Let me paint you a picture: Friday. 1 o'clock. 85 degrees. March. Southern California. =poool day :) I swear to you, if anyone was leading tours today and took them and showed them the pool I think they would have just signed up for our school right then and there. There were a million students on this sunny friday throwing the football, swimming, laying out, with music and speakers. These are the days I am so happy I go here... I lathered up in 8 spf because you can never be certain how strong the sun
actually is (I learned that the hard way) and after a nice shower I definitely see improvements--do not detect any red yet!
In just a few hours were going to drive to San Diego for a sisterhood retreat. We stay the night at a sister's house and then leave the next morning. I'm hoping the sun won't put me in too much of a coma for the drive... it sure does suck your energy!!
Here's a picture of the Hawaiian Date night last night-- 3 of the girls♥
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