Only three weeks into summer and so much as already happened. Austin's graduation, running the sound of narrows, babysitting beautiful 3-year old twins Connor & Anna, the arrival of Hank, and really good family time. Summers home from college make me so happy because I really feel like I appreciate time at home more. I love the days when I never leave the house-- waking up with mom, the two of us making coffee and watching the TODAY show, our new trainer Angelina coming to kick our butts every monday and friday mornings, playing with hank and attempting to take him out on the leash, walking the golf course, baking, and reading in my pj's. I've been the biggest book worm since I've been home. Right now I'm reading Sarah Dessen's new novel,
Lock and Key and I'm already 200 pages in. Love her! I also recommend all the Emily Giffin books.. but esp. something borrowed and something blue (they are a sequence). I'm nannying for The Clark's again this summer and got a raise! woho $13 an hour! It's nice that it's my second summer with the kids because now they're a lot more comfortable with me and we can do more.
What have we already done?
Played in the POOL!
Baked Chocolate Peanut butter COOKIES!
Educated me in everything STAR WARS!
Taken a picnic to the BEACH!
and have future plans to go to the ZOO!
LJ... the fourth in our little four-some, as well as the only part of us who does not reside in WA has confirmed her plans to fly up here July 28th! She will grace us with her presence for a week and I could not be more
excited!! We have already started planning fun things (both things for rain and shine, you can never be sure!) but what ever the weather I am
My scrapbook is progressing at a steady pace, I am almost done with first semester. I bring my ipod down to the storage room and love just working alone with all my supplies, stickers, paper, and print outs. Megan said she might help me tonight work on a few spreads, something I am looking forward to because she is always so creative!
Father's Day is
T O M O R R O W! Yay for daddy's everywhere! Mine is especially special (I might be biased?) ;) LOL. BUT I am excited to celebrate Dad for everything he does for us. We just love love love him!
As my post reads, here is my summer at a glance... (so far!)

Congrats Austin!

3 peas in a pod!

Pre-race: 12K SOUND to NARROWS

Post-race: attractive huh? Time: 1hr ~7min

Look at those faces! Uh, I just wanted to be their mommy! Conner&Anna♥

Hank the tank!