Thursday, July 5, 2007

some unpleasant news

I just got home from a walk/run with mom and have work in an hour and a half. I already have an afternoon of errands behind me... went to breakfast with Lizzie at this cute cafe close to my house. Then she left for a doctors appt. while Meg and I headed out to go grocery shopping, german deli, && the french hen for lunch :)
But during breakfast I felt really funny and started getting nauseas. It something thats been happening lately and its probably becuase I started taking the pill about 3 weeks ago but hopefully my body can adjust and get over it.
And on another no so good note, my dad just found out a few days ago that his accountant, bitch Cari, has been embezzling from my dad's company and our family for over a year and a half... and has stolen over $300,000. She has bought cars, shoes, made rent payments, gone on trips, stayed in hotels, and all of it has been courtesy of our family and her forgery.
She used one of my dad's accounts at one of four banks he uses and has been forging my dad's signiture and making checks out to herself. My dad and uncle Joe finally became suspicious of her spendings and finally found the hundreds of banking deposits written out to her name.
SO all of our accounts have been forzen, i cant access money, and the entire company has to do an entire scrub down of all finances in every active account. Its unbelievable and depressing and disheartening that someone who we trusted so much could stab you in the back. I never want to see her again. I hope she goes to jail for a long time.

ps. Uncle Joe pulled up a case online of a man who embezzled in Olympia about a year ago and stole half of what Cari did and he got 25 years in jail. I hope she suffers.

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