Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ahhh this is so late!

It has been over a week, I know! I'm just going to make this a lot easier and describe my recent happening in a list format! enjoy!

- happy holidays! 8th day on my yummy advent calendar! I go home in offically one week!
- finals are next week, and I only have one more class on monday! spanish... booo
- im slowly getting over my sickness, icky! lets pick a more convient time, huh? its turning into just a bad cough now, but last night was miserable!
- my friends and i are doing SECRET SANTA :) and I have... Ha! Im not telling!
- my no sugar before the holidays in still in effect... getting a tiny bit easier! (but advent caledar chocolates dont count, teeheehe :)
- jackie made me the most amazing "finals prep CD" i absolutely love her for it
- last night was christmas movies night! rudolph the red nose reinider and the GRINCH!
- making holiday cookies either today or tomorrow
- Honey-lemon cough drops are my new best friend!
- i have to write 2 english papers this weekend! blah!

Christmas: 17 days to go!
I hope the holidays are stress free and tons of smiles :)

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