Sunday, February 24, 2008

spring break!

I'm home for spring break!! I woke up this morning and almost forgot where I was! yes, in the comfort of my own bed :)
I've never been so excited for grey skies and rain! aha. I got in yesterday around 1230ish, went to H&L with mom, took a 2hr nap, and had a delicious home cooked meal :) and watched Michael Clayton with DAD (mom... asleep but pretended she wasn't, austin passed out after 1/2hr, megan... well she just lost interest.) I thought it was a good one contrary to the majority of my fam.
This morning mom and I watched No Reservations with Cathrine Zeta Jones... so cute. Austin also came in for part of it hungry for bacon and toast... oh how things haven't changed.
THis week is so exciting because I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING PLANNED. yep, with the exception of going up to stay with Ronette at SU for a night I am a bum who is going to sleep and eat and love and cuddle with my family :D
Side note: I offically have 2 weeks of pledging under my belt. ummmhmmmm. 3 weeks to go.
scary to say but I had 10 hours of sleep under my belt from Tuesday to Friday. 10 hours. 3 nights.
I actually reached a point of exhaustion I did not know existed. To try and better my situation I decided to have my first cup of black coffee, with cream and an equal. I found it surprisingly yummy, decided to have a cup and a half more and spent most of Friday with a splitting head ache. fun!!
Tennis is going well, with the first part of our season over. We played La Verne Saturday morning (I missed it because of my flight!) and we won :) yah.

Dates to Remember:

Feb 29th -- see Ronette!!!
Mar 2nd -- leave for school
Mar 9th -- sorority presents (where each sorority and frat pledge classes come up with a 6-10 min dance and preform it in front of the greek community) no, we havent started..
Mar 19th -- Anna's Birthday!
Mar 22nd -- going active!!! delta love...
Mar 29th -- playing pomona @ claremont
Mar 30th -- see family in palm springs -- Dad's Birthday!!
Aor 4-5th -- delta formal in SANTA BARBARA
Apr 12th -- Ronette's Birthday!
Apr 25th -- my birthday!! :)

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