It is officially not quite 8:30 pm and I am one tired girl! I looked at the clock at an hour ago and could have sworn it would have read around 9 pm but nooo, it was 7. I don't know what is wrong with me! I'm all caught up on my reading for tomorrows classes, and could read further but don't want to. My eyelids are getting heavy and I know once my head hits the pillow I will be OUT. However, hil is still up reading (like a normal person at 8:30 on a wednesday night) so I thought I'd blog about my frustrations rather than re-play them over in my head. So, to try and pass the time I just re-painted my nails. They weren't by any means in need of a desperate touch up, but three were chipped so now I have on "The Lifeguard Makes me Blush" ohhlala.
We just got back from a surprise dinner for Jill (our delta prez last semester) Today is her birthday... the big 22!!! Ahh she's so old!! I was making fun of her all night ;)
I just went next door and borrowed The Sex and the City movie to watch on my laptop once my nails dry. Hopefully I'll make it past 9pm but I don't know how well thats going to truly is the weirdest thing! I went to bed no later than 12:30am last night, and woke up a 8:45am.... a good 8 hours. Ok, good chunk of sleeping time, check. Then I got breakfast and the commons and brought it back here and ate it in Jackie and LJ's room. Grant was also in the room (LJ's new heart throb) but is a deep sleeper. Around 1030 I went for a run... I've realized that if I don't in some way, shape, or form expend energy during the day and I have WAY TOO MUCH at night and never want to go to bed: problem. SO I make sure to dedicate some time to energy-expenditure... then I had class from 1-4pm (SO LONG... ted's monotone voice just wasn't helping the groggy state) after class I came back to the room, watched Top Chef, took a shower, Jill's dinner, now back. I CANNOT FIGURE IT OUT. And really the only reason I'm not asleep right not is because my nails are wet. Sheesh.
Tomorrow I have two classes (till 1) and then LJ and I are probably going to have a scenic run outside. Friday is Delta Open House, where the rushee's can come between 5-7pm to hang out and then we have out bid meeting following. (The last bid meeting took 4+ hours....) so there goes MY friday night....
Saturday is BID DAYYYYY.... when I will (hopefully) officially become a BIG SIS. wow!! so so excited, we craft things for the girls all saturday and then have a celebration/ceremony for them that night. Neil is also coming in town this weekend (graduated last year, works in NorCal) So yay! I'll be excited if I get to see him. :)
Ok, I think they're dry...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
a cloudy saturday but i'm not complaining!
Well, I'm not the worlds biggest sleepyhead (my friends make fun of me because I literally CANNOT sleep in, I get too anxious just lying there and have to get up and do something) Anyways, today that was not the case. I woke up at 11! Ah, so not like me. I actually thought my watch stopped working when I looked at it this mid-morning? Ha. So, I've only been awake for a little over two hours and its almost 2pm!! :::side note-- mom I'm watching the barefoot contessa right now and thinking of you =) :::
Our informal rush "There's No Crime in Being a DELTA KAPPA PSI" was last night and it went really well! Hilary was one of the two Rush Chairs and she did an amazing job. Here's the group picture of us before we started set-up (thats why the back wall is blank) minus about 7 girls who were out of town.

I liked the backs the best! CSI:DKP and the purple circle is a thumb print, cute huh? ♥pledge class love♥

Tonight the soccer house is having people over, middle school dance theme-- which means maybe a little backstreet boys and Nelly? Hahaha.... I'm excited!!!!
Shout out to my sis: Have so much at JA tonight!!! I want you to send me a pic of your hair on your cell and take lots of pictures. I hope you, mom, and dad have so much fun!! Get your dance on!!! :) :) Lovee ya
Our informal rush "There's No Crime in Being a DELTA KAPPA PSI" was last night and it went really well! Hilary was one of the two Rush Chairs and she did an amazing job. Here's the group picture of us before we started set-up (thats why the back wall is blank) minus about 7 girls who were out of town.
I liked the backs the best! CSI:DKP and the purple circle is a thumb print, cute huh? ♥pledge class love♥
Tonight the soccer house is having people over, middle school dance theme-- which means maybe a little backstreet boys and Nelly? Hahaha.... I'm excited!!!!
