So snail-mail of the day thanks goes to two people:
1. The Kaiser family (expecially Olivia!!) who sent me and very cute little card and some VERY pretty pictures courtesy of Olivia. Flowers, a rainbow, and other various drawings are up on my wall now, in front of my computer. That wall was so plain and made it feel like a prison in here! So thank you SO MUCH for making it a little warmer in here :) i look at them all the time!
AND 2. goes to my sister, Megan. who sent me a letter (long and informative) and a piece of fruitstripe gum :) it was so fun to get to my mailbox and see something in it!
Today was quite productive:
Woke up at 11, went to brunch, had an amzing hamlet and muffin :) , watched friends episodes, went for a run outside around campus, washed my sheets w/ jackie, took a shower, wrote some cards, went to the plaza for dinner, drove some boys to get chinese food (im the only one with a car lol), came back and went to ohana's with the girls, watched more friends, folded/put away my clothes (which made me grumpy), put my sheets on my bed, and am currently updating this.
Tomorrow will be just as productive... what a break can do for a girl!
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