Packing is coming to an anticlimactic end... my northface and airplane bag are almost a "go" and then I'll be off! Like a cricket in the night! (hahahahaaaa that one's for you Liz...) ;)
*making the car trip down with dad safely:)
*getting to Redlands on time so dad makes his flight back up here, and I get to LJ's asap!
*saying goodbye to Jackie :( and making a quick stop to brockton (my future home!!)
*EXTREME FEAR: sitting next to an obese person on the plane
*well more than that, the plane crashing... but no fear, that's why God created prescription drugs.
*that mom lets me take Teddy in my backpack
*crossing my fingers that both of my suitcases make the journey with me!!
*getting settled, etc.
*hoping that the sheets provided are cozy and not scratchy because then I'll be whiney
*that my ankle brace is more of a fashion statement rather than an awkward ugly thing that people constantly inquire about... but I think my fuzzy sock is a cozy alternative to the velcro ;)
*jet lag? I heard it sucks, but only coming west, and we're headed east... so I'm golden?!?
*4 months + no texting = anxiety
*hoping my kings of leon obbsession will slightly subside so that I don't drive my roomies completely insane
*(along with my luggage) that my (1/2 a semester's) worth of LUNA bars make it a-okay....... they're my LIFE, seriously. love isn't even a strong enough word. The peanutbutter cookie one, ahhh mmmmmmmm, way to my heart
*missing my familllyyyyyy♥ (& puppy) and all the ones I constantly think about every day; those little things. the ones i miss, and love, and know without them I wouldn't be anywhere close to where/who I am today.
Where has the time gone? I'm not sure. But I do know this.