So I'm not going to say I didn't think about it. After a semester abroad I came to a point where since I was no longer able to write about my weekend trips to Italy and Switzerland, blogging seemed pretty boring. BUT I started this as a freshman in college and I want to finish it how I envisioned. A neat 4 year summary of all of my experiences, memories, pictures, and friendships.
I don't have any pictures to share quite yet, but I do have updates.
First and foremost, last week I said hello to my last year of college. I am a senior. What in the world? Honestly, I can so vividly remember my freshman year; moving in during a 110 degree heat wave, rushing, pledging, playing tennis, meeting best friends. It seems like the saying holds true, time flies when you're having fun. And oh has it flown.
As I said before, I am pledge mom this semester and I truly CANNOT WAIT. Rush starts next week and on October 2nd I will have little delta babies to call my own.
Class wise I am swamped with what every senior goes through. Their senior capstones, final workshops, senior portfolios, blah blah blah. I only have one assignment in my final fiction workshop and that is simply to write a novel. Write a novel, the professor said, as if she were telling us to color a picture. Write a what? I asked Amy, one of my fellow English majors sitting next to me. This was announced last week during our first class so I guess I've had a week to get used to the idea but not really. Ha.
I also decided to join the 2010-2011 staff of the Redlands Review. The RR is our university's literary magazine and it is a full year commitment. I'm really excited because this is the only taste of journalism I have gotten since I've been here and I love the process of literary journalism. Everything from copy editing to layout.
I also am embarking on a new chapter in my life... yoga! I am currently going through an emotionally draining and hard break up, so I thought it is as good a time as any to make a few changes and get happy again :)
Today was my first class, 9-10:30am and I loved it! I have never EVER sweat so much in my entire life. I mean it. I was dripping, my hands were slipping on my mat, and my vision would periodically become temporarily blurred by my salty toxins as I trying to relax. Relax? I felt like someone just threw me in the pool and then laid me on this mat ON LAND. The girl next to me was lightly dabbing her face with a cool towel while I, yoga-virgin and towel-less, sent limbs and sweat flying while I tried to remain cool, calm, and collected. Oh, and breathing.
That may seem like a headache of a class but minus the profuse sweating-no towel part, it was amazing! I feel rejuvenated and ready for the day.
So there's my little post. More to come, I promise! Stick with me as I conquer senior year and finish this whole college thing up the right way :)