Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Ok, I'm back with much more to say! Just finished lunch with my three lovely's :) with two classes down! I really enjoyed both of my classes this morning. My enviro class is a little earthy and somewhat overwhelming, mainly because I am not too familiar with Environmental Studies or scientific readings. It's definately something different but I am excited to get messy and try something new.
My womens study class was also something entirely new to me, but the professor seems great and really easy going. It is a discussion based class with take home tests and lots of papers. Since i am more writing inclined, this seems like a do-able task.
BAck to my break. A wonderful 3 weeks with nothing to worry about..

- spending christmas with my family!~
- seeing my amazing friends and our besties dinner, you know who you are♥
- sleeping in and running errands with my mom
- our lovely 12 hour road trip (x2)
- skiing in sun valley... especially when it wasn't windy and i wasn't complaining
- being driven around by my LITTLE sis.. who i don't think i can call little anymore ;)
- ummm... anniversary dinner for 3 anyone??
- fake tatoos
- ps. i love you
- AUGUST RUSH... in my top ten for sure.. hahaha
- being home with the trees and the snow and the bad weather and the fog and the icy roads and our perfect christmas..
which by the way was an ENTIRE family to-do. I'll explain,
Dad and Austin picked out the tree and lugged it into the house
Mom decorated the tree with minor help from Meg and Austin
Megan and I took down ALL of the decorations, boxed them up, and organized.
so see? it was quite the family affair
what else?
- yummy dinners in Sun Valley
- Megan sledding down a decent sized hill with a sheer look of terror
- hot chocolate
- reading my book! Keeping Faith. and not feeling guilty about it!
- and bringing in the new year with the people who mean the most to me.. even if some were grumpy, tired, and mom was rightfully disturbed by Dick Clark on the screen.

Hope thats not too long. So happy to be back! But always missing the people far from me.
I love you guys!

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