Like always, time flies when you're having fun. This saying was once again proven true when I handed in my last final today and realized that classes are done, finals are completed, and i have another semester to say goodbye too. Bittersweet I must say. I still remember everyone telling me college would be the best four years of my life, and I remember sort of believing them. But there was always a small part of me who doubted this notion because of the experiences I had in high school. It is weird to think that less than two years ago I was driving down here to embark on a whole new life. A new group of friends. A new family of sisters. A new way of looking at things. A new freedom.
I always joke that I could easily be 17 again and be a junior in high school and it wouldn't feel weird at all because I don't really feel any older. But I guess I would have to say that is no longer true. I manage to live independently (with the help of a gas card, debit & credit card) :) do my own laundry, go to class, maintain grades, foster amazing friendships with girls who have stolen pieces of my heart, and live everyday to the fullest. I am going to EUROPE in a little over 4 months and instead of being scared I feel so ready to add to my growing list of life experiences.
I feel alive, motivated, curious, intrigued, and ready. I have to say, it is quite an amazing feeling.
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