Wow. Since I posted last I was on my way to see Lizzie, and here I am sitting in LJ's room in her family's house. From LA to Redlands highland, these past 6 six have been crazy/fun/hectic/hilarious and all of the above!
Friday I met up with Liz, stayed in her apartment, went out to dinner to PF Chang's with four of her close girlfriends, and went and saw He's Just Not that Into You (for the second time!) I met her 3 roommates and slept on a surprisingly comfy blowup mattress in her room. Saturday morning we woke up relatively early and the two of us and her friend Gillian went on a hike in Beverly Hills. I took lots of pictures (coming later) and we definitely worked up a sweat! After that we went to Toast, a really delicious breakfast/lunch place and had a kind of 'brunch' before we had to head back so I could shower before picking up the parents at LAX. Parents got in at 245pm, I was there closer to 315 (LA traffic stresses me out like nothing else in the WORLD... I get so grumpy and I hate it!!) I was excited to see them but more excited to hand over the drivers seat to Dad, haha. We arrived to the BH Four Seasons and got settled into our room. We went downstairs to do a little looking around and had some drinks (in my case a diet coke) and some late afternoon appetizers. That night we met Lizzie for dinner at the Ivy. Before we even sat down we ran into reporters trying to interview Warren Gene? apparently he's a rapper but I was unfamiliar.
Dinner was SO good. I had the crab and mussels and they were delicious and Liz's salmon was to die for. We also got a round of margaritas with a Russian waiter who didn't card... yay! After dinner we went to the Beverly Hills hotel where they were hosting the Oscars pre-party (Liz and I attempted, but failed to get in downstairs HA) Security was crazy! There were men in suits everywhere with little walky-talky's and ear pieces. We were disappointed that we didn't get to see Jennifer Aniston BUT we did get to hang out in the bar/lounge at the Vanity Fair party... there were gorgeous exotic women everywhere! We said goodbye to Liz and got a cab back to our hotel.
Sunday we went shopping down Rodeo Drive. Mom got meg and I matching Juicy towels and I found a dress for formal!! Its mainly creme with black beading on the bust and a black ribbon that can either be tied in a bow around my back or around my neck. Its from BCBG and I LOVE it. :) We also hit up Lacoste and got Meg a really cute light pink sweater. --also on Sunday the star-sightings began... I'll provide a list shortly.
Sunday night we went to Krustatians... so good! It is a restaurant famous for its fish so we all went the seafood route, I got the best salmon of my life! Omg. And Mom and I split this really yummy coconut cake that was incredible. That night was the Oscars so we ate later, and got to see everything except the Best Actors/Actress. But our waiter did a good job of keeping us updated :) After dinner mom and dad decided to have a drink in our hotel's lounge while I went up to sleep. I was tired of getting ID'ed and cannot wait 14 more months! ANYWAYS, while I was sleeping my parents had quite the time. Mom got a picture with Queen Latifa (I WILL POST IT LATER BUT IT REALLY IS ON MY CAMERA) and met Heath Ledger's family who accepted his Oscar on his behalf. They had drinks with his parents and sister and mom even got to hold the Oscar (she said it was really heavy!) Anyways, there's a picture of mom with the Ledger's as well. NO, I do not know how on earth she does this..
Monday we hit the Santa Monica pier. Mom had never been and it was really fun! We took scenic pictures and walked the boardwalk... I wasn't too hot but it was peaceful. We went to lunch and this (not great) Mexican place and then drove my car near the water and did a little sight seeing. Later Mom and I went and got massages!!! They were so nice, except for when the lady almost gave me a charlie-horse... but it was so relaxing :) :)
That night we were going to go out to dinner but Dad wasn't feeling great so we opted for room service and The Bachelor: The Women Tell All. We also watched Good Will Hunting and then I passed out ;)
Tuesday we had all day until check out at 330. After working out and breakfast, it was cloudy/sunny so we decided to hang by the pool for a few hours. We ate lunch in the sun and people watched. Well, judging by the clouds none of us thought it was vital to wear sunscreen (ps, we didn't have any) and it wasn't by ANY means hot out. BIG MISTAKE. I am fried. Tomato red, feel like I'm radiating heat, changing temperatures, aloe is my best friend, kinda burnt. But I did talk to mom and heard her and dad are struggling as well so GOOD. As long as I'm not suffering alone.
Ok so the star-sightings--- here it goes...