Shout out to my sis: Have so much at JA tonight!!! I want you to send me a pic of your hair on your cell and take lots of pictures. I hope you, mom, and dad have so much fun!! Get your dance on!!! :) :) Lovee ya
Thursday, January 22, 2009
tues/thurs shakespeare
Ok, so I'm an English major. I like to read and write, writing more than reading if I had to pick. I, however, do not sit in on Friday nights and recite Shakespeare's plays, picking out my favorite lines and committing them to memory. I have not read all of his 52? playwrites (hardly.) Ok so I wouldn't think this would be a big problem except for the fact that 90% of the students in my Shakespeare After 1600 class are those people. Umhm. Ok, so we have the two girls that sit on my left and never look up from their notebooks. They ask insightful questions and sometimes 'accidentally' quote lines from acts we haven't read yet. NEAT. They laugh and engage in inside jokes with the teacher. Sometimes I try and laugh along quietly too, but both of these occasions have led to very embarrassing moments. On my right, I have the free-loving hippie girl who smells like an ash-tray. I know that if I ever have any lung complications they will be due to her. She gets up to go to the bathroom about once every class. Her exit is a breath of fresh air, but when she comes back the smell is even stronger and twice my eyes have started watering profusely. There is this one girl who always shows up about 15 minutes late and brings in her lunch, ALWAYS. So we get to smell whatever she's having every tuesday and thursday. There's the introvert on his laptop always typing away, I swear he's on facebook. The two stereotypical "writer-type" guys, intellects, scruffy, could be mistaken for a uni-bomber but I won't get into that. The one girl who never talks. And the one girl who ALWAYS talks but never has anything new to say. If I had to pick, I guess the girl who has nothing new to say and I are tied. All the the people in the class, despite their attributes, I feel like have taken this class like seven times before and are always two steps ahead of the teacher. I guess I need to get reading! but I thought I would illustrate the daily happenings of my lit class and the lovely people who share my major. YAH.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
good morning!
It's warm in my bed. I'm usually under three layers; my sheet, comforter, and floral patterned quilt. Since at home I'm used to sleeping with a minimum of three pillows and stretching out in my full sized bed, here adjustments had to be made. But I've made my twin cozy, using my fleece-like blanket as stand in pillow number two and three. My teddy bear and floppy bunny also sleep with me, although more than usual they end up on the floor.
I always know when its going to be a sunny morning by how lit up the blinds are. To shield us from the annoying blinking orange light from the building across the street, we always sleep with the salmon colored blinds closed, but regardless I can tell when I open my eyes. If its a sunny morning (more times than not) the blinds kind of glow and and the small lines of light look almost white compared to the 70's look of our lovely Redlands provided amenities. When the blinds are the same color, I know clouds are present.
Lately we've been having and warmer than usual January, leading to a good chuck of the student body laying out on the quad last saturday. However, the dorms on the west side of campus have not gotten the memo and instead of switching our vents to the option of cool air, they are still seeping with heat. Ok so when its 80 out like it was yesterday, I'm hot and tired from classes and walking to them in capris (because the weather man said 70) turning on the cool air sounds like the only sane action. However, the vent still blow heat as if we were in Minnesota, needing to be comforted by the hot air to counter the below twenty wind chill. This leads us to not only keep our vent off altogether, but keep our windows open and lights off (for the most part) to try and tone down the temperature.
This happening is what has led me to be writing this at 8am when it is the only day I do not have class till 1pm. With the windows open, the racing sound of cars go by on the street that is about 15 yards away from my little sleeping cocoon. Sometimes if I'm lucky I wake up to honking or a baseball player yelling at his friend to grab his glove in the car. Other times I get to hear parts of rap songs that really cool guys are blast on their way to work? Not quite sure. But in the end, the 70's inspired blinds do not act as a sound barrier and thus I am left with the cool air from my window and the daily sounds of traffic.
Good morning!
