Saturday, March 29, 2008

match vs. claremont!

Today we play Claremont (Pomona Pitzer) at 11am. Biggest rivalry at our school so our coach is definately pumped to win! haha. It is one of our few away matches, I am just about to slip away for a team breakfast in a few minutes.
Last night we had dinner with Jackie's parents. It was Hilary, Lauren Jensen, Katie and I. it was delicious! We at in Riverside at the MIssion Inn and it was so good to sit down to some yummy food :) I had the halibut and we all got desserts to share.
Thursday night I had my first offical Delta function. We had "Champange and Shackles" with the Chi Rho Psi frat and it turned out to be a very fun night! The idea being you get paired with a Chi Rho Psi (by like a piece of fabric) and have to finsh a bottle of champange before you can "un-shackle" Sounds like a lot, but splitting a bottle is not hard! I think we might participated in two rounds ;)
anyways it was a very social thursday night followed by a spanish paper due for my 930 class and a math test at 11am. yes!
I love when I make those great decisions!
AND TONIGHT I GET TO SEEE... MY FAMILYYYY!!!! who are in the sky as we speak coming to stay in palm springs!!! After our match today I'm driving to see them and staying until Tuesday morning (because I have class) and then going down a few more times throughout the week. I"M SO EXCITED!!
On Thrusday, Megan and Linds are coming to Redlands and I'm going to show them arouns, take them to my classes, and get lunch etc.! Linds wants to look at Redlands for applications next year and I'm so excited to give them a tour =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wishing you all the best with your match, Lauren---remebering that your mom went to Pitzer, and I to Pomona, we'll be waiting to hear how you do, AND wishing YOU all the best in your matches! Nana