Literally did abs with Tina Fey, Said good morning with Al Roker, Mom shook hands/talked to Mickey Rourke, we had brunch next to the cast&crew of Slumdog Millionaire, partied with the Ledger's? haha... ate with Meredith from the TODAY show, dad talked to the TV host from SlumDog, SAW MARK WALBERG at brunch, I am probably forgetting someone but the list continues... it was crazy star central!!! Mom says she's definitely repeating this trip next year to add some more names to her list!
Break isn't over yet, I'm staying with LJ again tonight and then visiting the Kantor's tomorrow and will be back in Redlands Saturday. I'm having so much fun I don't want it to end!!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
SPRING BREAK: departure time t-minus 2 hours
In my room, watching friends, getting organized, cleaning, taking out the trash, starbucks with jackie, get gas, navigation, on my way to LA!!! =) Liz is a little under the weather but its only a cold, she has class till 2 so I'm going to shoot to show up there a little after. The weekend looks relatively warm... a little cooler sunday and monday. Parents get in TOMORROW!!! :) excited to pick them up at LAX... that is if I can figure out the airport system enough to find them.
Mom and I have massages planned (hopefully) and I don't think anything sounds more amazing!! (Well maybe besides seeing them, teehehe) and the Oscars are on sunday!! So mom and I get to watch those together.
Wednesday a group from Charles Wright came to tour Redlands... I met up with them and showed them my room and some of the things on campus. Megan is actually in LA at this very moment, visiting colleges in the Southern Californian area for winterim. She's meeting up with Liz this morning (maybe even as I'm writing this!) and Liz is going to show them around her school a little.
I am SO excited to see Liz and her apartment and meet her roommate Gaby! I've seen a little bit of her room over iChat but obviously that doesn't give you a great idea about what its like. She lives with three girls, all in sororities really close to campus. I was going to go nanny with her later today but the kids she watches are all a little sicky :( so maybe I'll see them on tuesday ? When I stay with her for my last night in LA.
Well, our DVR'ed friends episode just ended which means I should probably get my act together... I'll try and update at the hotel but if theres no internet I'll have to wait until tuesday! (Austin I'm thinking of you bud, the lone member who is stuck in WA, love ya!!) ♥
Mom and I have massages planned (hopefully) and I don't think anything sounds more amazing!! (Well maybe besides seeing them, teehehe) and the Oscars are on sunday!! So mom and I get to watch those together.
Wednesday a group from Charles Wright came to tour Redlands... I met up with them and showed them my room and some of the things on campus. Megan is actually in LA at this very moment, visiting colleges in the Southern Californian area for winterim. She's meeting up with Liz this morning (maybe even as I'm writing this!) and Liz is going to show them around her school a little.
I am SO excited to see Liz and her apartment and meet her roommate Gaby! I've seen a little bit of her room over iChat but obviously that doesn't give you a great idea about what its like. She lives with three girls, all in sororities really close to campus. I was going to go nanny with her later today but the kids she watches are all a little sicky :( so maybe I'll see them on tuesday ? When I stay with her for my last night in LA.
Well, our DVR'ed friends episode just ended which means I should probably get my act together... I'll try and update at the hotel but if theres no internet I'll have to wait until tuesday! (Austin I'm thinking of you bud, the lone member who is stuck in WA, love ya!!) ♥
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
valentine's day plans
Even if its still somewhat cold, Valentine's Day brought out the sun in lovely southern california :) We had our date night last night and Bret was an amazing date!! My camera is still at the house but when I get it pictures are on their way! LJ, Hilary, Grant (LJ's bf) and I just got back a little while ago from breakfast at Burgertown. I know, it might sound gross but its the best kept secret of Redlands (with the best breakfast burritos EVER.) Grant is the manager of the men's basketball team and they have an away game tonight so the three of us are going to see Slumdog Millionaire!! I've been waiting so long to see it and with the Oscars right around the corner I want to at least say I've seen a couple of the movie up for Best Picture.
I think were doing sushi before? It all depends on the crowds... and when the majority of the popular restaurants DO NOT take reservations, it causes a headache to say the least.
The fam is up at Crystal as we speak spending the long weekend skiing and having fun at the condo. I'm jealous!! But between the DELICIOUS COOKIES megan baked me, (and my roomies) the yummy body wash, shaving cream, stickers and eye shadow mom sent down and beautiful roses from dad I feel like I kind of am at home. Thank you family :) for making my room smell pretty and indulging me!!
