the next few days. My friend is experiencing hard times and what are friends for if not to extend a roof in a time of need? We have a cute guest apartment above the garage which barely gets used, so now at least it will feel full for a little while!
Last night I hung out with my friend Aidan who is leaving for France on Tuesday. He just graduated college and is off to new adventures! We are working on me coming out to see him when I am over there this coming semester, how amazing would that be?? We made dinner and drank wine on his porch on such a pretty summer night, sailboats on the water and a setting sun... North Tacoma really does have a breath taking view.
I am hosting a party this coming friday! The theme is I'm on a Boat so nautical-ish. I rarely host things, not because I don't like to but because of how much planning/working goes into it. But I am really looking forward to it. I don't know exactly what I'm wearing yet but I have a few options I need to explore. I picked next friday because LJ will be here and get to meet all my friends!! :)
A little Hank update: To the cutest little pup, I love him so much. I nicknamed him Wiggle Butt because when any of us come home and he first sees us he gets super excited, his tail starts wagging and he wiggles his butt back and forth like crazy. It is adorable. He is still working on not having accidents in the house, and the leash is still a struggle at times, but he is growing like a weed and I can't get over how much he is learning! We're having a doggy trainer come in 2 weeks to teach us some tips on nipping and discipline tactics. (Mom sometime struggles with the biting but we just tell her its his way of showing that he loves her...)
I am cat & rabbit sitting for the Clark's until Sunday and uhhggg... wet cat food is FOUL. Austin went with me last night and the smell is nauseating. I am definitely NOT a cat person and I don't think I will ever grow out of this. Their beady little eyes and the way they jump and frisk around freaks me out I am unnerved when I know they're wandering around and hiding under couches. I will never get a cat when I'm older, so I hope the guy I marry isn't a cat lover, because it might permanently be on my list of deal breakers...

I miss us... and all that we are together. 5 DAYS AND COUNTING!
We are also expecting a house guest for the next few days. My friend is experiencing hard times and what are friends for if not to extend a roof in a time of need? We have a cute guest apartment above the garage which barely gets used, so now at least it will feel full for a little while!
Last night I hung out with my friend Aidan who is leaving for France on Tuesday. He just graduated college and is off to new adventures! We are working on me coming out to see him when I am over there this coming semester, how amazing would that be?? We made dinner and drank wine on his porch on such a pretty summer night, sailboats on the water and a setting sun... North Tacoma really does have a breath taking view.
I am hosting a party this coming friday! The theme is I'm on a Boat so nautical-ish. I rarely host things, not because I don't like to but because of how much planning/working goes into it. But I am really looking forward to it. I don't know exactly what I'm wearing yet but I have a few options I need to explore. I picked next friday because LJ will be here and get to meet all my friends!! :)
A little Hank update: To the cutest little pup, I love him so much. I nicknamed him Wiggle Butt because when any of us come home and he first sees us he gets super excited, his tail starts wagging and he wiggles his butt back and forth like crazy. It is adorable. He is still working on not having accidents in the house, and the leash is still a struggle at times, but he is growing like a weed and I can't get over how much he is learning! We're having a doggy trainer come in 2 weeks to teach us some tips on nipping and discipline tactics. (Mom sometime struggles with the biting but we just tell her its his way of showing that he loves her...)
I am cat & rabbit sitting for the Clark's until Sunday and uhhggg... wet cat food is FOUL. Austin went with me last night and the smell is nauseating. I am definitely NOT a cat person and I don't think I will ever grow out of this. Their beady little eyes and the way they jump and frisk around freaks me out I am unnerved when I know they're wandering around and hiding under couches. I will never get a cat when I'm older, so I hope the guy I marry isn't a cat lover, because it might permanently be on my list of deal breakers...
I miss us... and all that we are together. 5 DAYS AND COUNTING!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My friend
I wrote a little poem for the only thing that can put an instant smile on my face any morning. This one's for you...
Coffee, I wake in the morning and crave you.
French press, Starbucks, latte or black.
Coffee, you keep me going.
One cup, two cup, cream or 1%
Drink you down, refill and breathe.
Mmmmm you taste so good.
Coffee, I wake in the morning and crave you.
French press, Starbucks, latte or black.
Coffee, you keep me going.
One cup, two cup, cream or 1%
Drink you down, refill and breathe.
Mmmmm you taste so good.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
current happenings!
Well this morning I hit the ground running (literally) with a wake-up call from our neighbor Gwen who was insistent on an early run! It was 7:15 and I was in bed and out and stretching by 7:30, woo! We went for a jog around the perimeter of the club, along the paved back side of the golf course and through some of the pretty trees lining the holes. Today should be another warm day, so it was nice to get my run over with while it was still cool and breezy. We did 5 miles and I know my legs will feel it in the morn!
My days have been filling with nannying and babysitting bunches this past week. I watched Michelle's 2 month old Nicholas last Sunday and then again last night for a few hours. He is chunky, smiling and a very easy going man! I took some pictures on my new phone (yes! new phone for austria! bberry curve!) and sent them to mom and meg, super cute!
Tonight I'm headed over to the Newgard household to watch Avery and Jackson...so excited! Megan and I are watching them for a wedding on the 25th so this will be a good opportunity for them to see me for a little bit before, yay!