I always know when its going to be a sunny morning by how lit up the blinds are. To shield us from the annoying blinking orange light from the building across the street, we always sleep with the salmon colored blinds closed, but regardless I can tell when I open my eyes. If its a sunny morning (more times than not) the blinds kind of glow and and the small lines of light look almost white compared to the 70's look of our lovely Redlands provided amenities. When the blinds are the same color, I know clouds are present.
Lately we've been having and warmer than usual January, leading to a good chuck of the student body laying out on the quad last saturday. However, the dorms on the west side of campus have not gotten the memo and instead of switching our vents to the option of cool air, they are still seeping with heat. Ok so when its 80 out like it was yesterday, I'm hot and tired from classes and walking to them in capris (because the weather man said 70) turning on the cool air sounds like the only sane action. However, the vent still blow heat as if we were in Minnesota, needing to be comforted by the hot air to counter the below twenty wind chill. This leads us to not only keep our vent off altogether, but keep our windows open and lights off (for the most part) to try and tone down the temperature.
This happening is what has led me to be writing this at 8am when it is the only day I do not have class till 1pm. With the windows open, the racing sound of cars go by on the street that is about 15 yards away from my little sleeping cocoon. Sometimes if I'm lucky I wake up to honking or a baseball player yelling at his friend to grab his glove in the car. Other times I get to hear parts of rap songs that really cool guys are blast on their way to work? Not quite sure. But in the end, the 70's inspired blinds do not act as a sound barrier and thus I am left with the cool air from my window and the daily sounds of traffic.
Good morning!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
changes make you stronger
It feels like this weekend has gone on forever! Thursday night we went over the to delta house to celebrate Heather, one of our sisters, turning 21!! We had a little something for her before all the over 21 year olds went to the bars.... thats going to be me in less than 2 years!! :) I know mom is just thrilled at the thought of that, hahaha ;) BUT it was fun, she was definitely enjoying herself and it was a fun way to get everyone together in a relaxing non-meeting like setting to start this semester off!
Friday I did laundry, a white and color load, read out in the sun, and ran with LJ. Were being so much more adventurous lately and exploring all these new routes around campus, when the weather is this nice I just can't do the gym.
Friday I also had a meeting with my tennis coach to talk about some things I have been conflicted with. Going into this season I felt differently then I did last year. I don't know why this is, but nevertheless I'm just not as happy. I am usually a very happy person, so it is really weird/disconcerting for me to feel kinda 'off.' When I realized that something was wrong I sat down and thought about the different aspects of my life and how they make me feel. Thinking about tennis made me uneasy and I tried to understand why. I realized that I don't get as excited about practice anymore, I don't look forward to hitting. Tennis (especially at a collegiate level) should be a privilege and it has started to feel like a chore. I am still trying to understand the root of these feelings because tennis has been such a big part of my life for so long. I have always looked at it as something I want to do, not something I have to do.
I know people change, and college is all about new experiences and finding yourself, but I just never expected my passion for the sport to ever falter. I don't think it's a question about my passion, but maybe just one about timing? At this point in my life I don't feel like being on the team was something that added to my life positively maybe? To wrap up this long winded paragraph, I am taking a step back from tennis this season. My coach was very supportive, emphasizing that my well-being is more important to him overall, and even though I got emotional (I am a girl) I think it was important for him to see how upset I was and the good place this is coming from.I chose to address the team myself, and all of the girls were just as supportive. I was definitely anxious about talking about it because since it is something I am so tied to it was obviously important to me that I conveyed that.
So that was the bulk of my friday! Lots going on, lots to think about, and I think its been so confusing and consuming thats part of the reason why I have not felt the desire to update, but I'm back! Here and ready to go!
Last night we were definitely quite the party-hoppers. First we went over to Jill and Elysia's (two seniors in delta.. LOVE them) to hang out for a while and then when to a baseball party and then soccer. Uhem. Some extremely attractive boys back from abroad... very glad we made that our last stop ;)
Today LJ and I watched Independence Day and I worked on some poetry homework. Were going to dinner kinda soon.... 6ish. Delta meeting tonight at 7pm... RUSH IS NEXT WEEK AND IM ON THE HUNT FOR A LITTLE SIS!!!!!! :) :) I crafted clothes for her all break and am so excited for the upcoming process!!!!