A week from today I'll be picking up mom and dad at LAX!!! I'm so excited for a break from classes, school work in general, and getting off campus. LA seeing Liz and staying in a hotel where I can take a baatthhh... oh I get excited just thinking about it, ha!
On another note I came across this intriguing quote the other day and it has been bouncing around in my head ever since.
"Sometimes losing control is the most beautiful thing in the world."
At first I was turned off by it because I don't think I understood it, but sitting down and thinking about it, it is one of the most logical quotes I have ever tried to pick apart. Losing control; (in other words, giving in) understanding that the world doesn't work in ways that you can always control. What is meant to be will always find its way speaks in a similar way. It challenges you take a step back and enjoy the little things in life, focusing on the moments and living for significance. Because in the end, aren't moments all we have to live for?
I think were doing sushi before? It all depends on the crowds... and when the majority of the popular restaurants DO NOT take reservations, it causes a headache to say the least.
The fam is up at Crystal as we speak spending the long weekend skiing and having fun at the condo. I'm jealous!! But between the DELICIOUS COOKIES megan baked me, (and my roomies) the yummy body wash, shaving cream, stickers and eye shadow mom sent down and beautiful roses from dad I feel like I kind of am at home. Thank you family :) for making my room smell pretty and indulging me!!
A week from today I'll be picking up mom and dad at LAX!!! I'm so excited for a break from classes, school work in general, and getting off campus. LA seeing Liz and staying in a hotel where I can take a baatthhh... oh I get excited just thinking about it, ha!
On another note I came across this intriguing quote the other day and it has been bouncing around in my head ever since.
"Sometimes losing control is the most beautiful thing in the world."
At first I was turned off by it because I don't think I understood it, but sitting down and thinking about it, it is one of the most logical quotes I have ever tried to pick apart. Losing control; (in other words, giving in) understanding that the world doesn't work in ways that you can always control. What is meant to be will always find its way speaks in a similar way. It challenges you take a step back and enjoy the little things in life, focusing on the moments and living for significance. Because in the end, aren't moments all we have to live for?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
a lot to do, little time to do it!
Well, after perusing my planner today in Shakespeare, I found that I have A LOT coming up in life these next few weeks, and its all right around the corner!
Brief overview:
Friday (tomorrow) :
*barnes&noble date with myself (need to get hw done!)
*women's tennis match at 2
*pledge's community service activity from 330-530
*delta v-day date night, taking my guy friend Bret, found a slinky black strapless number in my closet, looking forward to it!
*the dreaded holiday for all who are not involved with anyone special. For me, the night will include a movie date with my friends and a cookie dough binge? we'll see...
*delta meeting 7pm
*workshop piece due!! handing it out to everyone in class, they take it home and read it, come to next class prepared to criticize the hell out of it
*World politics MID TERM
*officially SPRING BREAK!!! ♥ (I'm realizing I'm going to be quite the little traveler...)
*drive to LA in the morning to see Lizzzz!!!!!! stay the night at her apartment
*spend the day with Liz then... MOM AND DAD FLY IN--- pick them up at LAX, the four of us have dinner reservations at the Ivy :) stay with mom and dad until tuesday when they go home :(
*last day with parents, after airport drop off stay and Liz's one last night!!
*drive back to redlands... maybe stay with LJ and her family or the Kantor's? in palm springs...
--the last few days of break are somewhat up in the air as of now... the dorms are staying open becuase of the economy and students not being able to easily travel so I am thinking I will be back in the dorms Friday night at the latest and having a peaceful weekend to get things together for next week's classes.
Anyways, lots to look forward to and lots to do before I can even think about relaxing...ahhh so exciting!! :)
Brief overview:
Friday (tomorrow) :
*barnes&noble date with myself (need to get hw done!)
*women's tennis match at 2
*pledge's community service activity from 330-530
*delta v-day date night, taking my guy friend Bret, found a slinky black strapless number in my closet, looking forward to it!
*the dreaded holiday for all who are not involved with anyone special. For me, the night will include a movie date with my friends and a cookie dough binge? we'll see...
*delta meeting 7pm
*workshop piece due!! handing it out to everyone in class, they take it home and read it, come to next class prepared to criticize the hell out of it
*World politics MID TERM
*officially SPRING BREAK!!! ♥ (I'm realizing I'm going to be quite the little traveler...)
