Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm back!

To say I owed a post would be an understatement. Since my last update, I have moved out of my apartment and said goodbye to Junior year, loaded my car and made the 19hr trek back home, spent a week in Maui, and helped celebrate my little sisters near graduation with a wonderful open house! Woooh!
And now I am sitting here, coffee in hand, home for the WHOLE summer, getting ready to tackle the obscene amount of luggage and clothing waiting for me in the laundry room. I am forcing myself to make today a productive one because tonight JORDAN IS VISITING!!! :) He is taking the train from Portland and getting in a little after 8pm and staying until Friday. I am so excited to see him and show him around my neck of the woods. And the sun is supposed to make an appearance tomorrow so I'm thinking that might be the perfect day to explore Pike's Place. :) yay
My friend Bret came over last night after Megan's open house and it was very nice to see him. We sat out on the dock and drank beer and talked. My first official night of summer, and however yucky it was outside, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way :)
My mom took this picture of the trees across our lake and it was too pretty not to post. I missed this incredible sunset when I was in Hawaii, but I guess I can't complain ;)


Anonymous said...

What a difference a beautiful sun set can make!

Dorm Bedding said...

Wow,, you have been a busy wonder the lack of posts :)