Thats all for now... a lot to digest!
Congratulations Tiffany, Kory & Avery on the arrival of Jackson Jonathan this morning!!!!!!! I could not be happier for your family and CANNOT wait to see more of him and highly anticipated pictures on your blog (which is basically something I read as often as I brush my teeth, shower, etc.) ♥ ♥
Friday I did laundry, a white and color load, read out in the sun, and ran with LJ. Were being so much more adventurous lately and exploring all these new routes around campus, when the weather is this nice I just can't do the gym.
Friday I also had a meeting with my tennis coach to talk about some things I have been conflicted with. Going into this season I felt differently then I did last year. I don't know why this is, but nevertheless I'm just not as happy. I am usually a very happy person, so it is really weird/disconcerting for me to feel kinda 'off.' When I realized that something was wrong I sat down and thought about the different aspects of my life and how they make me feel. Thinking about tennis made me uneasy and I tried to understand why. I realized that I don't get as excited about practice anymore, I don't look forward to hitting. Tennis (especially at a collegiate level) should be a privilege and it has started to feel like a chore. I am still trying to understand the root of these feelings because tennis has been such a big part of my life for so long. I have always looked at it as something I want to do, not something I have to do.
I know people change, and college is all about new experiences and finding yourself, but I just never expected my passion for the sport to ever falter. I don't think it's a question about my passion, but maybe just one about timing? At this point in my life I don't feel like being on the team was something that added to my life positively maybe? To wrap up this long winded paragraph, I am taking a step back from tennis this season. My coach was very supportive, emphasizing that my well-being is more important to him overall, and even though I got emotional (I am a girl) I think it was important for him to see how upset I was and the good place this is coming from.I chose to address the team myself, and all of the girls were just as supportive. I was definitely anxious about talking about it because since it is something I am so tied to it was obviously important to me that I conveyed that.
So that was the bulk of my friday! Lots going on, lots to think about, and I think its been so confusing and consuming thats part of the reason why I have not felt the desire to update, but I'm back! Here and ready to go!
Last night we were definitely quite the party-hoppers. First we went over to Jill and Elysia's (two seniors in delta.. LOVE them) to hang out for a while and then when to a baseball party and then soccer. Uhem. Some extremely attractive boys back from abroad... very glad we made that our last stop ;)
Today LJ and I watched Independence Day and I worked on some poetry homework. Were going to dinner kinda soon.... 6ish. Delta meeting tonight at 7pm... RUSH IS NEXT WEEK AND IM ON THE HUNT FOR A LITTLE SIS!!!!!! :) :) I crafted clothes for her all break and am so excited for the upcoming process!!!!
Thats all for now... a lot to digest!
Congratulations Tiffany, Kory & Avery on the arrival of Jackson Jonathan this morning!!!!!!! I could not be happier for your family and CANNOT wait to see more of him and highly anticipated pictures on your blog (which is basically something I read as often as I brush my teeth, shower, etc.) ♥ ♥
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
"a private school moment"
Let's see... things going on in my life... well there's a lot!
- I had my second night class last night, and I actually am starting to warm up to it. The class dropped from 20 people to 13 in a week because our teacher assigned us a 5,000 word assignment (sounded impossible) that took up the bulk of my thursday and friday night... causing 7 people to drop the class. I guess that was her ploy all along, to get her class size smaller (it worked!) and I actually feel less intimidated and more willing to talk in class because there are not as many seniors in it. OH, I had one of my first "OK, so this is why my parents put me in a private school" moment last night. I was talking to one of my friends about our classes and she was saying how in one of hers participation is a big percentage and she doesn't know how well she'll do because she never talks in class. I asked why (because shes not that shy) and she said its just weird, she never has had too, even in high school. The conversation was something like,
me: "What do you mean you've never had to?"
her: "Talk in class. No one really did at my high school because there were so many of us, only the over-achievers did and they were nerds."
me: "So then how did you have discussions in class?"
her: "Discussions?"
me: "Yeah, where like the students talk ask question/raise points"
her: "No, we never did that. It was all lecture. The teacher only talked."
me: "Are you serious? You never talked?"
her: "No. Oh god, no."
