Well, its been a few days, and although I'm slightly colder here in snowy Idaho :) we are tucked away drinking hot cocoa and skiing through these blustery days! The holidays were amazing, good food, smiley faces, lots of family! From the stockings to Megan's homemade coconut cake... I loved it all! However, we did had quite the rocky drive over to our little winter wonderland... instead of making the trek in one day, we had to spend the night in Hines, OR at the lovely Best Western and ended up getting in to Sun Valley around 3pm on sunday. I think I speak for the entire family when I say it was a little too much car-time for us all. Austin and his brilliant commentary, Mom and her counting the mile trackers (convinced that we were headed for an icy ditch) Dad powering through the weather conditions, and Megan and I yelping at Austin's attempts to suffocate us with his fuzzy green blanket out of sheer boredom. Memorable. Yes.
Were leaving in about a 1/2 hour for dinner... Mom and Dad went to this local comedy show in town and were meeting up with them soon. We have the rest of this week to enjoy to lovely laziness and lack of homework that no classes brings!! I'm going to be sure to enjoy it while it lasts :) classes start a week from today!! ahhhh!!! Time flies way too fast...
More to come from our snowy niche!! I just can't seem to escape the snow this break...
OH and I'm on page 407 of breaking dawn and cannot put it down!!! i don't want it to end!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
christmas means ________________ to me
Snow, hot cocoa, pumpkin cake, christmas lights, and pink noses.
Light blue sparkles, movies, red nail polish, and Uggs.
Ice sickles, warm smelling candles, scarfs, and pajamas during the day.
Table settings, old photos, DVR, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Evergreens, fireplaces, children's Christmas stories, and special blankets.
♥merry christmas eve to all :)
Light blue sparkles, movies, red nail polish, and Uggs.
Ice sickles, warm smelling candles, scarfs, and pajamas during the day.
Table settings, old photos, DVR, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Evergreens, fireplaces, children's Christmas stories, and special blankets.
♥merry christmas eve to all :)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
snowed in!
We are officially snowed in!! Last nights weather reports proves true and I woke up this morning to close to a foot of snow! It feels like Sun Valley already its so snowy here! Parties were cancelled, people were told to stay off the roads last night due to ice and high winds and it truly does feel like Christmas time.
Yesterday we did manage to make it to the Tacoma Nutcracker to watch Nana preform. It was really fun! She was a party lady and danced a lot of the first act. Her dress was by far the prettiest out of all the lady's and Mom and I's seats were really close so we could pick her out prefectly!! :) :) My favorite were the littlest girls who came out of Lady Ginger's skirt and skipped around. ADORABLE. They couldn't have been older than 3, too cute.
Today I think is going to be a lazy day. With Eclipse finished, Mom went out and got me Breaking Dawn yesterday but I haven't started it yet. Do not take that to mean I don't want to start it. Its all I have been thinking about! BUT, we have a week in Sun Valley ahead of us and I want some good reading material when computers and cell phones are harder to come by. So I'm thinking I have enough will power to start after Christmas... I'm trying really hard! Oh, I almost forgot. Megan started Twilight two days ago and is almost done, she was boycotting the series for some strange reason but finally gave in and won't admit she loves it but I know she does. I find her reading everywhere, on the couch, in her room, early in the morning. Now I have someone to obsess about with!!
My bets are she'll be on Eclipse by the time Sun Valley rolls around... ;)
Austin is a few houses down at the Iverson's. He is so lucky his best friends live only a 30 second bike ride from us, he always has someone to goof around with.
I think I want to take a nice walk outside in the snow later today if its not too cold. Its so quiet and serene stepping out there I just love it. Something about how everything looks like its laying perfectly under some huge white blanket makes everything seem so gentle. I do love the Californian Sun, but if you ever asked me to choose, this home state would win every time.
Yesterday we did manage to make it to the Tacoma Nutcracker to watch Nana preform. It was really fun! She was a party lady and danced a lot of the first act. Her dress was by far the prettiest out of all the lady's and Mom and I's seats were really close so we could pick her out prefectly!! :) :) My favorite were the littlest girls who came out of Lady Ginger's skirt and skipped around. ADORABLE. They couldn't have been older than 3, too cute.
