Sunday, March 28, 2010

Productive morning: Check!

Well, after an exhausting 24+ hours that I thought would never end... my baby (finally..!) WENT ACTIVE!!

She's not a baby anymore but she's my forever little and I love her!♥ She worked so hard these past 6 weeks and it all paid off. Congrats Molly!!!
Last night we went to dinner with Abbie's parents, they were in town from St. Louis. Holly, Hilary, LJ and I made their usual party of three into a party of seven and it was a blast :) We went to Romano's and had delicious Italian food, hit the spot!
I didn't stay out too last night night because I had a lot to get done today before tonight's fesitivties... GIRL TALK (a band for those who are unfamiliar) is coming to campus for Spring Fest tonight!!! And therefore, "sunday homework night" is non-existent.
My productive day thus far included: laundry, contraction of a resume (I'm getting old apparently), cleaning, homework, uploading pictures, and blogging. Woo!
Thursday marked a very special day for me... ta-da!
Which as you can tell I'm kinda excited about...
My familia is in town as well.. well, minus Austin who is in Tahoe with his friend.. booooo. BUT Megan brought Trudy, who I lovveee, so she can be his replacement. They got in yesterday and I'm going down to see them Tuesday for Dad's birthday!! :)
That's all for now... oh! when writing my resume, cover letter, etc. this morning I stumble upon a beautiful quote about writing that I of course, want to share, by James Arthur Baldwin.

"You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way ... people look at reality, then you can change it."

1 comment:

Dorm Bedding said...

Love the quote at the end :)