*drive to LA in the morning to see Lizzzz!!!!!! stay the night at her apartment
*spend the day with Liz then... MOM AND DAD FLY IN--- pick them up at LAX, the four of us have dinner reservations at the Ivy :) stay with mom and dad until tuesday when they go home :(
*last day with parents, after airport drop off stay and Liz's one last night!!
*drive back to redlands... maybe stay with LJ and her family or the Kantor's? in palm springs...
--the last few days of break are somewhat up in the air as of now... the dorms are staying open becuase of the economy and students not being able to easily travel so I am thinking I will be back in the dorms Friday night at the latest and having a peaceful weekend to get things together for next week's classes.
Anyways, lots to look forward to and lots to do before I can even think about relaxing...ahhh so exciting!! :)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
long weekend...
Wow. Today is sunday and it feels like it should be a tuesday for how long this weekend felt! Thursday night we had a function with Chi Rho Psi, Friday we had a get together at the delta house, Saturday we went to see He's Just Not That Into You (really funny!) and last night I went to the symphony with LJ in our chapel and stayed in and watched Mean Girls. I'm almost done with my Macbeth essay due tuesday and we have a delta meeting tonight at 7. woo! Lots of things and I am one tired girl! I went to bed around 1230am and woke up around 10am... a good 10 hours that I desperately needed!
Mom and dad come down to visit me in exactly 13 days!!! Were staying in LA (I'm visiting Liz too!!) in the Beverly Hills Four Seasons (thanks dad!!) for three nights!! :) It is also the Oscars weekend so there will be some definite star-searching!! On Saturday night were going to the Ivy for dinner and apparently that's a hot spot for the celebs so I'm keeping my fingers crossed we will see Julia Roberts or Rachael McAdams or Brad Pitt... ahhhh!!!
It is pretty gloomy here and the forecast doesn't look too promising. I guess we're getting pay back from an amazing January, blah!!
special note--you know who you are, i love you and you are in my thoughts!! a big heart is not a flaw, remember that!!
ps: pictures to come, i know its been a while!!
pss: a quote, because I feel inspirational...
"Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live." --D. Thompson
Mom and dad come down to visit me in exactly 13 days!!! Were staying in LA (I'm visiting Liz too!!) in the Beverly Hills Four Seasons (thanks dad!!) for three nights!! :) It is also the Oscars weekend so there will be some definite star-searching!! On Saturday night were going to the Ivy for dinner and apparently that's a hot spot for the celebs so I'm keeping my fingers crossed we will see Julia Roberts or Rachael McAdams or Brad Pitt... ahhhh!!!
It is pretty gloomy here and the forecast doesn't look too promising. I guess we're getting pay back from an amazing January, blah!!
special note--you know who you are, i love you and you are in my thoughts!! a big heart is not a flaw, remember that!!
ps: pictures to come, i know its been a while!!
pss: a quote, because I feel inspirational...
"Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live." --D. Thompson
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
first day at the nursery!
Today was my first day of volunteering at the nursery and I really loved it! I worked in the one year old room and it was VERY hectic to say the least. 8 one-year-olds + 3 adults = chaos. Hahaha. BUT it felt so comfortable being surrounded by a thousand rambunctious kids I really was enjoying myself. I worked 4 hours (8am-12pm). At 1130 the tot's go down for their naps so I ventured over to the other side of the room and held Logan, a six-month-old smiling, chubby little one who I held for the last half hour I was there. So darling! I didn't want to put him down (totally helped my desperate baby fix, it was getting really bad!!) One-year-olds are so great because they're not quite at the easily embarrassed stage yet so even if they have never seen you before, after 10 minutes they are crawling on you and pulling your hair. Bradley was this adorable boy who was quite the rebel who sometimes bites the others and tries to eat rocks when we go play outside. Sheleah (pronounced Shy-LEE) was another one of my favorites with pig-tails and the cutest giggle. Oh my goodness. The women who worked there are all really nice, and surprised with how well I interacted with the kids. I guess their used to volunteers who just sit there for community service hours. I know I'll look forward to going there each day and I can't way to get attached to the little munchkins :) :) and hey, its something to put on the resumé, yeah?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Today I checked my mailbox and received my acceptance letter to Salzburg for fall of 2009!!! LJ and I were both accepted and I am so excited to have one of my closest friends with me in europe for my first time!! We are told to be in Salzburg Sept. 3rd and depart back home on Dec. 16th. It's becoming more real now that I will actually be abroad for an entire semester but I am nothing but excited!!