Today I think is going to be a lazy day. With Eclipse finished, Mom went out and got me Breaking Dawn yesterday but I haven't started it yet. Do not take that to mean I don't want to start it. Its all I have been thinking about! BUT, we have a week in Sun Valley ahead of us and I want some good reading material when computers and cell phones are harder to come by. So I'm thinking I have enough will power to start after Christmas... I'm trying really hard! Oh, I almost forgot. Megan started Twilight two days ago and is almost done, she was boycotting the series for some strange reason but finally gave in and won't admit she loves it but I know she does. I find her reading everywhere, on the couch, in her room, early in the morning. Now I have someone to obsess about with!!
My bets are she'll be on Eclipse by the time Sun Valley rolls around... ;)
Austin is a few houses down at the Iverson's. He is so lucky his best friends live only a 30 second bike ride from us, he always has someone to goof around with.
I think I want to take a nice walk outside in the snow later today if its not too cold. Its so quiet and serene stepping out there I just love it. Something about how everything looks like its laying perfectly under some huge white blanket makes everything seem so gentle. I do love the Californian Sun, but if you ever asked me to choose, this home state would win every time.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
the day mom and I were on candid camera
Today, mom and I were on candid camera. Well, at least it felt that way since everywhere we went it seemed as though some alternate force was multiplying the time it would usually take to complete such tasks by about seven thousand. Take, for instance, Michael's Craft store. Two simple returns, receipts included, our Linda (the registrar lady) needed to intercom manager Sandy to approve such a transaction, and then forgot to do both returns at the same time so of course, had to call her over again. Then she was "so silly!" and didn't know that you could in fact do one transaction for thing bought with different credit cards, so that tacked on about another 12 minutes to our ending time. I tried to distract myself with other things to look at so I wouldn't burst out laughing because, unlike mom, I was past being annoyed and now just fully entertained by the whole ordeal. The women at the fabric store moved just as quickly, as did the lady at Old Navy who saw mom's ID, looked at, did not ask for it when given the credit card, so mom put it away, and then she asks to see it. Oh mom, if looks could kill... Hahahhahaha. HILARIOUS. So, with all of these hold-ups, Costco was out of the picture, so hopefully we can fit it in on friday!
On a different note, last night my family drove to the family's apartment we're sponsoring for christmas lives at. We were their christmas, meaning that we got their xmas lists, sizes, etc. and bought them all special things. They were a family of four, single dad, three kids, 13, 12, and 9. It was emotional for me because entering their home that was so warm and empty really just broke my heart. I could not put into words how hard it was to see the Dad to be so incredibly thankful to us for providing his kids with a christmas. He seemed like a very driven and good man. He got laid off in Colorado (as a truck driver) and so came here and had to start from scratch. Their home was so small I couldn't see how its comfortable to live with four people in such a small space, but they make it work. I hope we do something like that every year. I know it is an over-used saying, but it really does feel so much better to give rather than receive. It's amazing how much they appreciate and the kids were just wide-eyed and so excited for all their colorfully wrapped presents. We really did make their holiday season Christmas, in every sense of the word, and for that I am thankful. It makes me appreciate all the things I take for granted in my own life, all the issues I think are important seemed so insignificant at that moment and it really just opens your eyes and allows you to see things differently. They literally had nothing, and were so happy to have us bring them something. Truly touching.
On a different note, last night my family drove to the family's apartment we're sponsoring for christmas lives at. We were their christmas, meaning that we got their xmas lists, sizes, etc. and bought them all special things. They were a family of four, single dad, three kids, 13, 12, and 9. It was emotional for me because entering their home that was so warm and empty really just broke my heart. I could not put into words how hard it was to see the Dad to be so incredibly thankful to us for providing his kids with a christmas. He seemed like a very driven and good man. He got laid off in Colorado (as a truck driver) and so came here and had to start from scratch. Their home was so small I couldn't see how its comfortable to live with four people in such a small space, but they make it work. I hope we do something like that every year. I know it is an over-used saying, but it really does feel so much better to give rather than receive. It's amazing how much they appreciate and the kids were just wide-eyed and so excited for all their colorfully wrapped presents. We really did make their holiday season Christmas, in every sense of the word, and for that I am thankful. It makes me appreciate all the things I take for granted in my own life, all the issues I think are important seemed so insignificant at that moment and it really just opens your eyes and allows you to see things differently. They literally had nothing, and were so happy to have us bring them something. Truly touching.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
a day in the life of MY FAMILY.