I am antsy to head to the movie theatre to see the new harry potter movie & my sisters keeper (which i keep meaning to see and never make a plan!) I think the whole fam is going to try and go see potter tomorrow!
the day-to-day...
-LJ gets here in less than 2 weeks!
-Our neighborhood party welcoming the Medowcroft's to the block Thursday was a success! We used Jonz catering, very yummy!
-Lizzie officially gets home Aug.8th!
-On to new book, A Summer Affair
-I was SO pms'y these past few days I actually had to lock myself in my room for an hour so that I could collect myself before conversing with others.. and sugar cravings have been through the roof!
-working (or trying to work) a new phone! I can get my email!
-6 weeks till I fly to foreign lands!!
-It's official.. I am now a coffee/caffine junkie.. without 2 cups in the morning I am toast..
-Hilary's 20th bday around the corner!!
pictures to come....
My days have been filling with nannying and babysitting bunches this past week. I watched Michelle's 2 month old Nicholas last Sunday and then again last night for a few hours. He is chunky, smiling and a very easy going man! I took some pictures on my new phone (yes! new phone for austria! bberry curve!) and sent them to mom and meg, super cute!
Tonight I'm headed over to the Newgard household to watch Avery and Jackson...so excited! Megan and I are watching them for a wedding on the 25th so this will be a good opportunity for them to see me for a little bit before, yay!
I am antsy to head to the movie theatre to see the new harry potter movie & my sisters keeper (which i keep meaning to see and never make a plan!) I think the whole fam is going to try and go see potter tomorrow!
the day-to-day...
-LJ gets here in less than 2 weeks!
-Our neighborhood party welcoming the Medowcroft's to the block Thursday was a success! We used Jonz catering, very yummy!
-Lizzie officially gets home Aug.8th!
-On to new book, A Summer Affair
-I was SO pms'y these past few days I actually had to lock myself in my room for an hour so that I could collect myself before conversing with others.. and sugar cravings have been through the roof!
-working (or trying to work) a new phone! I can get my email!
-6 weeks till I fly to foreign lands!!
-It's official.. I am now a coffee/caffine junkie.. without 2 cups in the morning I am toast..
-Hilary's 20th bday around the corner!!
pictures to come....
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
On the horizon...
Summer goals/happenings/things coming up:
-had an amazing fourth of july :) which included lake day, tanning, megan p coming over for dinner, familiar faces, 21 cup & lots of fireworks
-liz gets back from boston in a little less than a month!
-LJ's arrival... 3 weeks and counting!!
-babysitting with meg for the Newgard kiddos very soon...SO excited :)
-nannying makes me find the little things (pb&j sandwiches, lost right shoes, melting ice cream cones, & cannon balls) oddly satisfying
-seeing THE PROPOSAL tonight!!
-onto my next book, Along for the Ride, just came out!
-oh something exciting...I made the Dean's List for the 09' Spring Semester! :) First time!
-dad reminds me, I'd say about every other week, about how in two years I'm getting cut off. I'm assuming this means financially and I can't help but get the mental image of me with no job or place to live, wandering the streets of Tacoma out of my head.
-goal #1 organize my closet, goal #2 sift through clothes I NEVER WEAR and make a goodwill pile
-goal #2 get organized for austria since...
-approx. 8 WEEKS UNTIL I LEAVE FOR EUROPE!!! ahhhhhh
-Hank aka Hunter aka Angel (mom's nickname..NOT true) has been quite the pup these past weeks. He actually slept well (10-7am) last night but yesterday he had countless accidents. He doesn't understand the concept of the leash (still) and if you pull your leg away quickly when he tries to bite he instantly thinks you're starting a game aka the chasing begins
more to write but have to take Hank to the vet for his booster shots!
-had an amazing fourth of july :) which included lake day, tanning, megan p coming over for dinner, familiar faces, 21 cup & lots of fireworks
-liz gets back from boston in a little less than a month!
-LJ's arrival... 3 weeks and counting!!
-babysitting with meg for the Newgard kiddos very soon...SO excited :)
-nannying makes me find the little things (pb&j sandwiches, lost right shoes, melting ice cream cones, & cannon balls) oddly satisfying
-seeing THE PROPOSAL tonight!!
-onto my next book, Along for the Ride, just came out!
-oh something exciting...I made the Dean's List for the 09' Spring Semester! :) First time!
-dad reminds me, I'd say about every other week, about how in two years I'm getting cut off. I'm assuming this means financially and I can't help but get the mental image of me with no job or place to live, wandering the streets of Tacoma out of my head.
-goal #1 organize my closet, goal #2 sift through clothes I NEVER WEAR and make a goodwill pile
-goal #2 get organized for austria since...
-approx. 8 WEEKS UNTIL I LEAVE FOR EUROPE!!! ahhhhhh
-Hank aka Hunter aka Angel (mom's nickname..NOT true) has been quite the pup these past weeks. He actually slept well (10-7am) last night but yesterday he had countless accidents. He doesn't understand the concept of the leash (still) and if you pull your leg away quickly when he tries to bite he instantly thinks you're starting a game aka the chasing begins
more to write but have to take Hank to the vet for his booster shots!
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