Today it is 80 out and I wore capris and was too hot. My two classes are out of the way for the day, as well as a meeting I scheduled with my poetry professor to go over some of my work. I figured the meeting would last 30 minutes tops, but an hour and twenty minutes later we finished. Good thing I didn't make any afternoon plans!! Geez, it felt like an entire class period, just one on one. LOL
Tomorrow I start my first day of volunteering!! 8am-12pm :) :) I am really looking forward to it! Definitely stay tuned for details :) I am headed to the gym shortly, and then I have my night class at 6pm. Then delta centennial song practice following around 9ish. Tuesday's are so busy!!
Today it is 80 out and I wore capris and was too hot. My two classes are out of the way for the day, as well as a meeting I scheduled with my poetry professor to go over some of my work. I figured the meeting would last 30 minutes tops, but an hour and twenty minutes later we finished. Good thing I didn't make any afternoon plans!! Geez, it felt like an entire class period, just one on one. LOL
Tomorrow I start my first day of volunteering!! 8am-12pm :) :) I am really looking forward to it! Definitely stay tuned for details :) I am headed to the gym shortly, and then I have my night class at 6pm. Then delta centennial song practice following around 9ish. Tuesday's are so busy!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
volunteer job!!
I went in and filled out the paper work this morning, and I am starting my volunteer job at Redlands Day Nursery on Wednesday!! :) On Friday I had to go and get a TB test done, this morning went back to the health center for them to check it, and all is good. The Nursery is pretty big, and divided into rooms according to age. I'm working in the infant-24 months (I think mainly with 12 month olds) and I am SO excited!!
This weekend was a big weekend for greeks because Saturday was Bid Day!! These were the back of our shirts, "Party like its your Bid Day"

We got 10 new girls (which is amazing) and I'm so excited for them. Things didn't work out for me to take a little this semester, so I am waiting until I get back from abroad to take one. It was upsetting initially but I was reminded that things happen for a reason and I know this just wasn't my time. It's hard because LJ, hil, and Jackie are all taking ones and I was all ready to, making shirts over break and decorating things, BUT it was a sign that my little wasn't out there this semester and I can be extra helpful to the girls who are taking girls. I think this volunteer job came at just the right time because it will (hopefully) fill this extreme baby/little sis/mothering void that I am currently experiencing. Ah!
Plans are also being finalized for Megan, Mom, and Kristy to come down to watch the Pacific Life tournament with me!!! Its going to be such a fun girls weekend, there was worry that my formal might be on that weekend, but its NOT and I'm SO SO EXCITED to watch some amazing tennis with mommy and megs who I miss so much! (Oh and you too Kristy ;) )
I am also getting excited for the whole fam (boys included) to come down here for spring break to San Diego!!! :) :) When mom, dad and I went and stayed for a few nights at the Del over summer we had SO much fun and I'm so so looking forward to it.

our 10 new babies!!!

lauren and i-- she lives on my floor in north, freshman on cheer team, LOVE her!!! (there are now officially SIX Lauren's in delta!!!)
This weekend was a big weekend for greeks because Saturday was Bid Day!! These were the back of our shirts, "Party like its your Bid Day"
We got 10 new girls (which is amazing) and I'm so excited for them. Things didn't work out for me to take a little this semester, so I am waiting until I get back from abroad to take one. It was upsetting initially but I was reminded that things happen for a reason and I know this just wasn't my time. It's hard because LJ, hil, and Jackie are all taking ones and I was all ready to, making shirts over break and decorating things, BUT it was a sign that my little wasn't out there this semester and I can be extra helpful to the girls who are taking girls. I think this volunteer job came at just the right time because it will (hopefully) fill this extreme baby/little sis/mothering void that I am currently experiencing. Ah!
Plans are also being finalized for Megan, Mom, and Kristy to come down to watch the Pacific Life tournament with me!!! Its going to be such a fun girls weekend, there was worry that my formal might be on that weekend, but its NOT and I'm SO SO EXCITED to watch some amazing tennis with mommy and megs who I miss so much! (Oh and you too Kristy ;) )
I am also getting excited for the whole fam (boys included) to come down here for spring break to San Diego!!! :) :) When mom, dad and I went and stayed for a few nights at the Del over summer we had SO much fun and I'm so so looking forward to it.
our 10 new babies!!!
lauren and i-- she lives on my floor in north, freshman on cheer team, LOVE her!!! (there are now officially SIX Lauren's in delta!!!)
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