I wake up, open my eyes and see large sheets of butcher paper taped to the walls. Megan is in full-force studying for her AP US History final. The sheets of paper take up about half the window and a good portion of the wall space near her desk. They are color coded and organized in a 'time-line' fashion, listed by earliest president. The colors cross reference Vice Presidents and the main events that occurred during their varying times in office. So, needless to say every time I walk in the room I'm greeted by memories of a class that haunted my dreams. Neat. The crunch of the butcher paper leads me to believe she is already up and studying. i love us sharing a room.
Fast-forward about an hour and a half and I'm in the kitchen, done with my run, wondering why I don't hear Spongebob Square Pants or Fairly Odd Parents on the family room TV... its after 1030am. Hmm. I call Austin's name and locate him still in our parents bedroom, hasn't moved yet. I force him to come down so I can feed him, otherwise he'll wait till he can actually hear his stomach growling before understanding that he does in fact need food. One bowl of Frosted Flakes and a half a glass of apple juice later and he's migrated to the downstairs couch, and ahhh, yes. Fairly Odd Parents. Why couldn't I just stick to 14?
After washing the cereal bowl and emptying the dishwasher I field a call from the parents, en route home from a night shopping for xmas gifts in Seattle. Mom says that they'll be home around noon, and to make sure we're up and moving because A Christmas Carol is at 2pm. AKA--- I get to break the news to Austin that he has to accompany us (the family) to the play. Needless to say this doesn't go over well. We have an inch of snow on the ground and if he goes to the play his whole day will be ruined. I try and sympathize, but fail.
On our way to the play, I'm sitting in the back in a yellow and black skirt that hits my knees (and for me, spending the majority of my time in CA these days, I agree that this is appropriate for the occasion.) That and the fact that I did not a pack anything other than 3 pairs of jeans, rely on my sister and mom to provide for me outfits for the obvious, Christmas Eve and Day dinner, and maybe one other nice outing. However, for the Lakewood rendition of A Christmas Carol, a jacket, scarf, and sweater paired with my (yes, maybe spring skirt) would do. Mental note: I am now in fact in Washington. So, of course, I have not crossed the street to the building before a (at first glance, homeless?) lady comments on how cold I must be and laughs, 'ha ha' to her friend. I don't respond. Special. Megan gives me a malicious glance and Austin chuckles. Of course, this event is put on 'repeat' three more times, one lady told me I looked like her garden, I tried to take that as a compliment. The play itself went over pretty well. dodging the occasional Junior Mint from my wonderful brother in the pitch dark, I thought it was a rock. Good thing Megan was between us.
Out of the auditorium we walk, and of course, half way through the play it began dumping snow. Now, in other circumstances I would have been thrilled but I was still in my lovely garden-esk skirt and the fresh powder posed a small problem. Nana of course thought this was hilarious and had to take my picture. Snow in the hair, heels covered in flakes, I forced a smile. Mom was right there with me, she needing balance help as well, but laughing mainly because of me, bracing myself on her right, waiting for someone to bring over a wheelchair.
We had Christmas buffet dinner at the club planned for the five of us, plus Nana and Brittany and Sierra... but the girls couldn't get from Olympia because of our lovely snow drift so it was just the six of us. We had about an hour to kill post-play and pre-dinner so I got in some Eclipse :) :) definitely a highlight. However, I was fully entertained by my brother breaking out in dance, sans- clothes (well, boxers) doing a little jig. I think he was protesting the belt? That Mom required be apart of his dinner ensemble, and Austin + belts never go over well. After a few laughs and getting a chance to borrow a pair of Mom's black pants, we were onto the next event of the evening.
5:30 seating. AKA: only people in a ballroom of, meh, maybe close to 20 tables. Austin bolted to the buffet table before any other parties arrived, and we ate with about 8 waiters watching us. Dinner goes pretty smoothly until Megan breaks out the religion questions. So, um, Nana? Lately I've just been so curious... what is the difference between Catholicism, Protestants, and Calvinists? Oh and Evangelical's? really... really?? I almost chocked on my bite of cheesecake, Mom side-noted' that maybe they should have this chat in a library. My Dad found this a convenient time to exit and 'warm up the car' Ha. He plots these things five steps ahead of everyone else, I swear. Personal goal: to try and mimic his moves so I can stay ahead too, I bet the world would seem a whole lot more predictable. Hmm.. Anyways, leave it to my sis to open a can of worms post-dessert/coffee.