SO, I've realized that CWA might have given me slightly more than I first realized. I am more than comfortable to talk in any class, participation actually helps my grade. It wasn't just a recommendation, but an expectation in high school. If you didn't talk, the teacher would assume you didn't do the reading and they would either pick on you or make you turn in your reading notes (which was super annoying.)
Imagining never talking in my 4 years of high school would definitely make me weary to ever talk in college; its a skill that although may seem like a habit, but in fact was conditioned and drilled into my head since before I can remember.
On another note, it couldn't be nicer outside. Its actually supposed to be 86 out today!! I was shocked. It definitely wasn't this warm out last year at this time. Why did I bring my scarfs down again?!?
- I had my second night class last night, and I actually am starting to warm up to it. The class dropped from 20 people to 13 in a week because our teacher assigned us a 5,000 word assignment (sounded impossible) that took up the bulk of my thursday and friday night... causing 7 people to drop the class. I guess that was her ploy all along, to get her class size smaller (it worked!) and I actually feel less intimidated and more willing to talk in class because there are not as many seniors in it. OH, I had one of my first "OK, so this is why my parents put me in a private school" moment last night. I was talking to one of my friends about our classes and she was saying how in one of hers participation is a big percentage and she doesn't know how well she'll do because she never talks in class. I asked why (because shes not that shy) and she said its just weird, she never has had too, even in high school. The conversation was something like,
me: "What do you mean you've never had to?"
her: "Talk in class. No one really did at my high school because there were so many of us, only the over-achievers did and they were nerds."
me: "So then how did you have discussions in class?"
her: "Discussions?"
me: "Yeah, where like the students talk ask question/raise points"
her: "No, we never did that. It was all lecture. The teacher only talked."
me: "Are you serious? You never talked?"
her: "No. Oh god, no."
SO, I've realized that CWA might have given me slightly more than I first realized. I am more than comfortable to talk in any class, participation actually helps my grade. It wasn't just a recommendation, but an expectation in high school. If you didn't talk, the teacher would assume you didn't do the reading and they would either pick on you or make you turn in your reading notes (which was super annoying.)
Imagining never talking in my 4 years of high school would definitely make me weary to ever talk in college; its a skill that although may seem like a habit, but in fact was conditioned and drilled into my head since before I can remember.
On another note, it couldn't be nicer outside. Its actually supposed to be 86 out today!! I was shocked. It definitely wasn't this warm out last year at this time. Why did I bring my scarfs down again?!?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
sun in kind of state!
I talked to mom on the phone today telling her about my run outside while she sat on the other end, wind and rain in the lovely state of washington. Apparently the fam tried to trek it up to crystal for the weekend to go skiing but saturday the mountain was closed due to flooding and high winds. WOW! They stayed the night up there and were back the next day... the four grocery bags were also forgotten so it was pancakes and blue cheese salad for dinner!! Hahaha.. when megan told me her rendition of the story I was laughing so hard because I can just picture it.
I'm watching the Golden Globes right now, the red carpet special is just about to end... I love looking at all the dresses, definitely my favorite part :) I bet mom and megan are doing the exact same thing as me right this very second :)
Last week was the first week of classes and tennis. A bit overwhelming and definitely an adjustment balancing such a busy schedule BUT I survived!! But I hope that helps explain why it has been about a week since my last post! Ah!
This week will be no different, always on the move but loving it! The weather does just make everything better, and I know I've said it before, but I think I would be way grumpier if it wasn't for that thing called the sun...
side notes:
*excited to hopefully get the cookies meg sent tomorrow (i know they're late!)
*sending clothes home mom, be on the look out!
*thanks for the anne geddes calendar mom, i look at it everyday :)
*stay warm family!!!
I'm watching the Golden Globes right now, the red carpet special is just about to end... I love looking at all the dresses, definitely my favorite part :) I bet mom and megan are doing the exact same thing as me right this very second :)
Last week was the first week of classes and tennis. A bit overwhelming and definitely an adjustment balancing such a busy schedule BUT I survived!! But I hope that helps explain why it has been about a week since my last post! Ah!
