Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oh the thrill of it all...

It feels like Christmas. I could barely sleep last night, getting to bed somewhere around 230am and waking up at 7. TODAY IS BID DAY!!!! And I am freaking out. In four hours we will be welcoming new babies into Delta. I am terrified, excited, nervous, elated, stoked, and all of the above. You have to be a sophomore or older to rush in the fall so the small fact that I won't be dealing with freshmen is pretty reassuring. Starting today, for the next 6 weeks my life is going to be full of purple. I will have many little ones looking up to me and calling me "mom." Maybe this responsibility is amazing birth control... after week 2 I am told I will just want to rip out all of my hair. BUT I feel like it will be different. I love every one of these girls and I am so excited to be calling them sisters soon.
We will find out who took our bids around noon today. In a half hour we all get to the house and start crafting. While they are waiting for their bids, we are waiting for them at the house. I think it's a cool tradition. 3:30pm they find us at an off campus house, they meet me for the first time, and the day begins!
On another note, I wanted to give a little shout out to my wonderful, amazing, incredible sister, who turned 19!!!!!! on Thursday. 19. God, that makes me feel old! Haha. But seriously, I am so lucky to have a sister as amazing as Megan... with each year you only turn more into the incredible woman I know you are.
Ok, I have to get out of bed and start embarking on the craziest most wonderful most exciting day of MY LIFE..... honestly, I am like school girl giddy. Oh my...
Mom & Dad: I hope you guys have a blast in NY visiting the birthday girl!!! I am there in spirit :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds very exciting. Details later I hope when things calm down. Waiting for pictures! Love you, Mom