Safely in the car I thought the night was over when Austin informs us that he needs us to drive to Calvin's (his friend/ 10 houses down) to borrow a book for class tomorrow. Oh and ps: he has to read 60 pages. Ha. I'm sitting there LOVING this, reveling in the fact that I am now on the other side of things. Austin gets defensive and says he didn't leave it for the last minute, he wanted to read it all on Sunday. Really Austin? hmmm.
SO that's my day thus far. But I guess it is only 8pm so additions might be necessary. Even at college, when having the best time of my life, I truly never laugh harder/as often as I do here, with my family.
I just feel bad for the significant others that the three of us will someday be bringing into our close knit quirky group. I am truly scared, I don't know if they can keep up ;)

me and my garden-esk skirt... in the snowy parking lot

me and the sibs at dinner... 530 sharp!
Fast-forward about an hour and a half and I'm in the kitchen, done with my run, wondering why I don't hear Spongebob Square Pants or Fairly Odd Parents on the family room TV... its after 1030am. Hmm. I call Austin's name and locate him still in our parents bedroom, hasn't moved yet. I force him to come down so I can feed him, otherwise he'll wait till he can actually hear his stomach growling before understanding that he does in fact need food. One bowl of Frosted Flakes and a half a glass of apple juice later and he's migrated to the downstairs couch, and ahhh, yes. Fairly Odd Parents. Why couldn't I just stick to 14?
After washing the cereal bowl and emptying the dishwasher I field a call from the parents, en route home from a night shopping for xmas gifts in Seattle. Mom says that they'll be home around noon, and to make sure we're up and moving because A Christmas Carol is at 2pm. AKA--- I get to break the news to Austin that he has to accompany us (the family) to the play. Needless to say this doesn't go over well. We have an inch of snow on the ground and if he goes to the play his whole day will be ruined. I try and sympathize, but fail.
On our way to the play, I'm sitting in the back in a yellow and black skirt that hits my knees (and for me, spending the majority of my time in CA these days, I agree that this is appropriate for the occasion.) That and the fact that I did not a pack anything other than 3 pairs of jeans, rely on my sister and mom to provide for me outfits for the obvious, Christmas Eve and Day dinner, and maybe one other nice outing. However, for the Lakewood rendition of A Christmas Carol, a jacket, scarf, and sweater paired with my (yes, maybe spring skirt) would do. Mental note: I am now in fact in Washington. So, of course, I have not crossed the street to the building before a (at first glance, homeless?) lady comments on how cold I must be and laughs, 'ha ha' to her friend. I don't respond. Special. Megan gives me a malicious glance and Austin chuckles. Of course, this event is put on 'repeat' three more times, one lady told me I looked like her garden, I tried to take that as a compliment. The play itself went over pretty well. dodging the occasional Junior Mint from my wonderful brother in the pitch dark, I thought it was a rock. Good thing Megan was between us.
Out of the auditorium we walk, and of course, half way through the play it began dumping snow. Now, in other circumstances I would have been thrilled but I was still in my lovely garden-esk skirt and the fresh powder posed a small problem. Nana of course thought this was hilarious and had to take my picture. Snow in the hair, heels covered in flakes, I forced a smile. Mom was right there with me, she needing balance help as well, but laughing mainly because of me, bracing myself on her right, waiting for someone to bring over a wheelchair.
We had Christmas buffet dinner at the club planned for the five of us, plus Nana and Brittany and Sierra... but the girls couldn't get from Olympia because of our lovely snow drift so it was just the six of us. We had about an hour to kill post-play and pre-dinner so I got in some Eclipse :) :) definitely a highlight. However, I was fully entertained by my brother breaking out in dance, sans- clothes (well, boxers) doing a little jig. I think he was protesting the belt? That Mom required be apart of his dinner ensemble, and Austin + belts never go over well. After a few laughs and getting a chance to borrow a pair of Mom's black pants, we were onto the next event of the evening.
5:30 seating. AKA: only people in a ballroom of, meh, maybe close to 20 tables. Austin bolted to the buffet table before any other parties arrived, and we ate with about 8 waiters watching us. Dinner goes pretty smoothly until Megan breaks out the religion questions. So, um, Nana? Lately I've just been so curious... what is the difference between Catholicism, Protestants, and Calvinists? Oh and Evangelical's? really... really?? I almost chocked on my bite of cheesecake, Mom side-noted' that maybe they should have this chat in a library. My Dad found this a convenient time to exit and 'warm up the car' Ha. He plots these things five steps ahead of everyone else, I swear. Personal goal: to try and mimic his moves so I can stay ahead too, I bet the world would seem a whole lot more predictable. Hmm.. Anyways, leave it to my sis to open a can of worms post-dessert/coffee.