This week will be no different, always on the move but loving it! The weather does just make everything better, and I know I've said it before, but I think I would be way grumpier if it wasn't for that thing called the sun...
side notes:
*excited to hopefully get the cookies meg sent tomorrow (i know they're late!)
*sending clothes home mom, be on the look out!
*thanks for the anne geddes calendar mom, i look at it everyday :)
*stay warm family!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
pictures from break!
new semester, new classes, new season, new year!
I'm finally back at school and it feels so good! Classes and tennis start tomorrow, which is nice because i can spend today organizing, unpacking, and getting settled. It was definitely weird to get in yesterday and see blue skies and the sun!!! That has been missed for some weeks!! I wanted to write something but I'm bouncing around so much with a hundred things going on in my head that it is hard for me to stick with one train of thought, haha!
Things I am currently looking forward to---
*starting TENNIS!!
*my first day of classes :) and figuring out where in the world they are..
*the sun... and getting some good vitamin D
*RUSH in just a few short weeks!!
*first D meeting on Wednesday
*my night class? (I've never taken one before, and I don't know if I'm going to like it...)
*keeping up my resolutions!!
Things I am currently looking forward to---
*starting TENNIS!!
*my first day of classes :) and figuring out where in the world they are..
*the sun... and getting some good vitamin D
*RUSH in just a few short weeks!!
*first D meeting on Wednesday
*my night class? (I've never taken one before, and I don't know if I'm going to like it...)
*keeping up my resolutions!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
RiNgIng in 2009!!!!
Happy new year! I cannot believe its finally here! I'm writing from the couch, enduring the new years football bowl games that are not doubt going to dominate the TV today. I actually don't mind too much, Meg and Mom and I might go to a movie today. Megan and I went and saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button before we left, but Marley&Me and Seven Pounds are still on the list of must-see's. (Except Seven pounds didn't get good reviews? And I heard Marley was sad...) Anyways, that might be something fun to do today since we are all taking the day off from skiing. Three ski days in a row has left all of us tired, sore, or both... so today could not have come at a better time!
Last night we went to this Italian restaurant, Bachi... really yummy!! They had it all decorated in twinkly lights and most of their seating area was outside (enclosed with heat lamps and canvas to keep the wind out). It was really neat... I took some pictures so when I get home I'll be sure to post them.
We leave early Saturday morning, hoping to make it back that night, and then my flight is mid afternoon Sunday. I can't believe its been almost 3 weeks since I've been home from school! It really seems like a lot shorter but I am excited to go back. Excited for the season to start, new classes (except I have to take a night class next semester which I don't know how I feel about..?) and RUSH that starts a few weeks into January. I want to take a little this semester in Delta (little sis) which I am also SO SO excited about...I've been sewing all break making clothes for her... my little one who I am going to spoil to no end ;) I pledged as a freshmen and so it meant a lot to me to take a little that was my same age when I joined. I hope everything works out... updates sure to come!! =)
I hope everyone has a great start to 2009!!
"Life is not measured but the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
Last night we went to this Italian restaurant, Bachi... really yummy!! They had it all decorated in twinkly lights and most of their seating area was outside (enclosed with heat lamps and canvas to keep the wind out). It was really neat... I took some pictures so when I get home I'll be sure to post them.
We leave early Saturday morning, hoping to make it back that night, and then my flight is mid afternoon Sunday. I can't believe its been almost 3 weeks since I've been home from school! It really seems like a lot shorter but I am excited to go back. Excited for the season to start, new classes (except I have to take a night class next semester which I don't know how I feel about..?) and RUSH that starts a few weeks into January. I want to take a little this semester in Delta (little sis) which I am also SO SO excited about...I've been sewing all break making clothes for her... my little one who I am going to spoil to no end ;) I pledged as a freshmen and so it meant a lot to me to take a little that was my same age when I joined. I hope everything works out... updates sure to come!! =)
I hope everyone has a great start to 2009!!
"Life is not measured but the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
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