"you find yourself at a stand still. you find yourself looking forward and only seeing fog. you complain about papers, guys, and drama. And you do all of this only to realize that these are the times to be remembered. These are the times to be enjoyed. These will be the times you look back on and say, 'those were the best days of my life.'"
Put more simply, I am enjoying my life to the fullest right now. Classes; consuming. Boys; intriguing. Schedule; seemingly unmanagable. Tennis; physically and mentally draining. But I can't help but love it all.
I have been counting, and this is the 11th day in a row that I've woken up sore. All I have to say is, I better be frikkin ripped by the end of this season. :)!
Rush is next week. I am more than excited. Finally being able to join a network of girls who seem to love eachother more than they love themseleves. They are a family, and I want that.
ITA Redlands Tennis Tournement, this weekend. I'm playing, woohooo. Just pray for no rain! Rookie night; saturday. Kinda nervous, kinda excited! There are four of us new-bees, yah!
Two tests on friday, well actually Spanish on friday and I have to move my math test up to thursday because of the matches. Nothing too hard I don't think. I'm actually somewhat understanding math... I know, a miracle. But we'll see how the semester goes...
I either have bad allergies or just a cold I don't want to accept. BLAH!! Ny-quil is my new best friend for the night time dorm life. 2 and i am oouuttt. LOVE IT :)
I think I sneezed 14 times in my religion class today? yeah... and every single person said "bless you."
On the courts today from 1:30-4:45... so tired! my crackers for lunch didn't cut it, ha.
Lizzie, feel better! you will get through this :)
Sister Megan, I know your reading this and I don't talk to my friends with you on the phone, I love you! ♥
Family, coming home for spring break in exactly one month!! 22nd...
I hope everyone started off their weeks well!!
♥ always
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