Safely in the car I thought the night was over when Austin informs us that he needs us to drive to Calvin's (his friend/ 10 houses down) to borrow a book for class tomorrow. Oh and ps: he has to read 60 pages. Ha. I'm sitting there LOVING this, reveling in the fact that I am now on the other side of things. Austin gets defensive and says he didn't leave it for the last minute, he wanted to read it all on Sunday. Really Austin? hmmm.
SO that's my day thus far. But I guess it is only 8pm so additions might be necessary. Even at college, when having the best time of my life, I truly never laugh harder/as often as I do here, with my family.
I just feel bad for the significant others that the three of us will someday be bringing into our close knit quirky group. I am truly scared, I don't know if they can keep up ;)
me and my garden-esk skirt... in the snowy parking lot
me and the sibs at dinner... 530 sharp!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
home for the holidays!
It has almost been 24 hours since I've been back in cozy washington and am so happy to have 3 weeks stretched out in front of me with no classes to think about, no papers to write, and lots of family time on the horizon!
Austin and I spent the day together while the parents are up shopping in Seattle for xmas. We made sugar cookies and decorated them very festively and even brought some over to Megan while she babysat next door. We watched The Santa Clause and both fell asleep ;) and then ordered take-out from the club. Nana even stopped by to dropped off a plate she borrowed and we got to catch up! It is so nice to be in house that is so ready for the holidays. Christmas time just doesn't seem as christmas-y in california. I need the cold air, big red bows and gold ribbons, and a real 9-ft lit christmas tree to make it feel like my favorite time of year. Our house is full of wreaths, christmas lights, and santa sculptures and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Side note: I made Megan take me (I am without car for the break, my baby spending the holiday in redlands parking) to Barnes and Noble this morning to get Eclipse. On to book three!! I have been waiting to read it for two weeks because of finals and what not so I really could NOT wait another day without it. Mom and Megan are going to start on the vampire love saga as well and I know there going to understand my obsession when they experience it for themselves.
Tomorrow we're going to see The Christmas Carol and have a family dinner at the club, i'll most likely be half way through Eclipse by then (well no, but i'm emphasizing the obsession) It feels amazing to be home and I can't wait for all of our holiday traditions that are quickly approaching!!!♥
Austin and I spent the day together while the parents are up shopping in Seattle for xmas. We made sugar cookies and decorated them very festively and even brought some over to Megan while she babysat next door. We watched The Santa Clause and both fell asleep ;) and then ordered take-out from the club. Nana even stopped by to dropped off a plate she borrowed and we got to catch up! It is so nice to be in house that is so ready for the holidays. Christmas time just doesn't seem as christmas-y in california. I need the cold air, big red bows and gold ribbons, and a real 9-ft lit christmas tree to make it feel like my favorite time of year. Our house is full of wreaths, christmas lights, and santa sculptures and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Side note: I made Megan take me (I am without car for the break, my baby spending the holiday in redlands parking) to Barnes and Noble this morning to get Eclipse. On to book three!! I have been waiting to read it for two weeks because of finals and what not so I really could NOT wait another day without it. Mom and Megan are going to start on the vampire love saga as well and I know there going to understand my obsession when they experience it for themselves.
Tomorrow we're going to see The Christmas Carol and have a family dinner at the club, i'll most likely be half way through Eclipse by then (well no, but i'm emphasizing the obsession) It feels amazing to be home and I can't wait for all of our holiday traditions that are quickly approaching!!!♥
Monday, December 8, 2008
it's a delta holiday...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
...we're heading into our 20's?
