Saturday, July 28, 2007

fun filled day in the sun :)

So I should be working right now but it was completely dead tonight so I got to go home. Except I'm mad because I could have gone to EastWest Cafe with my parents for dinner! but they have already left. Anyways, I'm about to watch my taped episode of BIG LOVE and eat some of the fudge Liz and I got today and Tacoma Boys! when we visited lovely Megan, working very hard in the produce section I might add. Liz and I had a fun day in the sun, we went to lunch on the water, followed by a windy convertible ride to Tacoma Boys, and then a bike ride to Starbucks, Barnes&noble, and then to Ronette's house :) very fun. Our bike ride was quite the adventure, we almost collided on the sidewalk, but never fear... we survived minus some screaming.
We also went on a boat ride, and Liz had never been on our boat! so we went cruising for a while.
So all in all it was a fun filled day with my bestie :D and I made her a little care package to make her leg feel better! (Hopefully the US Weekly and cute pens helped the healing!!)
Megan and Austin are still gone for another week at camp, and Patrick just left last night for Spain for 8 days. And July is almost over... where has the time gone?

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