Thursday, May 13, 2010


Since my last update, the long days of May have been filling in the gaps. For may term, I am taking a class called Wholeness and Healing. I was originally in Experiencing Music, but it ended up not being at all what I thought it was so after hearing about Abbie's class, I decided to try it.
It has been one of the best decisions I have made regarding classes I have taken in my 3 years here at school. I don't exactly know how to describe it. It is a religion class, so we are learning about a variety of different religions. Just yesterday I was apart of a group presentation that researched Taoism. Taoism is belief system that is based around nature and the universe as a whole. It is so interesting to look at these different belief systems that I have never been exposed to and learning about how they interweave in life. We meditate, do yoga, draw mandalas, and keep a running journal of our experiences and feelings through these 4 weeks. This is an exciting class for me because I really have done nothing like it. Our grade is solely based on growth evident in our journal and class participation. The class is very diverse and it is interesting for me hear what people, who are so opposite from me, open up and give their perspectives on things so foreign to me.
This is Week 2 of May Term, and I know very well to expect time to fly. I ♥ Mayy


Laurie said...

Sounds really fun. Enjoy you last few days at school. excited to have you home for the whole summer! love you, mom

Dorm Bedding said...

Sounds like such an interesting class - good choice :)

The Rambling Taoist said...

I perform frequent searches for folks discussing Taoism on their blogs (which explains how I would up here).

If you'd like to learn more about philosophical Taoism, I have over 150 links to Taoist blogs and websites on my right sidebar. There are more of us around than a lot of people realize! :)

Dorm Bedding said...

That class sounds awesome :)