Today my best friend in the whole wide world turns 20. Yes, 20. So, I'm only slightly okay with this, mainly because Lizzie turning 20 means that I'm up in less than 6 months. It seems like a big jump from the teenage years and the sheer number frightens me to death. 20 means a lot of things... being alive for 2 decades, I can legally order a drink in a year, I am no longer a teenager, it sounds older, and the difference between 19 and 20 sounds stranger, like there's a bigger gap (a gap that, I am certainly not ready to bridge.) There are many things I need to do before I turn 20 and am no where near close to completing my mental list. SO, I was thinking about it and if I'm not ready by the time april rolls around I think I'm just going to stick to 19. That sounds like a safer number and 20 just seems too old. I still like to do the same things I did when I was 16; gossip, paint my toes nails, text boys, and have americas next top model marathons... nothings really changed. And the other problem I have with the number is that I feel like responsibility will quickly follow. So I thought the whole shunning birthday's thing was going to wait until I hit my mid-30's but, here I am, not wanting to commit to this new chapter. Regardless of this internal battle, I am very excited that it's my bestie's birthday!! (And thank God it is NOT mine) ;) I am so thankful for her and everything she gives me, from impromptu care packages to staying on the phone with me while I vent for hours about trival boys issues. I love you her to death and hope she has an AMAZING day today =) wish I was there to celebrate with you! (and if it wasn't for reviews and finals I would be there!) XOXO
On another note, I finished Twilight and am now 150 pages into New Moon. Wow. Is all I have to say. Jackie went with me to see the movie last night and I'm officially stalking Edward. He is insanely gorgeous and I pretty much want to marry him. And that is a pretty bold statement considering I am extremely picky. But, yes. Well done, Edward Cullen. However, currently I am depressed at my point in New Moon, and I need Edward back in my life so I hope he comes back soon! I read whenever I get the chance, before class, walking to breakfast, before I go to bed, in the car, at delta meetings. Its a problem and my friends are constantly making me very aware of the fact that I'm always caring it around. Did you know the author, Stephanie Meyer is in the movie? In the second scene in the diner she's at the counter and they say something like here you go stephanie... anyways, interesting fact. And there are also these Team Jacob vs. Team Edward sides being taken. And I want to make it clear that I am definitely setting up camp on the Edward side, are we kidding?
Christmas time in Southern California doesn't quite strike the same chord as it does in Washington. There are no evergreens, no cold, bitter air, no houses fully decked out for the occasion. I came back from classes today in jean capri's and a t-shirt, tying a scarf around my neck just because I felt it was necessary. I just got back from my lovely rainy state and nevertheless miss it amazingly this time of year.
Another problem these Twilight books are posing; for some strange reason (and I never expected this) the books are creating a mental block for me and my own work. I sat down to write these past two nights, and nothing. I've never been the type to struggle with what to write, but when it comes to my own work, my mind is so pre-occupied with these books and their engrossing plots, I can't seem to stream line anything of my own. I am extremely annoyed that my brain does not have the creative capacity to process and produce both my own work and ♥edward cullen♥ This poses quite the problem because my final portfolio is due in Fiction next tuesday and if I don't finish New Moon by then, I'm going to burn it.
off for a run!
happy holidays!!! I'm playing christmas music starting tonight!! (Hils going to love me) haha :)
On another note, I finished Twilight and am now 150 pages into New Moon. Wow. Is all I have to say. Jackie went with me to see the movie last night and I'm officially stalking Edward. He is insanely gorgeous and I pretty much want to marry him. And that is a pretty bold statement considering I am extremely picky. But, yes. Well done, Edward Cullen. However, currently I am depressed at my point in New Moon, and I need Edward back in my life so I hope he comes back soon! I read whenever I get the chance, before class, walking to breakfast, before I go to bed, in the car, at delta meetings. Its a problem and my friends are constantly making me very aware of the fact that I'm always caring it around. Did you know the author, Stephanie Meyer is in the movie? In the second scene in the diner she's at the counter and they say something like here you go stephanie... anyways, interesting fact. And there are also these Team Jacob vs. Team Edward sides being taken. And I want to make it clear that I am definitely setting up camp on the Edward side, are we kidding?
Christmas time in Southern California doesn't quite strike the same chord as it does in Washington. There are no evergreens, no cold, bitter air, no houses fully decked out for the occasion. I came back from classes today in jean capri's and a t-shirt, tying a scarf around my neck just because I felt it was necessary. I just got back from my lovely rainy state and nevertheless miss it amazingly this time of year.
Another problem these Twilight books are posing; for some strange reason (and I never expected this) the books are creating a mental block for me and my own work. I sat down to write these past two nights, and nothing. I've never been the type to struggle with what to write, but when it comes to my own work, my mind is so pre-occupied with these books and their engrossing plots, I can't seem to stream line anything of my own. I am extremely annoyed that my brain does not have the creative capacity to process and produce both my own work and ♥edward cullen♥ This poses quite the problem because my final portfolio is due in Fiction next tuesday and if I don't finish New Moon by then, I'm going to burn it.
off for a run!
happy holidays!!! I'm playing christmas music starting tonight!! (Hils going to love me) haha :)
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